A message to the Un-Vaxxed

nakedslave's picture

Woke guy SCHOOLS the unvaxxxed

I forgot to add a description!

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Bobbob's picture
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Does this study count the folks who caught COVID and died or just the healthier folks who caught it and recovered.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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If you suspect that the numbers can be tampered one way, then it is only prudent to assume that they can tampered the other.


From there it a wise question to ask, "who benefits?"


Tampered on behalf of the sovreign citizens. The people would potentially benefit from a lift of centrality and authoritive imposition upon the citizens.


Tampered on behalf of the global establishment. The establishment would benefit from further centrality of services allowing more control of the citizens and consequently enabling further abuse upon the people.

Such as the case here in Toronto. Just bathrooms you say? It was just 15 days remember. From here it only grows, not shrinks. And the very installation itself bears a message that this is never going away as long as the people tolerate it, by extension enabling this control over their lives. What did you think the infrastructure bills were really about? What climate change is REALLY about. It began with a virus, enabled by the vaccine passport, and now it only makes sense to grow. Like cancer. Without further ado, introducing the birth of the SMART grid.
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Pantysoaker's picture
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A message to the Vaxxed: you can still die of covid and spread it to others

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UnholyChicken's picture

^ Yep tru man. we're looking at about 1.25% of UK covid deaths being from the full vaccinated. The median age of that 1.25% is 84.

Clearly the vaccine is a conspiracy to keep the hospitals free of as many of patients as possible. Cui bono I hear you cry! Weirdly it feels like us taxpayers but I know that can’t be right because I’ve watched TimP

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

I'm trying to avoid the vaccinated. Clearly they are the spreaders. 

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UnholyChicken's picture

probably a lot of truth in that as we've all gone back to normal life

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skeptoid's picture

Yes you've become vectors of both physical and mental viruses it's amazing.

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UnholyChicken's picture

Free hugs to anyone that wants to come catch the critical reasoning or social responsibility mind viruses from me

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Bobbob's picture
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Thanks Pantysoaker. Only as a group they'll die 95% less often and have a much lower viral load and spread it a lot less due to, you know,.. accepting covid-19 is a thing.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Just lay all of your worries, burdens, rights, dignity, and most importantly privacy at the altar of the virus. Amen.

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Bobbob's picture
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Hey BS, I stepped away for a while and genuinely missed you. Now where were we. Oh yeah, assuming you're not being pussilanimous again, can you do us a favor and rank-order the limberties you say we're giving up (not that anyone here is conceding the point). Just list them, most important to least.. behind being alive, of course.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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You want me to stick to what you lost during the virus, or what your country has given up as whole?

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Bobbob's picture
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Better start with the first one. For the second, what we Canadians lost as a country is certainly balanced out by what we gained when we admitted you.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Who said I'm going to fight for you? I'm heavily considering letting you all rot. The beatings will continue until morale improves.


What did you lose? I'm pretty sure we had this convseration but why not.


Well you lost liberty. That's more valueable then life. Unless you want to spit on the graves of all the dead men that fought to keep you free from the likes of Hitler. He would have come for you if he conquored the old world. 


You don't own your body anymore. Your passport does.


You lost more of your freedom of expression by adopting a mask. Showing your face in public is a part of that.


You give up your right to go outside when they say stay home.


You lose your right to protest if it's not about BLM or climate hoaxes. A lot of arrests had to happen to get that back. A lot of australians were beaten and jailed for them to get theirs back. And them I say well fought, they deserve every right they fight for.


You gave up your right to medical privacy.


You are giving up your right to privacy in general. Notice all that mass surveillance going up. That's for you, not "bad guys"



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Bobbob's picture
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What do you know of such things boy. My grandpa showed me the bullet hole he took when little Greece stood up against Fascism and Arianism. Mousoulini couldn't take Greece and ol'Adolf had to come down to help. And because of the delay, he got to face Russia..in winter.  My WW2 peeps did their part.. Greek and Canadian, both. All they had to do was lie down and let Ducce and Fritz pass.. but they did what was good and right, for others..much like getting vaccinated even if you are strong and healthy, to protect those who aren't. Do you remember what finally brought your peeps into the war?...here you go..







