never got into sam seder stuff till i watched the sam seder vs tim pool debate from last year a few days ago. tim added a clip at the start that its not about who dunks on who.... cause he gets body slammed
steven crowder was going to debate him but backed out which resulted in a the #coldfeetcrowder, kevin sorbo, tomi lahren, chris hanson and some other people called him out for it. dave rubin will not debate him. seems like a smart guy, don't know of any other guy that can make a rape joke that involved his daughter, get fired, get his job back and the business comes out and says they were wrong.
(5 votes)
(Old Spike)
You think pretty highly of Tim if you're saying that he's braver than Dave Rubin and Steven Crowder. Hey, has Sam Seder debated kevin sorbo, tomi lahren, chris hanson, elon musk, or kermit the frog?
Tim's not in this for my approval or yours, or Sam Seder's I'm pretty sure. I haven't watched his debate with sam yet because what you posted was a Packman video and I saw Tim defeat Packman in a debate. I wonder if Seder is better than Packman, who was unable to comprehend a nuanced position. He was obsessed with policy, rules, and procedure on paper as opposed to reality on the ground. I'm sure I'll get around to it.
Right now there's no point doing anything other than waiting for a decision on our doom. It's one that Americans will make for us, sal. These trolls indicate you're as worried about it as I am, whatever you front. One possible upside of a Biden win - maybe Tulsi hops over to the Republican side and grabs it with Rand that way, assuming America is still even pretending to be a democracy.
(Old Spike)
''assuming America is still even pretending to be a democracy''
most Americans dont even know what a republic is...
They just vote because they are racist
(Old Spike)
Not braver, just more deluded. Also he understands that the pooltards don't care if he is not coming out on top, they will find a "good excuse" for this, just like trumptards and alexjonestards.
(Old Spike)
i don't care for tim pool myself and skip through most of his videos. i watch them because he brings up interesting information that often isn't covered elsewhere. his video are more kind of retweeting stuff that's going on and what others have argued one way or the other rather than just opinion.
(Old Spike)
Yeah all he does is read news articles and give his opinion about them, covering issues that you may not be aware of while applying the classic filter of traditional reporting ethics combined with his own editorialization. Frequently his editorial aspect is his criticism of the lack of traditional reporting ethics in a particular piece. One of the things that he's been criticized about is the fact that he doesn't take a position. Once he declared that he was voting Trump I made note of that and applied to my own filter because he's now invested and therefore there will be an increased level of even unconscious bias on his part when he's giving his opinion. Of course I tend to agree with him that we're headed into an extremely dark period. Although I don't think Tim understands the root cause as well as he could.
(Old Spike)
extremely dark period? we talking nuclear winter or chuck norris thousand years of darkness?
(Long Spike)
hmm... doesn't seem it is worth my time.
15 minutes in, lefty is saying you can extort people without them knowing they are being extorted. Yeeeaahhhh, I am done.