Forget Reality Podcast Interview with SF Editor Karl Johanson: Moss Whelan's Forget Reality Podcast, interviewing Neo-opsis Science Fiction Magazine's editor Karl Johanson. Reposted here with permission. BCSFA is the British Columbia Science Fiction Association, which has been running since the early 1970s. I interrupted Moss by accident a few times. There was a slight delay, so a few times I didn't hear his question or point until I was already talking. Sorry Moss! : ) The discussion includes: -Advice to writers. -The start of Neo-opsis, and changes over time ( -Neo-opsis' art editor and assistant editor Stephanie Ann Johanson. -Neo-opsis artists including, Dan, O'Driscoll, Greg Huges, Adrian Kleinberg, Murray Vincent, Janice Blaine, Jim Beveridge, Ron Sanders, Christina Price. -Science fiction and fantasy writers Dave Duncan and Robert Silverberg. -Fanzines: Trekada, Canadian Fandom, New Canadian Fandom, The Maple Leaf Rag, MLR, Under the Ozone Hole, Raspberry Drinkzine. -Zine producers: John W. Herbert, Robert Runte, Garth Spencer, Micheal Skeet, Paula Johanson, E. B. Klassen, Ron Curry, Karl Johanson. -On Spec Magazine ( -Worldcon 89 at Myles Bos' House. -Science fiction conventions. -VCon ( Vancouver BC science fiction convention. -Aurora Awards.
Interview with science fiction Editor Karl Johanson
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(Old Spike)