Good for her. I don't expect her to win against such a giant, but I'm glad she's doing something about it. Hit them in the money, if not troll them in court until your pocket book can't take it.
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LaSkazok (Member)
Не сочтите за наглость. Просто как-то неудобно спрашивать, но рискну.
Хочу своему сыну подарить игрушку [url=]Набор для выращивания кристалов[/url]
Просто не уверена, что пацану 7-ми лет она понравиться.
Что думаете?
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subroutine (Old Spike)
is this satire?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
This is a parody, right? Please let this be a parody. Oh boy, it ain't.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
Step one, Get rid of iPhone (you shouldn't have one anyway), get an Android like a proper citizen.
Step two, Cancel Twitter, and Facebook accounts, stop watch the media, find a non-bias news source stay informed.
Step three, you cannot just keep printing money with no consequence. Start investing in gold / silver currency.
Step four, Get out of your house, see people enguage in person. Social interaction is important.
Step five, get involved, local clubs, political or otherwise.
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sato (Old Spike)
mostly but the idea that gold or silver is inherently valuable is fallacious. value is based on necessity, and rarity doesn't equal need. a lot of things are rarer than gold but aren't more valuable. the gold (and silver) standard is just a traditional holdover that has no meaning unless people agree gold has value, which is just the same as people agreeing that paper money has value anyway.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Kind of. Gold has more potential than paper. Paper is static. Buying power is not.
Gold works best as a wealth bank protected against inflation as long as it's gold, it's once you cash out you recieve the benefits or consequences.
Silver is good inflation secured spending money. Again when you cash out determines what it's worth to you in context of your life situation vs market.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
While I agree with your statement, I would say over the last 500 years or maybe even more, when paper money fails or the "new currency" through inflation, gold and silver are always fell back upon as agreed currency. It is a safer bet, if the dollar starts to become hyperinflated to go with gold/silver than say, bitcoin. IMO
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Facebook accounts
Pro tip. If you want to disappear. Unfriend everyone and spam porn.
(Old Spike)
Good for her. I don't expect her to win against such a giant, but I'm glad she's doing something about it. Hit them in the money, if not troll them in court until your pocket book can't take it.
(Old Spike)
is this satire?
(Old Spike)
This is a parody, right? Please let this be a parody. Oh boy, it ain't.
(Long Spike)
Step one, Get rid of iPhone (you shouldn't have one anyway), get an Android like a proper citizen.
Step two, Cancel Twitter, and Facebook accounts, stop watch the media, find a non-bias news source stay informed.
Step three, you cannot just keep printing money with no consequence. Start investing in gold / silver currency.
Step four, Get out of your house, see people enguage in person. Social interaction is important.
Step five, get involved, local clubs, political or otherwise.
(Old Spike)
mostly but the idea that gold or silver is inherently valuable is fallacious. value is based on necessity, and rarity doesn't equal need. a lot of things are rarer than gold but aren't more valuable. the gold (and silver) standard is just a traditional holdover that has no meaning unless people agree gold has value, which is just the same as people agreeing that paper money has value anyway.
(Old Spike)
Kind of. Gold has more potential than paper. Paper is static. Buying power is not.
Gold works best as a wealth bank protected against inflation as long as it's gold, it's once you cash out you recieve the benefits or consequences.
Silver is good inflation secured spending money. Again when you cash out determines what it's worth to you in context of your life situation vs market.
(Long Spike)
While I agree with your statement, I would say over the last 500 years or maybe even more, when paper money fails or the "new currency" through inflation, gold and silver are always fell back upon as agreed currency. It is a safer bet, if the dollar starts to become hyperinflated to go with gold/silver than say, bitcoin. IMO
(Old Spike)
Facebook accounts
Pro tip. If you want to disappear. Unfriend everyone and spam porn.