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theblackswordsman's picture
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*sigh* If you really want to play my family did this and that. Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Desert Storm, Afghanistan. All Marine Corps. None drafted, all volunteers.


The gene therapy doesn't protect anyone else. I thought you were following the science. It just protects you. According to your own people. Really their story changes as we expose how they lie week after week.


I'm talking about what you are going to do to preserve your own freedom today.


You are failing at upholding your liberty, I am succeeding at upholding mine.

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Bobbob's picture
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You're the one that raised Hitler and those who faught to save us from him and his ilk, above. I responded with.. (for those too weary to click random links on this site, anymore - good for you by the way). If you followed the science, you'd realize the mRNA vaccine DOES protect others, by reducing the duration of your infection as well as your viral load..making you less infectious to others. It's about the R1 approaching R0, remember? What were you busy carving into your desk during the hundreds of articles and videos about this already. I'm protecting my freedom by being doubly-vaxed and going to the gym to burn some sick reps and maybe have a probiotic smoothie while oogling the 20-something chicks sporting the lastest in almost-not-there exercise wear.. preferably while doing squats with a bouncy-ball... what about you? You're the equivalent of the guy that shows up to work wearing denim on breast-cancer awareness day, only you forgot to kick in the $5 bucks, first. But you keep doing you, bud. Just try not to bring others down with you, with your ignorance/obstinance/pusillanimousness.
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theblackswordsman's picture
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What you are going to do to preserve your own freedom today?


Are you really going to let a mouthy American out do you again?


Going to let me take all the credit if we are alive when this is all over?


Canada has a very special opportunity right now to light a fire of liberty that can change history. It would be sad if they let it pass them by.


It's flex time I see.


Don't worry about my conditioning bud. Workout 7 days a week. Lean diet with tons of the brotien. Krav maga and boxing too. Any weapons brought to the field become mine fast. Been up on it for years. I taught people on this site half a decade ago how to eat the goodest. Only one other member at the time had a proper fitness regiment. He's probably off killin it somewhere else these days.

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Bobbob's picture
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Are you really going to let a mouthy American out do you again?

You'd have to have done it a first time.. and a second for that to happen. So, here,.. minimal effort for you:

'Brotein' ?!?!?!... you mean..

Sweet gains. bro! Really Nice glutes. bro! Been working out those bÍBEPS-  really working on you: no homo! - lower half. no homo! “) Yummy dick. bro!  Really been keeping it clean. no - )

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theblackswordsman's picture
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You're the one that started the fitness brag, assuming that I'm just some couch potato do nothing. So I don't see what you're all bent out shape about.


Isn't the mature response "Ah cool man, glad you're staying fit, too"


I am outdoing you in the freedom circuit. You have hoops to jump through to gain your "freedom." I just be free.


Just about time for your booster too.

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Bobbob's picture
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Don't get your British Commonwealth vintage replica tiara in a twist. You started it and I ended it...rather decisively   ;-)


No, but my 85yr old parents will need to by Christmas, cause, you know,.. certain ninny crybaby wussies have kept this thing going for coming up on 2yrs. If we get the same turnout here in Quebec as last time, my age group won't be up until end of Jan / beginning Feb 2022..so around the same time all Austrians are gonna be forced to get it.  

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theblackswordsman's picture
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"You started it and I ended it...rather decisively   ;-)"


And now you are lying and giving yourself false credit. I had a feeling you had no faith once you admitted that you trust man to protect you from the virus over God. You probably gave up your freedom of worship when the government closed churches too.


Anyways, this conversation is really getting boring.


The virus is endemic. You can't vaccinate your way out of it. Nothing that anyone says or does will change my mind at this point.


They maybe could have got me if they stuck with reccomendations and suggestions, but once they started making mandates and shoving it down my throat,  they ruined their ability to convince me forever.


Look at the bright side. The virus will kill me off, and you won't have to hear it anymore in a month or two.

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Bobbob's picture
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You keep on saying the virus is endemic, but I don't think you know what that means. In this case, antivaxers like you are doing your darndest to make it endemic, sure.  So maybe you shouldn't throw around terms you're not familiar with and not misinform anybody else reading this conversation - which isn't 'getting boring' as you put it. You're just tired, because you realize you don't have a leg to stand on.. or due to a lack of intellectual stamina  - unless you get this at the gym also. (Seriously though, congratulations on those gains, bro).

