And sal cuns in his pants again. You're going to run out of Kleenex dude.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
no, i only "cun" in your mouth
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
well deserved serving.
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Dude (Old Spike)
No mask... BAM mother fucker
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Perhaps you should show us how it's done.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Keep talking :)
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Das tragen Juden Stern sonst?
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Dude (Old Spike)
probe wearing in the jew stern?
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
You know exactly what I said. Even if it reads like an FOB Bengali trying English.
The problem is you are indifferent.
They spent all this time and money shaming the heritage of central Europe. They destroyed the beautiful sense of Nationalism your people once possessed, but they still preserved the nazism.
It is clear that you don't need swastikas, demagogues, or national pride for national socialism.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Socialism comes in many forms, there is nothing wrong with it, like Obama care that is socialism right there
And nazism? i think those feelings lived long before the acctual nazis, hitler said what most were thinking, not that i approve of anything he said,
and preserved the nazism? have you ever been to Europe? I live here Greatest place on earth, very peaceful
I don't know why you are comparing this to nazism, he got punched and left
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Socialism starts from many places. But it always progresses to the same point. Totalitarianism.
Socialism starts before socialism. By deteroriating conditions and destroying opporunities for the common man. Typically through debasing currency.
That paves the way for more beaurocratic measures. Which further limits opportunity and typically creates exploits for the wealthy.
People naturally demand socialism in response. Because conditions have deteriorated the common man's upward mobility to the point that they have little independance.
Government offers money to people, wich furthur entraps them into a cycle of dependance. When dependance is sufficient, the soil is furtile for more control over your life.
After WWI Germany was bankrupt and destitute, the people leaderless and starving.
I think about how if Nazism only stuck to it's econmic plan, but didn't incite hatred or imperialism. History could have been much better during that time.
But, it's impossible. Division needed to be incited to gain popularity and power. Dishonest and violent methods were needed to secure that power through ostenisibly legal means.
And fear excarebated in order to herd people into comitting atrocities that were convinced were for their greater safety and prosperity.
What do we have right now? A bankrupt world economy approaching germanic post WWI levels. Who knows really how bad it is. It's worse than what they are telling us.
The World Economic Forum promising a global solution through a new Centralized Bank Digital Currency. And with it, of course infinite compliance rules that people will accept based on their fear responses of a virus that they unleashed in the first place.
The failure of global supply chains due to government Covid response is your new Burning Reichstag. Your new 9/11.
This new system proposed is your new Furhure.
The fear sown in the population over a virus not nearly as devastating as the numbers being fed to you through the news, simply catalyst of the desire for this new system.
What does that have to do with a mask?
Think of it as a jew star but in reverse. Those not wearing the jew star, this plandemic has the least effect upon. Those going into essential places of commerce without a mask are those willing to take a stand against the fear. With no help from anyone else mind you, which only makes us stronger and more determined.
Now, This guy in the video is an idiot. He overreacted to being questioned, and he put his hands on customer. = punched out. As he should have been when he crossed words into actions.
That said. When you say things like "No mask?! BAM!!!" Though in jest, it sends the wrong message to everyone.
The real issue was touch and force.
How does it all relate to nazism?
Marginalizing a group of people's RIGHT to choose what goes into their body, creating concentration camps for those that violate the "rules" By being a part of this group. Encouraging division by forcing symbolic unity through mandates. Doing nothing to stop hatred or persecution of said group. Encouraging citizen's to police other citizen's behaviours in accordance to these mandates. Keeping messaging vague. "All options are on the table." "We will use the military in a limited capacity because that is what the situation requires." You will see military used more in your everyday life. Due to problems government created in the first place. They won't be armed at first. They want to normalize their presence first. But soon enough they will armed, you will see checkpoints everywhere, and your compliance papers will be demanded everywhere, and the list of instructions required for you to accomplish will grow, not shrink.
In the end. We don't care that their are vaccines. (Though We don't believe they work, and we do not believe they are safe, and we certainly do not believe this virus is deadly enough to require one.) We care about having opportunities cut off for ourselves and in the future, having our neighborhoods invaded with assault teams and forced vaccinations. That will get bloody fast from anyone who isn't a coward.
"When you have pushed your enemy into a corner, they will have no fear and fight visciously. The correct tactic is to leave them alone."
OR. It all stops when people stop obeying. It all stops for YOU the individual, when you make it stop.
I don't live anything like the obediant. And you don't have to either. If you have the courage to face it.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"Socialism starts before socialism"
as always you make a lot of sense, lol.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
If the value of money was not debased socialism would not exist.
