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puttefnask's picture

The Bidening: Take The Test November 3rd

I forgot to add this from is the official Trump youtube cahnnel!

Average: 4 (19 votes)


skeptoid's picture


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puttefnask's picture

This election...

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stokkebye's picture
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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Oh do I look forward to this dirt match!

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Woodsman's picture

In some ways I do but in some ways I don't.  The whole car crash analogy.  Tough to look away from but you don't want to watch too long.  Here in Canada it will dominate our media.  If you were a Canadian company or politcal party that wanted to get away with proverbial murder, September to November is a free pass to not be put under the microscope.  Probably why Trudeau prorogued the government until late September.  By then every Canadian will be so wrapped up in how much they hate either Trump or Biden (or both) that they will have forgotten about ANOTHER one of the Liberal Party's scandals, where Trudeau tried to funnel nearly a billion dollars to a charity with all sorts of shady dealings and legal structure that had paid his family members all sorts of money for speaking fees.  Plus Morneau had an undisclosed financial benefit from them, but they threw him under the bus to take the fall so they could put an even less economically experienced and prudent MP in his place.

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Rekon's picture

Gonna be seriously entertaining. But also serious. 

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

Hillary’s laugh at the end is the scariest part

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Seamonkey89's picture


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