cop suspended over excessive force


stokkebye's picture

A piece of shit cop did the same in my city and they gave the victim $150k of taxpayers money, without charging the pig. The fucking cop should be on the hook and face maximum charges and max sentence for abusing their badge.

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

Bring back the Branks . 

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jdt73's picture

No more cops!*


*only for demorcrat neigbourhoods


Problem solved.

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stokkebye's picture

Hey, weren't you the one arguing that cops should be allowed to shoot at people violating curfew? It was about a month ago I posted a vid were a guy was acquitted of shooting at cops because the pigs were roaming around in unmarked vans hunting people, past curfew, and I was calling you out for being a copsucking bootlicker. Either you are a cop or have family that are cops. Did ya miss the follow up vid I posted about that?

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jdt73's picture

Hey aren't you the guy who posted a video and when asked for context refused to give any information like why the guy was hanging out in a parking lot after curfew with a mini AK?

I get it. you hate cops. Nothing more to say realy.


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stokkebye's picture

Bullshit, I told you it was from the BLM riots and the cops were roaming around shooting at random people upon sighting them, and this guy shot back, and he was acquitted. What more info did you need? You were defending the cops saying they people shouldnt have been outside. Well, I posted a follow up with bodycams released from the lawyer for the guy who was shot at by the cops and it is pretty damning, they said they were "hunting" for people, showed them just shooting at random people they saw on the sidewalks and in parking lots. In no context would it ever be OK for cops to roam around in unmarked vans just shooting at random people. Which was what the 1 st video clearly showed, the second video showed the recklessness, depravity and complete disregard the cops held for safety and ethics. It showed the cops to be the psychopaths' they really are. Anyone could have deduced that from the 1 st video but YOU defended them like a good little bootlicker! POS!

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jdt73's picture

Cops did a bad thing and shot at a guy with rubber ammo, after a riot and during a curfew. The guy shoots back at them with a mini AK thinking they are some drive by crew.  Boo hoo for Mr AK in a parking lot.

He beat the charge. Good on him!

I recon someone didnt get murdered that night with that mini AK because he was in custody. So as far as I can see the cops did a good job, abeit not in a good way.

This muppet can sue, but I would call that one a win for the police.


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stokkebye's picture

He was a business owner protecting his busines from the riots you fuck head!

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jdt73's picture



You drivelling cunt!


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stokkebye's picture
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stokkebye's picture

Huh, would you look at that, he had a permit for his gun that you seem to be so focused on. LOLLOLOLOL!!!!

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stokkebye's picture

Ah, I must have misread he was business owner. Oh well. Doesnt change much. Cops still shouldnt have been 'hunting" people!

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jdt73's picture

No mater, he beat the charge and will probably sue the taxpayer.

At the end of the day justice has been served.

You need to get over your personal issues and realise that cops are doing a shit job that you dont do.

Some are assholes and some aren't.

If you want to change that, join the force and change the culture or imagine a city with no police at all.

Fuck head.

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stokkebye's picture

I call out the bad ones and put a spotlight on them, like these cops, but people like you dont. And that is the problem.


I can imagine a city without cops, armed business owners shoot robbers, armed homeowners shoot home invaders, armed citizen shooting muggers, pedos get the rope. Everone acts civilized becuase people will be held accoutnable for their actions by members of the public instead of a corrupt injustice system. Fuck, deuling would come back into fashion. Probably fix corrupt politicians too! If they were to be held accountable for their actiosn to the people. Looks good to me!

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