How do you fix that? Debase the money.
That's not what is more important.
What is more important is socialism inevitably leads to enslavement. Every single time.
Right now in Europe you are witnessing the transformation into enslavement right now. Don't think so?
Don't get your booster and attempt to take part in activities that demand your submission.
4th booster has been approved. In 6 months you are half way towards Bill Gates stated goal of 10 shots a year. And you will take 10.
New centralized digital money has just been announced in the U.K. Your slave currency is here.
Now they just have to get rid of that pesky old money and apply your carbon taxes and goods limits on your products. All in due time. :) Must not move too quickly lest the herd be startled.
And don't worry about all those things you worked for. Those will be repurposed when the time is right.
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Dude (Old Spike)
You are only required to be vaccinated to go in the horeca (hotel restaurant cafe) out your house, for the rest we all have to start wearing masks again, and the shot's don't bother anyone, acctualy our death toll of non covid realeated deaths is decreasing, so the shot's are not deadly at all, everyone i know has been vaxxed, but before that 3 ppl who where unvaxxed died, and money has little to do with socialism, we just take care of eachother, and the rich pay more to the big pot, how you can be against that is beyond me, you want the rich to pay the same amount?
Have you heard the story of the 3 piglets and the wolf? -you are building your house out of straw
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
"You are only required to be vaccinated to go in the horeca (hotel restaurant cafe) out your house"
That will change. Soon enough your gorcery store shelves will be locked behind plexiglass that requires a passport scan to open. And which shelf opens depends on your social credit score that's on the way. Ate too much meat this month, the shelf will open in 30 days. Do more for the party to unlock "Priviledges."
"the shot's are not deadly at all"
I know more people that have died from the shots than have even caught covid.
"money has little to do with socialism, we just take care of eachother, and the rich pay more to the big pot, how you can be against that is beyond me, you want the rich to pay the same amount?"
The super rich pay nothing. They are the real monetary threat. They MAKE money on a socialist system. They are so cunning they make money on every system indirectly. Legislature provides indirect means to funnel cash away from you right to them. Via loopholes and inflation.
Have you heard the story of the 3 piglets and the wolf? -you are building your house out of straw
I use a very simple and effective metric to measure my arguements.
Are we more free or less free?
I don't care what the reason is. Words are meaningless. All the matters is if we lose freedom.
Trading freedom for the promise of safety real or imagined is like paying gold for a soda.
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Dude (Old Spike)
No it won't change, i live in a country that is incorruptable on a federal level, biassed media is illegal for instance
Well in Belgium the rich pay way more taxes, and it is socialistic.
Not taking the vaccine will give the wolf a free meal.
I am vaxxed 3 times, still i wear a mask, not for me but for others, socialism right there
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Lol. Biased media is illegal?
What do you think BBC is? Fair and honest? No.
Believe it is incorruptible? Watch it change. But by then media will have soothed your worries about losing your freedom. You won't feel a thing. It will be sold as stopping the spread, lightening the load on supply shortages, or climate change. Something like that. Why doesn't matter. What matters is it will happen. It's impossible to predict every move, but I know the big ones. Vaccine passport Check, Elimination of cash (In progress) Social credit score (Building) Death for most. (In progress) Live in the pods, eat the bugs. Within 10 years roughly. 2038 was the elites projected deadline to have the last free societies subjugated. 2024-2025 Are expected cataclysmic time periods. 2030 most systems complete and rolled out. I'd expect them to come looking for their property by then. (You and the land you stand on.)
Did you know that your vaccine gave you a new serial number? The U.S. Supreme court is currently discussing whether or not people who have consented to MRNA technology are still considered human. Since you consented to having your genome rewritten with a patented product you may not be entitled to "human rights" in the future, from a legal standpoint.
I am vaxxed 3 times, still i wear a mask, not for me but for others, socialism right there.
Yes... Socialism right there.
Masks are for slaves and criminals.
Also, some statistics from Gov.UK
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Dude (Old Spike)
We don't make BBC news... in the Belgian and Dutch news nothing is discussed just news from around the globe, with a reporter here and there, bias can lead to shutdown of the entire station, never happened never will because they know what the conclusion would be.
cataclysmic time periods, well you may have to go to war, i wouldent call that cataclysmic, it will be just the war.
genome rewritten? that is not how it works, well acctualy everthing you eat think or do, rewrites your DNA it is in a constant evolution, i don't know where you heard that we would not legaly be counted as humans, but i can tell you it is bullshit.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
If your news is scare mongering you with covid numbers. It's biased.
