his name is covid


stokkebye's picture

Fat fuck needs a 2x4 upside the head!

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you don't walk around with a 2x4, unless...HOOOOOO


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n0val33t's picture
front page

 Now if you said 2x4 down his throat we be talking. As for bashing, I recommend 2x2.


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Dagambit's picture

easy to be an asshole when you get to hide your whole face, then like a hypocrit, he doesn't stand 6 feet away from the other guy and shakes his hand. 

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stokkebye's picture

Its a bullies wet dream to be able to bully people and physically harm when you have the support of the mob. Fat fuck needs a 2x4 upside the head for re-education!

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AMWhy's picture

If there were more fat fucks and less maskless dicks, the US wouldn't be the covid capital of the world.

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Dagambit's picture

Covid capitol of the world, that is pretty funny. I would like to see China's real numbers please. How many people are there in China like 1 billion? We have about 330million. Plus, Infection does not equal death toll. Remove peice of shit New York from our list and watch how quickly we fall from our accused standing. 

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