Best American Cheese Burger that sells 400 a day! Korean street food


stokkebye's picture

I'll take the satan burger please!

Sorta lost me on the "flattening into a pancake" part. Looks yummy as fuck! Any place that makes their own food from scratch is usually pretty good. Most restaurants around me get lazy and order all their stuff pre-made from restaurant suppliers.



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subroutine's picture
front page

smashed burger with the right cheese = godlike. makes the meat crispy af

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Fucking hell, no onion shortage in Korea, it seems. 

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Dagambit's picture

Looks great! 

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Pdub's picture

Costco cheese, wow.  No bacon?  That sauce they made for the fries looks amazing.  I wonder what that off-white sauce on some of the buns is.  That American cheeseburger was $5 US.

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