Please try not to be so limited in your framing of christianity or faith in general. I told you that only a small minority of Christians for instance are bible-thumping evangelist types, though not uncommon where you're originally from and it is unfortunate this would have been your experience.  Correct that we didn't go to church during lockdown and instead watched mass whenever we wanted to, from my parents local parish,live, on YouTube  (I set it up on their tablet/smart tv).  Ever since the lockdown stopped, in-person service resumed. The only restrictions, as you would put it, involved applying hand-sanitizer at the door, respecting the 2m distancing with anyone outside your family/bubble and mask-wearing inside, of course. So it wasn't like Sophie's choice or anything, the way you make it out to be. Again, maybe try and be better informed.  And all kidding asside, nobody wants you to be dead.  You're smart and good, though a little paranoid in your thinking at times (and a little obstinate depending on the subject). And this would be a waste. Do stay safe. Just.. maybe consider doing your part to help others stay safe too. And if you won't because of a me-first attitude about it. Then don't. But, shut up about it. No need to bring others down with you, eh?

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Bobbob's picture
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Also, just leaving this here for you, BS, to show you that you can be Christian and still appreciate beautiful art as well as Michaelangelo's inside joke (hidden message).  It took several centuries before medical science progressed to the point where surgeons looking at the painting realized that God is riding in on a cross-section of a human brain. And that this was the enlightenment being bestowed to Adam and mankind in this masterpiece.  Again, really sorry that your exposure to date would have you think in binary terms only, i.e. that folks would hate this beautiful work and want it thrown into a fire or something when they realized this.  So, maybe try some lateral thinking on this, and other things.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Endemic means you can't get rid of it. Like the common cold or flu. We are there.


I don't hold religion in a binary view. However God commands that his laws are above man's laws. You follow man's laws until they interfer with his instruction.


Many millions of Christians died throughout history to demonstrate this because of the persecution of the state.


I don't believe art should be burned lol. Art is a very important component and practice of being human.


I do however believe that God will protect those he intends to protect and a virus will not alter his plan for those he has chosen to protect. Nor will any science, construct, circumstance spare a single soul for those he has chosen to perish.


He doesn't have to save you, and he doesn't need man to accomplish his will, but at the same time, his plans always work out as he intends. As he has forseen every thing, and knows every individual soul whether they know him or not.


I find that very beautiful. That he was with everyone during every moment, he knows every choice and every circumstance of every life.

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Bobbob's picture
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Nope, not yet, but thanks for sharing your expertise on the matter.


So, you're saying it's all pre-ordained. So why are you going on and on about free-will, rights, and liberties, then?  You're basically describing all of humanity as a bunch of meat-puppets playing roles laid out for them... Damn, that's nihilistic.. seriously, no point to anything and no responsibility at all for your actions,. That's damn tragic, and goes a long way to describing your position on the vaccines. Sorry.. Really sorry. 


No, it's not beautiful. Have you stopped to think that maybe He's sitting back and rooting for us apes to use those big brains He gave us.. so we can actually take responsibility and pull ourselves out of this mess? Gosh, that thaught must terrify you.  


You're reminding me of the good old days working in a hospital, where we'd call a 1-800# to take temporary custody of Jehovas Witnesses's infants when the parents refused transfusion for their baby.  Everytime the transfused baby was put back into the parents arms,.. and as soon as the other JW's left the room of course, they would  ALWAYS say 'Thank you'. Every time.   So, yeah, it seems above you're only proving the point for governments that are demanding temporary custody of your left arm.  I mean surely you can let go of your ideological possession long enough to recognize the parallel.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Yes it is endemic. We will have to agree to disagree. They have been holding off at releasing that information in order to maintain a permenent state of emergency. Gov starts to lose influence, then you just announce a new strain, or a new crises entirely. It's looking like small pox is about to make a comeback. That'll keep everyone in their homes and get more vaccines into arms.


Everything major over the aggregate of time is prophesied based on our actions of our freewill.


Everyone has freewill, but, nothing surprises God. He has seen the entire future.