Take off the masks, numbers go up. Put the masks on magically numbers go down. = Lies.
I'd rather the U.N. accept Taiwan as a sovreign member. That way China can't attack Taiwan, and U.S. Can't go to war with China.
That would throw a monkey wrench into the plan while we figure out how to deal with the U.N. in it's entirety.
Technicly we don't have to go to war anyway. We could set up our own microchip factories here, and leave china unchecked while it comes for you after. You have to share land with them. We don't.
Your cells are tampered with by these injections.
I never said the Supreme Court was passing legislation. I am saying this is a current talking point of the supreme court.
As for food. If you eat 100% PATENTED product. Which could be in the near future when all alternatives besides homegrown are squeezed out of the market, That could potentially be an arguement from the food corperations.
They only eat our products, our products are patented, it rewrites their bodies with our programs. They are our property. Something like that.
Considering the insanity I am witnessing with vaccine mandates and the absolute lawlessness combined with law worship from the masses (Serious double think) I would not be surprised if just about any arguement would be entertained by legislative bodies in the near future.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Everything you said is bullshit :)
You will be in the frontline against China, so start working out
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Nihil Dicit (Old Spike)
So an alleged "anti-masker" jagoff, surrounded by other unmasked patrons, is walloped by another dude who is also not wearing a mask...
Are y'all somehow failing to see the seven-layer burrito of retardation here?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I wondered if someone would pick up on that.
It doesn't matter, though. The guy fits the braindead, violent antimasker stereotype.
Being completely unreasonable, ignoring facts and science and preferring what comics and bloggers have to say or allegedly do is one of the things some people actually like about this pandemic.
So he is an antimasker unless you can prove the contrary......
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Nihil Dicit (Old Spike)
So an "anti-masker," in your perspective, is strictly a political/philosophical position? In that someone who does "follow le science" and isn't a violent and/or obnoxious lout, yet doesn't adhere to mask guidelines doesn't qualify as one...?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
antisocial, probably deluded......
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Nihil Dicit (Old Spike)
So if a polite, social individual who spends his or her weekends reading peer-reviewed journal articles and masturbating to CNN walks into an establishment and stealthfully takes their mask off (or punches an asshole sans mask), they don't qualify as an "anti-masker" in your mind?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Antimaskers are people that like to use unreasonable, irrational arguments often including conspiracy theories in order to avoid wearing a mask, just like like you, these people may or may not have violent tendencies.
Let me repeat: " The guy fits the braindead, violent antimasker stereotype."
So, in as simple terms as I can make it to you: unless you can disprove the guy in the video being an antimasker he is one.
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Nihil Dicit (Old Spike)
"...arguments often including conspiracy theories in order to avoid wearing a mask, just like like you..."
There's that Daft Cunt tiny pee pee energy! Care to provide an example of my alleged "anti-mask conspiracy theories," cupcake?
And your inability to see the ridiculous hypocrisy of solely labeling your political enemies as "anti-maskers" whilst letting your fellow DNC sheep who politely spurn mask guidelines off the hook is just...
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
the squeaky wheel needs the grease, thats how you can tell if someones an anti-masker. everyone else had to wear a mask to get passed the gatekeeper. at this point their is a good chance that proof of vaccination might have also been required. so which one is the anti-masker? the one who obeyed the rules and was probably eating as he saw his father get pushed to the ground or the guy yelling that its discriminatory to not let him in?
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Nihil Dicit (Old Spike)
Got news for you Sal: viruses don't care about manners, intentions, punched pops, or voting records.
I'm seeing 8 people without masks (not including the folks at the tables, as I assume you place importance on that nonsensical guideline) ergo, I'm seeing 8 "anti-maskers." But it appears that you and DNC doggo are only interested in weaponizing the cheap beer bug to demonize your political opponents, rather than concerning yourself with stopping its spread.
How utterly unsurprising.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
i see one anti-masker, people aren't pro-mask when being able to enter a restaurant and anti-mask when in the process of eating. cause thats the only way you could count 8. only one person making noise. unless you're vocal about it or put on a display, nobody knows your anti-mask.
its not demonizing our political opponents, its ridiculing and the nice thing is that they're all the same group, if they're anti-mask, they most def anti-vax and good chance they think trump won in 2020
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Nihil Dicit (Old Spike)
You're right - it's not 8 anti-maskers, but 9 (I missed dime store Santa at the very end of the video). Again, these are people that are standing up, not folks sitting at their tables.
