This guy is a complete and total lunatic. The total embarrassment of his rambling and disjointed speeches sounds like his battle against dementia using adderall doesn't work too well.
What the fuck is going on with this guy? Sweep the floors? Anybody home? Trump sounds like that crazy old guy that everyone hopes quit driving. He will win the election because there are just too many morons in this country. What a total embarrassment.
(7 votes)
(sounds retarded)
Have you ever listened to other politicians speeches? They are a snooze fest full of dumb shit like this. Go watch some cspan and get a fucking clue! My old roommate back in the 2000's used to watch cspan and political speeches like this all the fucking time and he'd point out all the dumb shit like this. They travel all over and get little sleep, have to ramble on for 1-2 hours about bullshit that no one really cares about. I hope he does take adderall, it good shit. You just have to limit your intake to 3-4 days aweek to get good sleep. I got a freind who takes it, he's 76, and it really helps him.
(Long Spike)
LOLOL Classic defense for the idiot we have as president. That is FOX "News"-level material right there. Yeah, everyone sounds like your dear leader. His consistent 3rd graade-level speechesare just him being tired and the adderall dosage getting a little low.
(sounds retarded)
Really? Have you ever listened to Bush Jr's speeches? Now that was 3rd grade level material. Or how about Obummers speeches, a fucking snooze fest! At least our glorious leaders speeches are entertaining! Same with creepy Joe and Hoe! That fucktard cant even remember where he is half the time and full of gafes!
(Long Spike)
Obama vs Trump speeches? LOLOLOL Trump ALWAYS sounds like an idiot. I'd give him a pass if it was here and there but he sounds like a dumb 3rd grader giving book reports on books he didn't read ALL THE FUCKING TIME. I get it. Your love for your dear leader doesn't allow you to see the obvious ineptitude of Trump. You aren't alone. He will win re-election on the backs of 70 million+ morons.