they were asked why it was stolen


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Did I or did I not predict this hardcore comedy if Biden wins by a small but undeniable margin? 

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

:) Hell i thought republicans where going to steal the elections.. they are still trying even

But hey i understand if you spend 25 bucks on a hat and one day you cant wear it anymore, i would be angry to

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Dagambit's picture

^ haha foreigners

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skeptoid's picture

Very noticeable pattern here sal. You can rely on CNN to find the weakest and best misinterpretations of the credible election concerns and air them, and I can rely on you to post their shit here at this particular time, and I can rely on a cadre of idiots to think a credible point of some kind is being made in the video. I'm just about to post a new Scott Adams video that would really help with your sense-making apparatus. He's got your number, sorry to say.


You know, Jimmy Dore provides a regular digest of the very worst the establishment you're propping up can produce. It doesn't end - he uses twitter. There are no less than four Spiked Nationals who do nothing but look for Dore's content on the new page and give it one star - that's how devestating his museum of establishment depravity can be. But you know what I noticed? Almost every single one of the specimens he trots out is almost always a rich, elite, "educated" and urbanly sophisticated Ivory Tower closet racist who looks down on poor, rural white trash. Go fuckin' figure eh?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

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skeptoid's picture

And you've got nothing. How does it feel to know that intelligent and dispassionate observers like Scott Adams are predicting you're behavior in great detail without ever having met you?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i doubt mr scott "republicans are going to be hunted" adams predicted people like me. i can look at people and i know them. how they act and what they say is just a show for everyone else. i'm the fucking lizard king

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well he either "got you" by his comedic act or is on a similar level insane as you. Both are not making you be seen in a favourable light, to put it mildly, but of course we knew that already.


Adams has often commented on political matters, although in 2016 he wrote on his blog "I don't vote and I am not a member of a political party."[36] In 2007, he suggested that Michael Bloomberg would make a good presidential candidate.[37] Before the 2008 presidential election he said, "On social issues, I lean Libertarian, minus the crazy stuff",[38] but said in December 2011 that, if he were president, he would do whatever Bill Clinton advised him to do because that "would lead to policies that are a sensible middle ground".[39] On October 17, 2012, he wrote "while I don't agree with Romney's positions on most topics, I'm endorsing him for president".[40] In a blog post from September 2017, Adams described himself as being "left of Bernie, but with a preference for plans that can work".[41]

In 2015, although Adams stated that he would not endorse a candidate for the 2016 elections, he repeatedly praised Donald Trump's persuasion skills, especially on his blog,[42][43] extensively detailing what he called Trump's "talent stack",[44] the then-candidate's unusual skill set combination. Adams predicted that Trump would win the Republican nomination and the general election.[45]

Of the 2016 Democratic National Convention, he said the following: "If you're an undecided voter, and male, you're seeing something different. You're seeing a celebration that your role in society is permanently diminished. And it's happening in an impressive venue that was, in all likelihood, designed and built mostly by men."[46] Adams said that he temporarily endorsed Hillary Clinton out of fear for his own life, stating that he had received direct and indirect death threats ("Where I live, in California, it is not safe to be seen as supportive of anything Trump says or does. So I fixed that.").[47] In late September, however, Adams switched his endorsement from Clinton to Trump. Among his primary reasons for the switch were his respect for Trump's persuasion skills over Clinton's, Clinton's proposal to raise the inheritance tax, and his concerns over Clinton's health.[48] Adams states that being labelled a 'Donald Trump apologist' ended his public speaking career and reduced his income by about 40%.[47]

On July 1, 2020, Adams predicted that Republicans would be hunted if Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election.[49]

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