Even the FBI has had to admit the riots were pre-planned. Trump was still giving his December 6th speech while the Capitol Building was being invaded. Subsequently, they've identified a CNN photojournalist as having teamed up with one of the insurectionists, John Earl Sullivan. He is a BLM activist, and he's accused of having given weapons to regular people at the protest, talking police into leaving their post, and even goading Ashli Barritt into climbing through the window that resulted in her execution-style murder.
There were tens of thousands of Trump supporters there that day. Most stayed outside of the Capitol Building and only wanted to protest their vote being stolen. It was some Antifa/BLM types goading a few boomer dumbshits into the building that resulted in the chaos. This event was coordinated.
These are not Trump supporters. This is hard proof that the "storming" of the capitol was a complete setup. pic.twitter.com/PsQyObyCtV
that john guy's been kicked out of both antifa and blm. https://twitter.com/RebellionBaby/status/1331902008765206528. i can't remember where i saw the tweets from blm but some of the stuff about him getting kicked out goes as far back as 2019. you also got clips of him talking at trump ralies/proud boy rallies last year.
so he talked cops down from there post and conviced dumbass to jump thru the window... is he a jedi? do all blacks have this power of persuasion? but serisously. if this was planned, why send a black guy? does trumps fan base look to them for battle orders when it comes to riots?
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Maxpower (Old Spike)
The cops also condoned people being in the buidling, even motioning them towards it, as I showed in an earlier post. There are selfies with these police, as well as other vids of people in the camber being peacefully escorted out. John Sullivan appeared with another woman who had worked for CNN, Jade Sacker, in his interview with Anderson Cooper. Why would a spontaneously instigated riot by our president have started while he was still speaking to a rally of his supporters elsewhere? Why would one of the instigators of bad behavior on behalf of Trump be doing so with a CNN-employed collaborator? Have you watched CNN within the last 4-5 years?
Also, you gotta wonder why this riot is being so condemned when the Kavanugh hearings had similar protestor breaches, one including a group ambushing Jeff Flake in an elevator, and the protest of Nancy Pelosi that Ocasio-Cortez coordinated outside her offices? How are these people not insurrectionists that need the full attention of the FBI? Is free speech, including the freedom to protest, a right only extended to the left?
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
are we lumping all cops together? they are individuals. 2 off duty cops from virginia were charged over the riot. as for cops motioning them in. i don't know about that. i don't know the strategy behind it. makes sense if it was a planned retreat. easier to defend the capitol inside the hallways then it is to defend the perimeter of the capitol. could argue that its also de-escalating the situation once government offials were squared away. police have been known to plant bricks in the path of blm protests. its better they get it out on the way to a place rather than once they get there.
you're always going to have press in just about every protest or riot. you also get paid for them showing you're video. so instead of only gettin a couple of hundred bucks. that chick who used to work at cnn probably got him a few thousand.
comparing riots, look at the context.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
This is getting better by the day.....
I bet she is one of those maga maggots that that likes to call people she doesn't agree with "sheeple"!
"Someone told me to do illegal things, so I did and now I want a pardon and if possible compensation for loss of business!"
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Maxpower (Old Spike)
The degenerates who destroyed locally owned small businesses had celebrity and mult-billion dollar sponsors bailing them out of jail.
But sure...keep believing they were the underdogs fighting for the little guy. Voice of the unheard. Blah, blah, blah.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
So these degenerates were actually charged and are waiting for a trial only someone bailed them out? What is your complaint then?
The alt right can also bail out their own degenerates featuring "room temperature" IQ like this "lady". Open a fucking kick starter and donate if this is so close to your heart. You'll get it back if she doesn't break the rules, don't you.
But she doesn't want bail, she wants a PARDON!
Bannon got pardon btw. This will be way more interesting.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
Lock her up! She doesn't represent the movement.
See how I can disavow people that do things you don't agree with.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
that john guy's been kicked out of both antifa and blm. https://twitter.com/RebellionBaby/status/1331902008765206528. i can't remember where i saw the tweets from blm but some of the stuff about him getting kicked out goes as far back as 2019. you also got clips of him talking at trump ralies/proud boy rallies last year.
so he talked cops down from there post and conviced dumbass to jump thru the window... is he a jedi? do all blacks have this power of persuasion? but serisously. if this was planned, why send a black guy? does trumps fan base look to them for battle orders when it comes to riots?
(Old Spike)
The cops also condoned people being in the buidling, even motioning them towards it, as I showed in an earlier post. There are selfies with these police, as well as other vids of people in the camber being peacefully escorted out. John Sullivan appeared with another woman who had worked for CNN, Jade Sacker, in his interview with Anderson Cooper. Why would a spontaneously instigated riot by our president have started while he was still speaking to a rally of his supporters elsewhere? Why would one of the instigators of bad behavior on behalf of Trump be doing so with a CNN-employed collaborator? Have you watched CNN within the last 4-5 years?
Also, you gotta wonder why this riot is being so condemned when the Kavanugh hearings had similar protestor breaches, one including a group ambushing Jeff Flake in an elevator, and the protest of Nancy Pelosi that Ocasio-Cortez coordinated outside her offices? How are these people not insurrectionists that need the full attention of the FBI? Is free speech, including the freedom to protest, a right only extended to the left?
(Old Spike)
are we lumping all cops together? they are individuals. 2 off duty cops from virginia were charged over the riot. as for cops motioning them in. i don't know about that. i don't know the strategy behind it. makes sense if it was a planned retreat. easier to defend the capitol inside the hallways then it is to defend the perimeter of the capitol. could argue that its also de-escalating the situation once government offials were squared away. police have been known to plant bricks in the path of blm protests. its better they get it out on the way to a place rather than once they get there.
you're always going to have press in just about every protest or riot. you also get paid for them showing you're video. so instead of only gettin a couple of hundred bucks. that chick who used to work at cnn probably got him a few thousand.
comparing riots, look at the context.
(Old Spike)
This is getting better by the day.....
I bet she is one of those maga maggots that that likes to call people she doesn't agree with "sheeple"!
"Someone told me to do illegal things, so I did and now I want a pardon and if possible compensation for loss of business!"
(Old Spike)
The degenerates who destroyed locally owned small businesses had celebrity and mult-billion dollar sponsors bailing them out of jail.
But sure...keep believing they were the underdogs fighting for the little guy. Voice of the unheard. Blah, blah, blah.
(Old Spike)
So these degenerates were actually charged and are waiting for a trial only someone bailed them out? What is your complaint then?
The alt right can also bail out their own degenerates featuring "room temperature" IQ like this "lady". Open a fucking kick starter and donate if this is so close to your heart. You'll get it back if she doesn't break the rules, don't you.
But she doesn't want bail, she wants a PARDON!
Bannon got pardon btw. This will be way more interesting.
(Long Spike)
Lock her up! She doesn't represent the movement.
See how I can disavow people that do things you don't agree with.