is jimmy backtracking on ivermectin?


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Dore, like crowder, beanyhat and many others LIVES OFF his sheepherd of followers, and he relies on very selective memory of them, his tards are just like trumptards always finding an excuse (for which they don't have to think about as they will always be provided with one). 


Just look at who is posting their videos on here, lol.

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skeptoid's picture

Jimmy never fortracked on ivermectin. LOL look at the voting pattern here you guys are so hilarious. You don't even think of yourselves as pathetic do you? CNN just claimed for the third time that Joe Rogan took horse paste. That Network is basically programmed specifically for empty heads like yours.


It would be impossible for any of you to know whether or not Jimmy has backtracked on any position because you don't know his actual positions on anything because you don't watch his videos. How many of you know that over 200 members of congress had been treated with ivermectin specifically in relation to COVID prior to the availability of the vaccine?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you got 530 members of congress. of those, only 88 members have gotten covid. so name your 200

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