Nightmare Scenario - Who's to blame?

skeptoid's picture

The Election: Who To Blame?!

68 million white supremacist black people, hispanics and white people are to blame. Clearly.

Average: 1.8 (5 votes)


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I tell you who:


  1. the smpotus for not initiating a change in the voting system while he was in charge for 4 years
  2. the not so retarded american voter that decided they want to have another 4 years of america destroying their international relations and a good chunk (the low income one) of themselves.

Still whatever happens it is going to be either more comedy trickling in over 4 years or a few months of hardcore comedy...


So in any case, I'll be like:


spiced up with a few



Gonna be goooooood, if one isn't a US resident.

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skeptoid's picture

You're practically see-through. Repent son.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Again: what for?

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