I completely fail to see the point in differentiating between individuals who obnoxiously proclaim their opposition to masks and those that stealthfully oppose them as they're functionally equivalent when it comes to the potential for spreading the virus (with the obvious exceptions of the yellers and the "tough guys" that get within inches of someone's face about it). And to the best of my knowledge, the possibility of COVID becoming aerosolized has not been refuted by any study to this day, meaning that the diners at the tables could be spreading it, too.
But yes, the vast majority of the bellacose mask opposition seem to be right-wingers. No argument there.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
standing doesn't make you an anti-masker. but again, at what point do you go from pro-mask to anti-mask? you walk in wearing a mask. you take it off to eat. you stand up and walk to the entrence when a unruly non-customer starts making threats. at what point does the switch occure?
you might like the color purple. if you don't tell anyone one way or another, nobody knows. same goes for being an anti-masker. if you wearing a mask, gett the vaccine and whatnot, nobody knows your anti-mask. just like the squeaky wheel. it gets the grease. you wouldnt call it a squeaky wheel if it didnt squeak
the whole purpose behind masks is to reduce the chances. even if you want to to talk about the effectiveness of mask, its still better than no mask. the masks stops some particles
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Nihil Dicit (Old Spike)
So quietly standing without a mask doesn't make someone an "anti-masker," but standing without a mask and saying "I refuse to wear masks" does..?
Regardless, you're essentially digging into the question I asked Daft, as it seems that you two are using the term as an ideological label. I think there's a hint of validity to that, given the number of vocal Libertarians that oppose masks from some sort of petulant "you can't tell me what to wear" standpoint (pretty sure you've cataloged all of them at this point), but if you want to drill down to the basics of the term itself, and the consequences of the actions that may result from forgoing a mask (ignoring mask type effectiveness and aerosolization), one's intentions and political standpoint don't matter a hell of a lot. I suppose you could argue that the "loud" mask opposition might "spray it" more or that the lackadaisical anti-maskers likely wore a mask at some point before taking it off, but it still seems like hair-splitting to me.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
if only the people being vocal about it are being called anti-mask, how is that hair-splitting, i told you that only the squeaky wheels get the grease. everything is based on their actions, if they don't make any actions, they don't get called an anti-masker
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
If this is about stopping the spread the only responsible solution when dining out is this.
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Nihil Dicit (Old Spike)
"Dude, this mask-less guy totally coughed on me and gave me COVID last week!"
"No way! Did you kick his ass?"
"Nah. He apologized and said he wasn't an anti-masker; he just didn't feel like wearing one that day. He also said he hates Trump and fantasizes about Don Lemon farting in his mouth, so I said it was cool."
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
"dude, this guy at mcdonalds went ham on the jews!"
"No way, what did he do?"
"he stood up while he was eating without a mask on, reached into his pocket for his phone and then sat back down to continue eating"
"but he didn't say anything"
"but he could have, stealthfully"
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Nihil Dicit (Old Spike)
Mine was better.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
When you people feel threatened in their ideology they don't see sarcasm even when it is explained to them. Like you do snowflake.
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Nihil Dicit (Old Spike)
Learn to "Debate" Like Daft Cunt in 10 Easy Steps
1. Feign rationality.
2. Regurgitate DNC-approved woke talking points.
3. Flaccidly call your opponent "racist," "alt-right," or a "conspiracy theorist" after your vapid argument is dismantled.
4. Refuse to address any and all points made by opponent; misdirect and move goal posts as necessary.
5. Repost the same gifs you've been using for the past 5 years.
6. Repeatedly tell yourself that you won the debate.
7. Upon failing to convince yourself of victory, flip keyboard over and punch wall. Question life choices. Weep openly.
8. Call your opponent a "snowflake."
9. Have ugly people sex with Sal9000.
10. Rinse and repeat...for a decade.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I don't see you as an "opponent".
I also would like to stress that I am happy to address and reply to valid, reasonable points of my interlocutors. However don't expect to be taken seriously when you get hung up and butthurt on a joke.
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Nihil Dicit (Old Spike)
Step 5 in full effect.
Yeah, I probably should've added "claim 'it's just a joke, bruh' after stepping on own tail" and "repeatedly call your opponent angry" to the list, but people really like top 10's.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
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Dude (Old Spike)
If you sit at the table you don't have to wear a mask, there simply was not enough time to put on the mask, ppl needed to be punched right away :)
(Old Spike)
And sal cuns in his pants again. You're going to run out of Kleenex dude.
