first you got to doctor shop to get the perscription. then you got to pharmacy shop to find someone to fill it. its like people have been abusing the system have made it harder for people to abuse the system
(2 votes)
first you got to doctor shop to get the perscription. then you got to pharmacy shop to find someone to fill it. its like people have been abusing the system have made it harder for people to abuse the system
(Old Spike)
Man-Karen. It's tiring to see people preach their agenda to someone who can't help them.
(Old Spike)
This is between the prescribing doctor and patient, this guy is imo. justifiably cleared for takeoff into a ballistic apeshit mode 10. If the Dr prescribes mumojumbo and there are no contraindications while the dosage is safe.... you shut up and give the patient the script no? So WTF!
He's in Texas so it can't possibly be banned in human use.... you know freedom day ever day down there.
(Old Spike)
spent a few minutes looking into it before i posted. pharmacies can refuse to fill any perscription for any reason they feel out of moral or religious reasons. i wouldnt be suprised if they can be held liable for filling a perscription that a patient shouldnt have gotten
(Old Spike)
Say what now, it's come to that! .... I mean just ....wow. I take it back, it's fucking allahu akbar day all year round with lawyers at every corner in lue of moral police like the Saudis roll.
Just taking a guess, this moral and religious ground for refusal came into play with the morning after pill didn't it?
(Old Spike)
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