this was from last week or so. didn't find it worth posting then but it is now since he's the go to guy for covid advice. he's canceling his shows at venues that require vaccination proof.
i thought it was weird when he pointed up at 1:40. like he was going to talk about god but stopped himself
(2 votes)
(Old Spike)
Go to guy? Which one? There are thousands making videos, growing weekly.
You need more numbers comrade. Oh wait, they are siding with us hahaha.
Even BLM is doing something useful and starting to protest the experimentation.
Ahh, Perfect place for advertisement. Todays Guests Paul Joseph Watson and Dr Richard Bartlett TOMORROW'S NEWS. TODAY!(Old Spike)
thousands making vidoes with only a fraction of them being watched is nothing to fret about
78% of canadians have gotten one shot, 70% have gotten both. 64% of americans have gotten one shot, 55% have gotten both. you'll never be a majority. you lose a member of the tribe every time one of you get vaccinated or die from covid. it's a race
if you get your news from alex jones now i would have to apologize. if that is the case, i'm sorry for the part i had in wrecking your mind
(Old Spike)
Lol, Getting vaccinated don't mean nothing. Anyone but you can defect any time and take up the fight. There is no race.
You think the final straw happens with mandates and laws? HAH! That's just the beginning.
Should have seen the Ottawa protest. 10's of thousands, in the sleepiest city in the world.
This gonna be a crusade boy.
(Old Spike)
oh its definately a race. convincing the majority of people to get a vaccine is easy. convincing these people to get off the couch so they can possibly be arrested or at minimun, maced in the face for fighting for your privileges that you lost is a different kind of challenge. its just not going to happen
10's of thousands... thats like 1% of the population of ottawa. it would be nice to say that they were all from ottawa. but thats not the case. protests put on by the right side always involves people coming from all the provinces. liberal ottawa could fart those numbers out in an hour if they felt there was real opposition to the mandates
(Old Spike)
The Greater Ottawa area has just over a million people. You must have meant 10-20% 10's of thousands. Not 10 thousand.
Blm didn't even have that many people in Ottawa during it's peak When George Floyde died of Covid.
FYI, The patriot men that fought in the Independance is estimated to be 3% of the male population of fighting age in 1776. They took on England, Their own, forcefully conscripted loyalist regiments and hired mercenaries from all over the globe and won.
The COOKED numbers show roughly 10% of Canadians voted PPC. With todays population adjusted, that's many more than the Patriots had.
And your whole side are cowards. You Need a "majority" to stand and fight. 1 of us is worth 100 of you.
You can't even stand up to a mask or a branch covidian Karen, how you gonna stand up to savages that are training and running 7 days a week?
(Old Spike)
Careful studies conducted in multiple regions confirm that it is in fact easy to convince the majority of people to do something that is against their interests and beneficial to just a few elites. History shows us this, the Stanford experiment shows us this, the milgram experiment shows us this, and right here on this website we have almost daily examples from you and your girlfriend just in case anyone had any doubts.
(Long Spike)
nobody on our side is killing themselves by taking something that wasn't perscribed to them and nobody on our side is killing themselves because they can't handle wearing a mask. should be a study on that. also, why isn't anyone taking mcdonalds for covid. they have over 99 billion served.
(Old Spike)
Your side has enough mental problems. They drop like flies daily. It's been evident for years.
They arn't adaptive at all, so when cornered with harsh reality that can't be fixed with political solutions, surgeries, safe spaces, pills or thought policing many take a walk off a building.
I also laughed when I saw that Mcdonalds wants vaccine passports. It's almost like the pure bloods are going to be eating healthier and not supporting corperations, while the test subjects are going right back to eating trash and paying their slavers.
For awhile I was convinced it was us that the globalists want to kill, but it's really starting to look like they want you guys gone.
What is it Klaus called them in his book? Ah yes, the "useless eaters"
(Old Spike)
people on our side can put down a comment on the first try. we dont make them and then spend another 10 to 20 minutes completing it
(Old Spike)
So that's why you are always wrong. Could also be why you're depressed cutting your nuts off and taking headers.
(Old Spike)
stressed induced commenting. its like you literaly walk up to me, say something, walk away. come back second later. tell me what you actually meant to say, walk away. come back. tell me what you really actually meant to say. walk way. come back... until you finally say what you meant to say. other people just wait till their ready before they hit the save button
the nice thing about being on this side is you have to wait for a bitchute video to prove us wrong
(Old Spike)
I imagine you grinning through dirty teeth and meat sweats as you calm your own heart rate with your projected statements. I'm sure there are pills for that too. Talk to your doctor.
(Old Spike)
"nobody on our side is killing themselves by taking something that wasn't perscribed to them and nobody on our side is killing themselves because they can't handle wearing a mask."
Does anyone think she actually doesn't see it?
(Old Spike)
Great post sal glad to see your subconscious is working great.