(Old Spike)
no, i only "cun" in your mouth
(Old Spike)
well deserved serving.
(Old Spike)
No mask... BAM mother fucker
(Old Spike)
Perhaps you should show us how it's done.
(Old Spike)
Keep talking :)
(Old Spike)
Das tragen Juden Stern sonst?
(Old Spike)
probe wearing in the jew stern?
(Old Spike)
You know exactly what I said. Even if it reads like an FOB Bengali trying English.
The problem is you are indifferent.
They spent all this time and money shaming the heritage of central Europe. They destroyed the beautiful sense of Nationalism your people once possessed, but they still preserved the nazism.
It is clear that you don't need swastikas, demagogues, or national pride for national socialism.
(Old Spike)
Socialism comes in many forms, there is nothing wrong with it, like Obama care that is socialism right there
And nazism? i think those feelings lived long before the acctual nazis, hitler said what most were thinking, not that i approve of anything he said,
and preserved the nazism? have you ever been to Europe? I live here Greatest place on earth, very peaceful
I don't know why you are comparing this to nazism, he got punched and left
(Old Spike)
Socialism starts from many places. But it always progresses to the same point. Totalitarianism.
Socialism starts before socialism. By deteroriating conditions and destroying opporunities for the common man. Typically through debasing currency.
That paves the way for more beaurocratic measures. Which further limits opportunity and typically creates exploits for the wealthy.
People naturally demand socialism in response. Because conditions have deteriorated the common man's upward mobility to the point that they have little independance.
Government offers money to people, wich furthur entraps them into a cycle of dependance. When dependance is sufficient, the soil is furtile for more control over your life.
After WWI Germany was bankrupt and destitute, the people leaderless and starving.
I think about how if Nazism only stuck to it's econmic plan, but didn't incite hatred or imperialism. History could have been much better during that time.
But, it's impossible. Division needed to be incited to gain popularity and power. Dishonest and violent methods were needed to secure that power through ostenisibly legal means.
And fear excarebated in order to herd people into comitting atrocities that were convinced were for their greater safety and prosperity.
What do we have right now? A bankrupt world economy approaching germanic post WWI levels. Who knows really how bad it is. It's worse than what they are telling us.
The World Economic Forum promising a global solution through a new Centralized Bank Digital Currency. And with it, of course infinite compliance rules that people will accept based on their fear responses of a virus that they unleashed in the first place.
The failure of global supply chains due to government Covid response is your new Burning Reichstag. Your new 9/11.
This new system proposed is your new Furhure.
The fear sown in the population over a virus not nearly as devastating as the numbers being fed to you through the news, simply catalyst of the desire for this new system.
What does that have to do with a mask?
Think of it as a jew star but in reverse. Those not wearing the jew star, this plandemic has the least effect upon. Those going into essential places of commerce without a mask are those willing to take a stand against the fear. With no help from anyone else mind you, which only makes us stronger and more determined.
Now, This guy in the video is an idiot. He overreacted to being questioned, and he put his hands on customer. = punched out. As he should have been when he crossed words into actions.
That said. When you say things like "No mask?! BAM!!!" Though in jest, it sends the wrong message to everyone.
The real issue was touch and force.
How does it all relate to nazism?
Marginalizing a group of people's RIGHT to choose what goes into their body, creating concentration camps for those that violate the "rules" By being a part of this group. Encouraging division by forcing symbolic unity through mandates. Doing nothing to stop hatred or persecution of said group. Encouraging citizen's to police other citizen's behaviours in accordance to these mandates. Keeping messaging vague. "All options are on the table." "We will use the military in a limited capacity because that is what the situation requires." You will see military used more in your everyday life. Due to problems government created in the first place. They won't be armed at first. They want to normalize their presence first. But soon enough they will armed, you will see checkpoints everywhere, and your compliance papers will be demanded everywhere, and the list of instructions required for you to accomplish will grow, not shrink.
In the end. We don't care that their are vaccines. (Though We don't believe they work, and we do not believe they are safe, and we certainly do not believe this virus is deadly enough to require one.) We care about having opportunities cut off for ourselves and in the future, having our neighborhoods invaded with assault teams and forced vaccinations. That will get bloody fast from anyone who isn't a coward.
"When you have pushed your enemy into a corner, they will have no fear and fight visciously. The correct tactic is to leave them alone."
OR. It all stops when people stop obeying. It all stops for YOU the individual, when you make it stop.