The future he has revealed is what our collective and individual actions chain react to in conclusion.


He does cheer for us. When Israel was obediant to him as a collective, they were prosperous and abundant. They made good allies, their lands were safe, and their kings were benevolent.


When they were disobediant as a collective they went through times of strife, decimation, division, defeat and enslavement.


Some believe God caused these things, I happen to believe that disobediance breeds a society of compromise. Without a moral compass to guide people, there is no anchor for morality or ethics. With no anchor, then society as a whole progressively becomes corrupt, hedonistic, lazy, and eventually genocidal. Always slowly, and through one compromise at a time.


The western world is now reaching a fork that leads in two opposite directions. Continue down the path of progressivism and compromise to inevitible self destruction. Or go all the way back to unapologetic conservative principles based on God at every level and rebuild prosperity and fulfillment.


That takes individual responsibility, hard work, rethinking technology in a manner that frees people rather than creates dependence. And complete decentralization and reduction of government power.


That is the opposite of what you proclaim I stand for. The lifestyle I advocate is hard work.


What God commands as obedience isn't some egotistical whim to please him. The obedience he advocates is what is actually good for us, gives us fulfillment, lasting happieness, and encourages cooperation and honesty with each other as people.


As for liberty, it needs a couple of simple rules for everyone's benefit.


Common law. Do no harm, Cause no loss, do no damage.


An understanding that all people are equal.


Do not use your freedom to enslave others.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Anti(COVID)vaxer says: 'Common law. Do no harm, Cause no loss, do no damage.'


Hnngh.  You sir, are a veritable paragon paradox of wisdom.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Name one person I have harmed. Name one piece of property that is not mine I have damaged. Name One object that I have stolen.


Want to try a real science experiement for fun? It is perfectly compatible with the scientific method which you can replicate 1000 times if you so wish. But I don't think you'll need to. However massive kudos to you if you do. It goes like this.


Type in ANY random 3 digit to 4 digit number. Then type New cases. Or new Covid cases in the search engine of your choosing.


Any number will come up complete with articles and locations. Each one I tried had lists of them.


Now I expect a lot of articles, and tons of different numbers of course. But really? ANY 3 digit or 4 digit number I can think of? I didn't bother with 5 digit numbers so I can't speak for those. Knock yourself out. You can do it a few times for a couple minutes, or repeat the experiment up to 10'000 times in the 4 digit range.


If you DO find a nuber that doesn't generate results please let me know what it is. Every one I have tried brought up a ton of articles.



Weird huh?


How about this fun observation.


C= 100


O The O has a computing code value of 79 that can be easily found in Wikipedia when searching the history of the letter O. = 79


V= 5


I= 1


D= 500 all added = 685 - 19 = 666.


Still not seeing anything strange.


Covid spelled backwards is Divoc.  Latin for apart. But also...


"Unlike the English language, which is written and read from left to right, Biblical Hebrew, the original language of the Old Testament is transcribed right to left. And so it goes with the esoteric mystery religion of the Luciferian elite who mimic The Ancient of Days. Reading, writing and walking backwards are methods used by occultists to communicate their thoughts and intentions.

Which brings us to the hidden meaning of COVID-19. On the surface COVID-19 is an acronym for Corona Virus Disease and it’s year of discovery 2019. Applying the backwards syntax of  Biblical Hebrew COVID becomes DIVOC, a Hebrew word meaning possession by an evil spirit. Translated into English DIVOC becomes DYBBUK. 

According to Yoram Bilu, a professor of anthropology and sociology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem dybbuk has a sinister connection to the spiritual possession."

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

so in 2003, it was 683, in 2012 it was 673. the next one, i'm guessing will be in 2024, will be 661, it's now or never but only because you choose to for whatever reason, minus off the last two digits of a 4 digit number

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

''Name one person I have harmed'' 

How about -theblackswordsman and everyone who did not get vaccinated because of your crazy talk you may have killed a few

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Innocent until proven guilty.

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Bobbob's picture
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Speaking of, where's dear Schenobi these days? He didn't follow your advice to an early grave did he?  And even if you didn't kill him, I'm pretty sure Sal did with some pharmaceutically-enhanced masturbatory suggestions.  (Seriously Sal, I don't think we've seen sign of him since). 

