lol, why the fuck do you care? your kind hates muslims.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You're the established bigot here.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
And why would that be?
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
What proof do you have that I hate Muslims?
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
"Also why fundamentalist Islam could pose a threat to the western world is because of votes. If they keep immigrating, keep being granted citizenships, over a few generations they could outnumber our native population. Since they never stop having kids."
i'm not sure how to take that. it sounds like something a white nationalist would say
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
You think long and hard about that.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Shutdowns do pull the numbers of infections and deaths down, but you dont believe in that, it is scientificaly proven
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
I'll tell you what is scientifically proven. If you cut off a virus' food supply, it will struggle. Struggle triggers evolution. Evolution causes mutation. We have three strains of covid now because of this lock down shit.
Now, let's say it did save lives, It's destroying millions more. How many businesses are up in smoke? Now that we have given up some personal liberty, the government is just going to take more. Where do YOU draw the line on what's an acceptable sacrifice?
"Oh, but we are stopping people from dying."
We all bloody die.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
you still think this?
"I believe in grand design and evolution as it's tool. I believe a creator exists, but not as a man in the sky, but more as an omniscient mind, and we are it's dream that it lives through. If evolution were truely random and not intelligently designed, we would all be a blob of shit without definition. Yet evolution and it's gifts and abilities seem to adapt well and work as we need."
Every time you sneeze on a table the virus is in trouble...
Plus the virus is still transmittable even if you have antibody's you can still be a carrier a few times later on meaning the virus can still reproduce in small amounts till it is killed, you say that we need more ppl closer together
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
How many people do you know died of covid with no other health concerns?
I have known zero that died. and I knew 1 person that had it, and was A-symptomatic.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
just say what you mean. any action someone takes that has a 1% chance of killing someone, should be allowed
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Like driving a car?
I'm very clear about what I mean.
Lockdown's are destroying our communities and tearing apart families in favor of the state. The state has done it through duping you into protecting the herd.
This another reason that conervatives and progressives can't agree. Because progressives are constantly being exploited through their weaknesses of compassion for everything. They give too many fucks, and not nearly enough about the most important things being taken from them. Your personal autonomy.
As long as you value life above freedom you will always be exploited by the most ruthless people. The type that will hold your kids hostage, make you do bad things (Like support giving up everyone's rights.) Then after you have been good and done your job, they'll kill your family laughing. Or even better, they'll always push that button to support them in gaining more power.
This is historical playbook shit. You don't understand what you are helping allow our governments to do.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
no, you're not very clear about what you mean.
i'm not sure whats your view of reality is, but i live in a community thats in a second lockdown, i don't see any destruction going on or families being torn apart.
both big paragraphs are conspiracies
mostly everyone values life above freedom. it's in a way. the only reason any of us on this planet are here. your parents didnt need to have kids. they went with life over freedom. blacks and women didn't have the same freedoms for hundreds of years. we still have them. they stuck it out. pretty sure history will show you that we, as a species are willing to lose alot of freedom for the value of life.
if this was tuberculosis, would we be having this same convo?
just imagine all the things you could do because it might only kill 1% of the population.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Do you honestly expect an authortarian take over to be obvious and sudden?
Do all the bad guys stand on the corner twirling their mustache telling the world about all the bad things they are doing?
And your arguement is stupid, Coats have the immediate benefit of making you feel warm. (I can't believe I had to explain to you how a coat works.)
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
This thread is getting funnier and funnier. There is hope there will be good entertainment after the trump era after all.....
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Did you really think the America 1st movement was going to stop that easily?
Trump wasn't the cause. He was just the catylyst that channeled what half the nation wanted.
The last thinng the establishment wants is to break it's pocket book or power seizure to uphold American. No, Human values.
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Dude (Old Spike)
So now you are saying that the virus is a hoax? or that it only kills ppl who are weak, i had it and it is no joke, 1 i know died of it, you would infect your own parents, and probably kill them in the proces
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
So now you are saying that the virus is a hoax? No. What we will never know is if it was released on purpose or just through incompetence.
What we do know is China lied and people died. The whole world is still paying into them. Fascist Joe is jumping back on board with the dick sucking. China is on the verge of collapse, and we need to keep pushing to make their shitty system fail. And we need to do this now. Not in 4 years when the emperor comes back to wipe the ass of the Joe/Kam presidency, after they spent four years artificially breathing into china.
What I am saying, is that this virus is not worth destroying society over. It's not some rampant flesh eating gas blanketing the planet. It's closer to the average flu season. Very infectious. Not very lethal compared to a whole host of ailments we have coped with for millenia.
Even the military calls it a high functioning flu for the majority of the population.
During the first couple months it made sense to respect this virus, because we still didn't know what it was capable of and we kept hearing terrifying shit about it. Long term it's not that bad. The panick is far worse than this disease.
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Dude (Old Spike)
I agree the panic is bigger but the shutdown is needed to protect the elder and weak
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
They can take care of themselves, and we can help take care of them, by staying away when possible, or helping arrange deliveries.
Many elders want to see their families more than anything. My grandmother is 91, and she hates all of this "Fuss" as she politetly calls it.
Her health has been dclining sharply with her spirit. When I saw her last year, I felt strongly that she would see 100. Now I'm not sure. It's because of the virus, but more our societies response to it, than the virus itself.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"....because of this lock down shit."
Shit like this makes me wonder whether you are for real or just pretending to be retarded and are actually trolling us.
(Short Spike)
Yaawnn inverted conservatism...fucking blah blah
(Old Spike)
lol, why the fuck do you care? your kind hates muslims.
(Old Spike)
You're the established bigot here.
(Old Spike)
And why would that be?
(Old Spike)
What proof do you have that I hate Muslims?