I don't live anything like the obediant. And you don't have to either. If you have the courage to face it.
(Old Spike)
"Socialism starts before socialism"
as always you make a lot of sense, lol.
(Old Spike)
If the value of money was not debased socialism would not exist.
How do you fix that? Debase the money.
That's not what is more important.
What is more important is socialism inevitably leads to enslavement. Every single time.
Right now in Europe you are witnessing the transformation into enslavement right now. Don't think so?
Don't get your booster and attempt to take part in activities that demand your submission.
4th booster has been approved. In 6 months you are half way towards Bill Gates stated goal of 10 shots a year. And you will take 10.
New centralized digital money has just been announced in the U.K. Your slave currency is here.
Now they just have to get rid of that pesky old money and apply your carbon taxes and goods limits on your products. All in due time. :) Must not move too quickly lest the herd be startled.
And don't worry about all those things you worked for. Those will be repurposed when the time is right.
(Old Spike)
You are only required to be vaccinated to go in the horeca (hotel restaurant cafe) out your house, for the rest we all have to start wearing masks again, and the shot's don't bother anyone, acctualy our death toll of non covid realeated deaths is decreasing, so the shot's are not deadly at all, everyone i know has been vaxxed, but before that 3 ppl who where unvaxxed died, and money has little to do with socialism, we just take care of eachother, and the rich pay more to the big pot, how you can be against that is beyond me, you want the rich to pay the same amount?
Have you heard the story of the 3 piglets and the wolf? -you are building your house out of straw
(Old Spike)
"You are only required to be vaccinated to go in the horeca (hotel restaurant cafe) out your house"
That will change. Soon enough your gorcery store shelves will be locked behind plexiglass that requires a passport scan to open. And which shelf opens depends on your social credit score that's on the way. Ate too much meat this month, the shelf will open in 30 days. Do more for the party to unlock "Priviledges."
"the shot's are not deadly at all"
I know more people that have died from the shots than have even caught covid.
"money has little to do with socialism, we just take care of eachother, and the rich pay more to the big pot, how you can be against that is beyond me, you want the rich to pay the same amount?"
The super rich pay nothing. They are the real monetary threat. They MAKE money on a socialist system. They are so cunning they make money on every system indirectly. Legislature provides indirect means to funnel cash away from you right to them. Via loopholes and inflation.
Have you heard the story of the 3 piglets and the wolf? -you are building your house out of straw
I use a very simple and effective metric to measure my arguements.
Are we more free or less free?
I don't care what the reason is. Words are meaningless. All the matters is if we lose freedom.
Trading freedom for the promise of safety real or imagined is like paying gold for a soda.
(Old Spike)
No it won't change, i live in a country that is incorruptable on a federal level, biassed media is illegal for instance
Well in Belgium the rich pay way more taxes, and it is socialistic.
Not taking the vaccine will give the wolf a free meal.
I am vaxxed 3 times, still i wear a mask, not for me but for others, socialism right there
(Old Spike)
Lol. Biased media is illegal?
What do you think BBC is? Fair and honest? No.
Believe it is incorruptible? Watch it change. But by then media will have soothed your worries about losing your freedom. You won't feel a thing. It will be sold as stopping the spread, lightening the load on supply shortages, or climate change. Something like that. Why doesn't matter. What matters is it will happen. It's impossible to predict every move, but I know the big ones. Vaccine passport Check, Elimination of cash (In progress) Social credit score (Building) Death for most. (In progress) Live in the pods, eat the bugs. Within 10 years roughly. 2038 was the elites projected deadline to have the last free societies subjugated. 2024-2025 Are expected cataclysmic time periods. 2030 most systems complete and rolled out. I'd expect them to come looking for their property by then. (You and the land you stand on.)
Did you know that your vaccine gave you a new serial number? The U.S. Supreme court is currently discussing whether or not people who have consented to MRNA technology are still considered human. Since you consented to having your genome rewritten with a patented product you may not be entitled to "human rights" in the future, from a legal standpoint.
I am vaxxed 3 times, still i wear a mask, not for me but for others, socialism right there.
Yes... Socialism right there.
Masks are for slaves and criminals.
(Old Spike)
We don't make BBC news... in the Belgian and Dutch news nothing is discussed just news from around the globe, with a reporter here and there, bias can lead to shutdown of the entire station, never happened never will because they know what the conclusion would be.
cataclysmic time periods, well you may have to go to war, i wouldent call that cataclysmic, it will be just the war.
genome rewritten? that is not how it works, well acctualy everthing you eat think or do, rewrites your DNA it is in a constant evolution, i don't know where you heard that we would not legaly be counted as humans, but i can tell you it is bullshit.