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I'm sure Schen can take care of himself.


Under both common law and natural law speech is not criminalized under any circumstances.


Actions resulting even from the behest of the speaker are still the fault of the actor, not the speaker.


An actor can never be obsolved of their own responsibilities to committing to actions through their own decision making process.

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Bobbob's picture
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'Actions resulting even from the behest of the speaker are still the fault of the actor, not the speaker.'

What, like.. even in Schen's case?

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Ruprecht fork cork - GIF on Imgur

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Like hitler?

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Hitler wouldn't have gotten off the ground without citizen's and soldiers doing the arrests, vandalism, beatings and killing for him.


Dictators are nothing without compliance.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

As you want us to comply to your standards, why else make all the video's

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I don't care what you do. I'm just showing that you're being duped.


You are the ones telling me to obey your standards.

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Bobbob's picture
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If you're gonna draw a line at obeying societal standards what keeps you from (our old argument) walking around with your dick out? Especially since concern and respect for others is off the table.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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It's cold outside.

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Bobbob's picture
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This is the right answer. Too bad staying indoors increases the spread of viruses though.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I'll make sure to wear two masks when I touch myself.

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daftcunt's picture
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In Austria there will be a lockdown for the unvaxxed. Guess what, it's a conservative government. ROFL

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Europe has no idea of what conservatism outside of Hungary and Ukraine.


Anyone who believes Europe is a grounded example of the Overton window has no accurate compass for politics at all.


What has Europe conserved? NOTHING.


Look no further than England which is now overrun with communists, sodomites, savages and pedophiles.



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UnholyChicken's picture

"Look no further than England which is now overrun with communists, sodomites, savages and pedophiles. "

Don't worry people I can confirm it's not. Come visit and enjoy our freedom. Food's good now as well thanks to all the immigrants. Weather is still shit to be fair but it's getting warmer every year!

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I hope you are being sarcastic.


If not, then you simply require more trans "rights" activism in your police force and a few more immigrant injections. They'll reach their goal with enough diligence.


Did you even know you have a King now? I don't believe they told you yet.


It would appear I know more about England than you do.

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UnholyChicken's picture

No Sarcasm. Like the news coverage of your part of the world it tends to be just a tad (classic british understatment) skewed to the sensational.


What's wrong with immigrants? If you came here you'd be one and I promise you would be welcomed by most

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Nothing wrong with immigrants.


There is everything wrong with too many at once.  They can't/won't assimilate and become BRITISH. If I immigrated, I would accept that I adapt to English culture rather than attempt to make England more like NA.


Every democracy in history that accepted too much immgration eventually destroyed itself through cultural deterioration, lack of social unity and eventual civil war.


Look at your Torie party. Over the decades it shifts further left. If tories dare demand a society based on liberty and decentralizaion of power, they are smeared relentlessly by labor as fascists. (Which is an utright lie, fascism is anti liberty and demands further centralization of state power. So does communism, they are immensely similar and both inherently far left.) Same problem with the canadian conservative party. For that reason more than 50% of Canadians don't vote at all. We had to start forming a new proper conservative party two elections ago, and the establishment refuses to give them any coverage during elections because they fear it will spread like wild fire.


If I became leader of my country I wouldn't allow anyone that isn't 4th generation born to vote. That way leftist parties can't flood my country with immigrant invasions to to gain votes from the non nativist populations. Which is exactly why they do that. They don't actually care about immigrants at all. If immigrants took the goodies offered at taxpayers expense, and voted conservative anyway, watch the bribery attempts stop within two election cycles.


Voting is not a right. It is intended for well informed citizens that heavily research the implications of all policies proposed by candidates. When a mass of uninformed voters cast ballots it reduces democracy to a form of enslavement. the 51% asserting themselves over the 49%. With some exceptions.


Some of that 49% or minority rather, refuse to follow perverse laws made by those they didn't vote for. So they win for themselves, but the rest of the minority suffers because they believe they have to obey, or are too afraid of the consequence of not obeying.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Well if you don't want to go to England or Europe there is still south America, Africa entire Asia to go to if you are not happy, but you seem to be against communism and democracy that narrows it down to just a few uninhabited islands in the sea

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Wherever I'm standing is mine. It's everyone else I worry about.