(Old Spike)
"Also why fundamentalist Islam could pose a threat to the western world is because of votes. If they keep immigrating, keep being granted citizenships, over a few generations they could outnumber our native population. Since they never stop having kids."
i'm not sure how to take that. it sounds like something a white nationalist would say
(Old Spike)
You think long and hard about that.
(Old Spike)
Shutdowns do pull the numbers of infections and deaths down, but you dont believe in that, it is scientificaly proven
(Old Spike)
I'll tell you what is scientifically proven. If you cut off a virus' food supply, it will struggle. Struggle triggers evolution. Evolution causes mutation. We have three strains of covid now because of this lock down shit.
Now, let's say it did save lives, It's destroying millions more. How many businesses are up in smoke? Now that we have given up some personal liberty, the government is just going to take more. Where do YOU draw the line on what's an acceptable sacrifice?
"Oh, but we are stopping people from dying."
We all bloody die.
(Old Spike)
you still think this?
"I believe in grand design and evolution as it's tool. I believe a creator exists, but not as a man in the sky, but more as an omniscient mind, and we are it's dream that it lives through. If evolution were truely random and not intelligently designed, we would all be a blob of shit without definition. Yet evolution and it's gifts and abilities seem to adapt well and work as we need."
(Old Spike)
who spilled that retarded supremacist shit?
(Old Spike)
<iframe width="640" height="360" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border: none;" src=""></iframe>
(Old Spike)
Every time you sneeze on a table the virus is in trouble...
Plus the virus is still transmittable even if you have antibody's you can still be a carrier a few times later on meaning the virus can still reproduce in small amounts till it is killed, you say that we need more ppl closer together
(Old Spike)
How many people do you know died of covid with no other health concerns?
I have known zero that died. and I knew 1 person that had it, and was A-symptomatic.
(Old Spike)
just say what you mean. any action someone takes that has a 1% chance of killing someone, should be allowed
(Old Spike)
Like driving a car?
I'm very clear about what I mean.
Lockdown's are destroying our communities and tearing apart families in favor of the state. The state has done it through duping you into protecting the herd.
This another reason that conervatives and progressives can't agree. Because progressives are constantly being exploited through their weaknesses of compassion for everything. They give too many fucks, and not nearly enough about the most important things being taken from them. Your personal autonomy.
As long as you value life above freedom you will always be exploited by the most ruthless people. The type that will hold your kids hostage, make you do bad things (Like support giving up everyone's rights.) Then after you have been good and done your job, they'll kill your family laughing. Or even better, they'll always push that button to support them in gaining more power.
This is historical playbook shit. You don't understand what you are helping allow our governments to do.
(Old Spike)
no, you're not very clear about what you mean.
i'm not sure whats your view of reality is, but i live in a community thats in a second lockdown, i don't see any destruction going on or families being torn apart.
both big paragraphs are conspiracies
mostly everyone values life above freedom. it's in a way. the only reason any of us on this planet are here. your parents didnt need to have kids. they went with life over freedom. blacks and women didn't have the same freedoms for hundreds of years. we still have them. they stuck it out. pretty sure history will show you that we, as a species are willing to lose alot of freedom for the value of life.
if this was tuberculosis, would we be having this same convo?
just imagine all the things you could do because it might only kill 1% of the population.
(Old Spike)
Do you honestly expect an authortarian take over to be obvious and sudden?
Do all the bad guys stand on the corner twirling their mustache telling the world about all the bad things they are doing?
And your arguement is stupid, Coats have the immediate benefit of making you feel warm. (I can't believe I had to explain to you how a coat works.)
(Old Spike)
This thread is getting funnier and funnier. There is hope there will be good entertainment after the trump era after all.....
(Old Spike)
Did you really think the America 1st movement was going to stop that easily?
Trump wasn't the cause. He was just the catylyst that channeled what half the nation wanted.
The last thinng the establishment wants is to break it's pocket book or power seizure to uphold American. No, Human values.
(Old Spike)
So now you are saying that the virus is a hoax? or that it only kills ppl who are weak, i had it and it is no joke, 1 i know died of it, you would infect your own parents, and probably kill them in the proces
(Old Spike)
So now you are saying that the virus is a hoax? No. What we will never know is if it was released on purpose or just through incompetence.
What we do know is China lied and people died. The whole world is still paying into them. Fascist Joe is jumping back on board with the dick sucking. China is on the verge of collapse, and we need to keep pushing to make their shitty system fail. And we need to do this now. Not in 4 years when the emperor comes back to wipe the ass of the Joe/Kam presidency, after they spent four years artificially breathing into china.
What I am saying, is that this virus is not worth destroying society over. It's not some rampant flesh eating gas blanketing the planet. It's closer to the average flu season. Very infectious. Not very lethal compared to a whole host of ailments we have coped with for millenia.
Even the military calls it a high functioning flu for the majority of the population.
During the first couple months it made sense to respect this virus, because we still didn't know what it was capable of and we kept hearing terrifying shit about it. Long term it's not that bad. The panick is far worse than this disease.
(Old Spike)
I agree the panic is bigger but the shutdown is needed to protect the elder and weak
(Old Spike)
They can take care of themselves, and we can help take care of them, by staying away when possible, or helping arrange deliveries.
Many elders want to see their families more than anything. My grandmother is 91, and she hates all of this "Fuss" as she politetly calls it.
Her health has been dclining sharply with her spirit. When I saw her last year, I felt strongly that she would see 100. Now I'm not sure. It's because of the virus, but more our societies response to it, than the virus itself.
(Old Spike)
"....because of this lock down shit."
Shit like this makes me wonder whether you are for real or just pretending to be retarded and are actually trolling us.