(Old Spike)
If your news is scare mongering you with covid numbers. It's biased.
Take off the masks, numbers go up. Put the masks on magically numbers go down. = Lies.
I'd rather the U.N. accept Taiwan as a sovreign member. That way China can't attack Taiwan, and U.S. Can't go to war with China.
That would throw a monkey wrench into the plan while we figure out how to deal with the U.N. in it's entirety.
Technicly we don't have to go to war anyway. We could set up our own microchip factories here, and leave china unchecked while it comes for you after. You have to share land with them. We don't.
Your cells are tampered with by these injections.
I never said the Supreme Court was passing legislation. I am saying this is a current talking point of the supreme court.
As for food. If you eat 100% PATENTED product. Which could be in the near future when all alternatives besides homegrown are squeezed out of the market, That could potentially be an arguement from the food corperations.
They only eat our products, our products are patented, it rewrites their bodies with our programs. They are our property. Something like that.
Considering the insanity I am witnessing with vaccine mandates and the absolute lawlessness combined with law worship from the masses (Serious double think) I would not be surprised if just about any arguement would be entertained by legislative bodies in the near future.
(Old Spike)
Everything you said is bullshit :)
You will be in the frontline against China, so start working out
(Old Spike)
So an alleged "anti-masker" jagoff, surrounded by other unmasked patrons, is walloped by another dude who is also not wearing a mask...
Are y'all somehow failing to see the seven-layer burrito of retardation here?
(Old Spike)
I wondered if someone would pick up on that.
It doesn't matter, though. The guy fits the braindead, violent antimasker stereotype.
Being completely unreasonable, ignoring facts and science and preferring what comics and bloggers have to say or allegedly do is one of the things some people actually like about this pandemic.
So he is an antimasker unless you can prove the contrary......
(Old Spike)
So an "anti-masker," in your perspective, is strictly a political/philosophical position? In that someone who does "follow le science" and isn't a violent and/or obnoxious lout, yet doesn't adhere to mask guidelines doesn't qualify as one...?
(Old Spike)
antisocial, probably deluded......
(Old Spike)
So if a polite, social individual who spends his or her weekends reading peer-reviewed journal articles and masturbating to CNN walks into an establishment and stealthfully takes their mask off (or punches an asshole sans mask), they don't qualify as an "anti-masker" in your mind?
(Old Spike)
Antimaskers are people that like to use unreasonable, irrational arguments often including conspiracy theories in order to avoid wearing a mask, just like like you, these people may or may not have violent tendencies.
Let me repeat: " The guy fits the braindead, violent antimasker stereotype."
So, in as simple terms as I can make it to you: unless you can disprove the guy in the video being an antimasker he is one.
(Old Spike)
"...arguments often including conspiracy theories in order to avoid wearing a mask, just like like you..."
There's that Daft Cunt tiny pee pee energy! Care to provide an example of my alleged "anti-mask conspiracy theories," cupcake?
And your inability to see the ridiculous hypocrisy of solely labeling your political enemies as "anti-maskers" whilst letting your fellow DNC sheep who politely spurn mask guidelines off the hook is just...
(Old Spike)
the squeaky wheel needs the grease, thats how you can tell if someones an anti-masker. everyone else had to wear a mask to get passed the gatekeeper. at this point their is a good chance that proof of vaccination might have also been required. so which one is the anti-masker? the one who obeyed the rules and was probably eating as he saw his father get pushed to the ground or the guy yelling that its discriminatory to not let him in?
(Old Spike)
Got news for you Sal: viruses don't care about manners, intentions, punched pops, or voting records.
I'm seeing 8 people without masks (not including the folks at the tables, as I assume you place importance on that nonsensical guideline) ergo, I'm seeing 8 "anti-maskers." But it appears that you and DNC doggo are only interested in weaponizing the cheap beer bug to demonize your political opponents, rather than concerning yourself with stopping its spread.
How utterly unsurprising.
(Old Spike)
i see one anti-masker, people aren't pro-mask when being able to enter a restaurant and anti-mask when in the process of eating. cause thats the only way you could count 8. only one person making noise. unless you're vocal about it or put on a display, nobody knows your anti-mask.
its not demonizing our political opponents, its ridiculing and the nice thing is that they're all the same group, if they're anti-mask, they most def anti-vax and good chance they think trump won in 2020
(Old Spike)
You're right - it's not 8 anti-maskers, but 9 (I missed dime store Santa at the very end of the video). Again, these are people that are standing up, not folks sitting at their tables.
