The fight against seat belts

sal9000's picture

The fight against seat belts 1984

we don't know the long term effects of seat belts

Average: 4.2 (5 votes)


flynn's picture

ooohhh very libertarian

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Pantysoaker's picture
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no school bus in the US has seatbelts but kids saftey is the #1 priority in schools. seatbelts have been proven worthless.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

makes me wonder how often a school bus is in an accident. guessing its probably less than any other motored vehicle. everyone can see it and its the last thing anyone wants to hit, almost like you would put the car in the ditch before rear ending a bus

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flynn's picture

Tickets from seatbealt laws are a good source of government revenue.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Antivax/anti-authority folks, Sal might be too nice to point out the parallels with our present day situation directly here,.. but I'm not. At least back then, your defending your freedom only got you yourself killed.  Figure it out.


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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

have you heard of leaky seat belts? seat belts that don't kill the occupents can evolve into more dangerous seat belts

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Even worse, the longer you don't put on your seatbelt, the clock runs out and the more ineffective everyone else's seatbelt gets,  forcing them to get re-seatbelted.


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skeptoid's picture

You haven't watched this yet have you?

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

So credible the only play he could get was on a failed comedian's podcast, eh? Not interested.

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skeptoid's picture

^ This guy hasn't watched it either, and I suspect he's a troll along the lines of the danman variants we've seen in the past. All of his argument break down essentially to an appeal to demonstrably illigitemate authority, which is very CCP-esque.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

So you're handing out commie badges now. Nice.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Excellent find!

Idiots vicitimising themselves, just like anti maskers or anti vaxxers.


Where do you want to stop? You already have to have a license to drive, so don't give me your "freedom" bullshit. If you are too immature to do the right thing then you have to be told, simple as that.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Upvote still not working so, well said. I'm stealing this.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Ok I'll bite and defend these guys.


It's really simple. It comes down to freedom of choice. If you want to risk your life, you should be allowed to do so.

It's nobody's business but theirs. I'd say this works fine in the US where you have to pay your own medical bills so costs don't fall on the taxpayers when you get wrecked. 


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Now you imagine your child getting a ride from a fellow parent that, unbeknownst to you, is an antibelter, forbids your kid to use the belt or simply has it disabled and then has an accident causing serious injury or death........

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

What my kid does is my responsibility. I'd teach them to wear a seat belt.

Antibelters shouldn't tell other what to do and the same goes for probelter.    

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Except in the scenario above, folks not wearing a seatbelt in that car causes the seatbelt your kid DID put on to degrade, making it ineffective every 6mos. Even if you instruct your kid to put on their belt whenever in a car, until everyone has their belt on you're pretty much playing a game of beat the clock with the kid's health and life.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Actually, I guess a more precise analogy is the unfastened rear occupants flying over the front seat in a collision and killing you even though you have your belt on.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Ok, then don't get into a car with antibelters, unless you can sit at the back, and even then, check that there not a tool box on the rear deck.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

are you risking only your life by not wearing a seatbelt? at what point does your body leaving your car become everyone elses problem? if a dozen people swerv to miss your body laying on the road and end up hurt. is it their fault cause you made the choice not to wear a seatbelt?

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skeptoid's picture

I sure as hope fuck that you and raining blood aren't fat fucks, or don't smoke, or use drugs on a regular basis, or drink on a regular basis. If so why should any doctor ever treat you for COVID? That's the logic, right?

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Kinda what I was thinking. Fat people are endangering themselves and are putting a strain on health care system at least in coutries where it's paid by the state. Well same goes for US healt care insurance costs.


I'd make being fat,  alchoholic, or smoking illegal..... or at the least have a fat tax based on yor weight. I'd like to protect stupid people from themselves. 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i like the last part of your comment more and more as i think about it. you find more chunkies and smokers in red states which are also the poorest states and you want to tax them based on their weight or like skeptoid, deny them medical care. both fantastic ideas

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Tough luck for fatties if they don't understand whats good for them. 

Eat less, save money on food and no tax, better chances with covid. It's a win win. 


Seriously though Japan has something like this. 



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skeptoid's picture

It's a purely Satanic ideation - no surprise that it gets you hard. 

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Indeed, the 'fat fucks' as you say are the most poorly nourished. Eating healthy is more expensive than the processed junky stuff? You ever even been to a grocery store, guy? And now you want to punish them further.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

sure as long as you add peope on antipsychotics. just taking meds is a battle for them

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norcimo5's picture

Stop making fun of skeptoid's meds.

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skeptoid's picture

Each time you present information that you think is specific to me, it tells me there's a part inside you that knows you're sick, and suffering, and begging you to change. And you won't. I don't take anti-psychotics - I was misprescribed anti-psychotics when a medical issue I had was misdiagnosed as an anxiety disorder instead of what it turned out to be, which was a tropical infection. An infection that went untreated for almost 10 years, an ordeal that introduced me to the serious problems we have in our society that influence the pain and suffering people experience when they try and get medical care. 


The fact that you keep posting details from my life that only a hegelian satanist that I worked with at Sandvine would know about is the reason why my older brother is providing me with specific information about you - for my protection. If you want to meet for a coffee let me know and I'll make the trip because, despite your suffering and the danger it represents to me and my family, I have no hesitancy at all about meeting with you face-to-face.

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norcimo5's picture

Moi? I don't know squat about you nor anyone here.

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skeptoid's picture

I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to Sal, who should have quit while he was behind.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

As you mentioned the US: This argument is mute, as some states (especially promoting the right wing "freedom idea") "ban" abortion for pregnancies over 6 weeks, regardless of reason, in others suicide is illegal. It doesn't get more personal than that!


There are personal "mandates" everywhere and people decide which they can "live with" or not, yawn. 






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