Yes Godzilla is actually in the video :-) Hey SN , latest video attached. As always thanks for the support, the comments and the subs! Any input is always welcome! Roy Hoss
(2 votes)
Yes Godzilla is actually in the video :-) Hey SN , latest video attached. As always thanks for the support, the comments and the subs! Any input is always welcome! Roy Hoss
(Old Spike)
Skip to the 6 minute mark to hear the 'secret' is zoom calls.
So now I have to avoid video calls from random sales people? No thank you.
if anybody asked me to zoom a sales call I would never work with that company. Why would I want to deal with that?
(Old Spike)
Well you're thinking of cold calling. That is pretty much dead and works horribly - I don't advocate it nor do me or any of my teams practice it.
The context of the suggestion to use video calls is for prospects that have voluntarily opted in to a call through a marketing campaign.
If they scheduled a call with our company for example looking for our digital marketing services then this advice works.
If it's a cold call trying to sell you insurance or cable then this would absolutely not work.
Thanks for the comment.
(Old Spike)
You're right. I was just angry at the 50 spam calls I get every day. Sorry.
(Old Spike)
you got 2 videos on here about cold calling and the info you give about qualifying clients is essentially cold calling. my issues is that most of the advice given in these videos seems purposefully vague as a way to make them apply to all sales when i think it only applies to advertising and life insurance. i don't feel as though it applies to sales in regards to tangible products being sold to business' who in turn sell it onto end users, either the public or another business.
(Old Spike)
Hey Dave, all good mate it'll never be me spamming you so no worries - I hate robocalls and telemarketers same as the next guy. If you didn't opt-in in some way to be contacted and you're not a business you'll never hear from me or any company I am associated with.
Hey Sal9000 Great feedback,
So for qualifying there are essentially 5 main ways to do that, mind you this is more for high ticket products and services. Its not worth the trouble for low ticket items that are under $1000 with no upsells later in the pipeline.
1. Run marketing campaigns with long form opt-in forms where they need to answer questions to book a call or to move to the next step - based on their responses you can manually or automatically qualify them.
2. You have an appointment setter, assistant entry level agent contact the lead and qualify them by phone or by text/sms. Based on their replies you move them to the next stage or disqualify them.
3. You qualify them on the call and based on replies decide if they fit reuirements to move ahead or you end the call/put them down for future followup.
4.Automate the entire funnel (i.e. courses) where they come in through a free webinar/masterclass/entry level course and then they are on an email campaign to upsell them on a more expensive campaign on the backend - the only qualification is that they have gone through the earlier offers and already understand if they qualify or not before buying in to the backend offer on their own.
5. You or a B2B appointment setting agent cold call into a business for B2B and enterprise sales and get to decision maker, then either qualify them on the spot and book an appointment for a closer/account executive to reach them or qualify them and move them through the sales process youself.
My videos primarily apply to high ticket sales and B2B sales, they definitely do not apply as much to lower ticket items or retail sales of many kinds. There are one size fits all solutions I also present but this video is not an example of that as you correctly point out.
It seems you are referring to wholesaling or selleing , can you elaborate more on what you are working on and I'll see if I can create content that would be more applicable or answer here as best I can ;-)