Some learn the hard way...

daftcunt's picture

KAREN changes tune after her family devastated by covid-19

Don't trust "them" because "they" are after you? Or "they want to "control" you by making you wearing masks? Or because the scientists get a huge share from every mask sold or every vaccine made?


Go and fuck yourself!

Average: 4.1 (14 votes)


scott5017's picture

thoughts and prayers.

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skeptoid's picture

Are the people who commit suicide because they've lost everything or can't handle the psychological stress of the media onslaught regarding covid and the various rules they're being forced to obey learning a lesson the hard way? Or are they learning a lesson the easy way?


Everyone's got a story. My ex-wife's grandmother got covid at age 98 and she just celebrated her 99th birthday. she was in the old folks home in elmont where the breakout happened. My friend Mike committed suicide. He was troubled but all of this nonsense put him over the edge.


There's a master lesson in all of this that all of us are going to have to learn the hard way, again, and the lesson is just beginning.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Nice story bro, you don't have an ex wife, not even an ex girlfriend.


The suicide stories are as bad as the majority of them are made up and you CANNOT blame the people that actually follow the recommendations for their deaths. If nothing would have been done more would ha ve died. Keep on believeing you (and your loved ones) are immune, keep on believeing they would not be affected by overwhelmed emergency rooms in the same way you believe crowder is a credible source of information.

Keep on believeing "THEY" (whoever they are) do this to control you.....




Go and get help! You really need it!

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boldfart's picture



I am assuming that was your only facebook friend and the pretend suicide was just a ploy to stop having contact with you.

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SpikedLegend's picture
Beta Tester

Seek help, sir.

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