I completely fail to see the point in differentiating between individuals who obnoxiously proclaim their opposition to masks and those that stealthfully oppose them as they're functionally equivalent when it comes to the potential for spreading the virus (with the obvious exceptions of the yellers and the "tough guys" that get within inches of someone's face about it). And to the best of my knowledge, the possibility of COVID becoming aerosolized has not been refuted by any study to this day, meaning that the diners at the tables could be spreading it, too.
But yes, the vast majority of the bellacose mask opposition seem to be right-wingers. No argument there.
(Old Spike)
standing doesn't make you an anti-masker. but again, at what point do you go from pro-mask to anti-mask? you walk in wearing a mask. you take it off to eat. you stand up and walk to the entrence when a unruly non-customer starts making threats. at what point does the switch occure?
you might like the color purple. if you don't tell anyone one way or another, nobody knows. same goes for being an anti-masker. if you wearing a mask, gett the vaccine and whatnot, nobody knows your anti-mask. just like the squeaky wheel. it gets the grease. you wouldnt call it a squeaky wheel if it didnt squeak
the whole purpose behind masks is to reduce the chances. even if you want to to talk about the effectiveness of mask, its still better than no mask. the masks stops some particles
(Old Spike)
So quietly standing without a mask doesn't make someone an "anti-masker," but standing without a mask and saying "I refuse to wear masks" does..?
Regardless, you're essentially digging into the question I asked Daft, as it seems that you two are using the term as an ideological label. I think there's a hint of validity to that, given the number of vocal Libertarians that oppose masks from some sort of petulant "you can't tell me what to wear" standpoint (pretty sure you've cataloged all of them at this point), but if you want to drill down to the basics of the term itself, and the consequences of the actions that may result from forgoing a mask (ignoring mask type effectiveness and aerosolization), one's intentions and political standpoint don't matter a hell of a lot. I suppose you could argue that the "loud" mask opposition might "spray it" more or that the lackadaisical anti-maskers likely wore a mask at some point before taking it off, but it still seems like hair-splitting to me.
(Old Spike)
if only the people being vocal about it are being called anti-mask, how is that hair-splitting, i told you that only the squeaky wheels get the grease. everything is based on their actions, if they don't make any actions, they don't get called an anti-masker
(Old Spike)
If this is about stopping the spread the only responsible solution when dining out is this.
(Old Spike)
"Dude, this mask-less guy totally coughed on me and gave me COVID last week!"
"No way! Did you kick his ass?"
"Nah. He apologized and said he wasn't an anti-masker; he just didn't feel like wearing one that day. He also said he hates Trump and fantasizes about Don Lemon farting in his mouth, so I said it was cool."
(Old Spike)
"dude, this guy at mcdonalds went ham on the jews!"
"No way, what did he do?"
"he stood up while he was eating without a mask on, reached into his pocket for his phone and then sat back down to continue eating"
"but he didn't say anything"
"but he could have, stealthfully"
(Old Spike)
Mine was better.
(Old Spike)
When you people feel threatened in their ideology they don't see sarcasm even when it is explained to them. Like you do snowflake.
(Old Spike)
Learn to "Debate" Like Daft Cunt in 10 Easy Steps
1. Feign rationality.
2. Regurgitate DNC-approved woke talking points.
3. Flaccidly call your opponent "racist," "alt-right," or a "conspiracy theorist" after your vapid argument is dismantled.
4. Refuse to address any and all points made by opponent; misdirect and move goal posts as necessary.
5. Repost the same gifs you've been using for the past 5 years.
6. Repeatedly tell yourself that you won the debate.
7. Upon failing to convince yourself of victory, flip keyboard over and punch wall. Question life choices. Weep openly.
8. Call your opponent a "snowflake."
9. Have ugly people sex with Sal9000.
10. Rinse and repeat...for a decade.
(Old Spike)
I don't see you as an "opponent".
I also would like to stress that I am happy to address and reply to valid, reasonable points of my interlocutors. However don't expect to be taken seriously when you get hung up and butthurt on a joke.
(Old Spike)
Step 5 in full effect.
Yeah, I probably should've added "claim 'it's just a joke, bruh' after stepping on own tail" and "repeatedly call your opponent angry" to the list, but people really like top 10's.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
If you sit at the table you don't have to wear a mask, there simply was not enough time to put on the mask, ppl needed to be punched right away :)