Democracy is only healthy with a functioning republic, and currently there are none left. The U.S. is hanging on by a thread right now.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

You don't like it just move and make your own rules, you don't have to wake up in a cell with some black guy they call uncle Phill lyng next to you

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I already do that without moving. It's all you order followers that are suffering. Or rather enjoying your enslavement.


Lol, Youv'e had so many shots, rebreathed so much carbon dioxide, promoted so much extra cancer growth in your body due to lower oxygen levels, been so scared of getting sick, been so scared of being punished, made so many excuses. In another year your list of obedience will be so huge. And me, I'll be chillen.


Well... In another year, maybe not you. I'll be surprised if you're still alive. We already have a couple of inactive vaxxed accounts over the past 2 months. Maybe they are quiet. Maybe they are... Extra quiet.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Who might those be asked the wise man, thinking ''these douche morons annoy everyone- till they walk out'' 

You expect the same from me? then you need to downvote me alot to make your predictions come true, and stop embarrassing your country.

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Bobbob's picture
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Ahem. Wherever you're standing is actually Queen Elizabeth's..just saying.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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No it's really not. She wants it, she'll have to send people to take it.

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Bobbob's picture
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yeah, but no, really,... you actually are. 

Monarchy | The Canada Guide

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I know what you said. It means nothing to me.

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Bobbob's picture
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Could I recommend 'english' as a second language then.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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What is a leader without their subjects?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

a pinata

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Bobbob's picture
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+1 for the Mousoulini reference.

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daftcunt's picture
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The king of inadvertant comedy strikes again various times in this post!

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theblackswordsman's picture
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And the one terrified of my messages reacts to me again.


Translation of all of daft's responses to my observations. "Of course I know all of this is happening you fool! THIS IS WHAT I WANT!"


And so the eternal struggle continues. For you...

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daftcunt's picture
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Nope not terrified but rather amused, as I said. You are on of the 4 or 5 prime nutters on here that I initially pittied a little but now you are just another source of entertainment. 


Keep going, hun, mommy's gonna be so proud!

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Nazi fear always makes my coffee taste just a little bit better.

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Bobbob's picture
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Have an upvote Daft. Yep, good people those Ozzies. They just announced the same lockdown for the unvaxed in Greece too. Gosh I miss Europe. Progressist. Protecting individual liberties, but always up to the point where your liberties end where the next person's begin. In this case the 30% unvaxed in gyms are angry at the 70% vaxed who turfed them out. I think it would be great if they made, not a gym for just the unvaxed, but a full-blown-infectious-only gym!  It could have the latest equipment, heart monitors, pulse oxymetry...no wait..I'm describing an ICU.. nevermind.

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daftcunt's picture
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I don't care about up or downvotes so you can save your points for those who do, like karenoid.


I don't get the locldown for the unvaxxed, I really don't.


The right thing to do is to deny ICU care to those tested positive and showing covid symptoms that are not vaccinated or at the least keep beds for them limited so we can be sure that the few vaccinated that contract symptoms can be treated efficiently. The unvaxxed can go home and pay for private care themselves. Exceptions can be made for the extremely few cases that cannot be vaxxed.


Problem solved. Same 2 class society but it is the personal choice that makes the difference. 

There is a difference for healthcare workers, vaccination and regular testing must be made mandatory for them until this is over. If you don't trust in medicine better not fucking work in healthcare!


End of story, lets get on with our lives.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

k. First let's balance that out for ya.


Second, the Austria lockdown for the unvaxed is already a dead idea, as they went back into full-lockdown, for all, to try and get the infection rate back under control..Ooh, and lookit just in, they're proceeding to mandatory vaccinations in Feb 2022.  Good ol' Austria, leading the way. Can't remember the last time that happened...oh yeah..wait a minute.

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daftcunt's picture
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This is exactly why my proposal is the best for all, everybody can decide for themselves now that we have a prevention method, if they don't want it they have to live with the consequences.


They got on our tits for denying the virus, then for shitting on wearing masks, then for opposing lockdowns, then for denying vaccines and promoting inefficient drugs, so sorry old chum ZERO empathy if they can't breathe.


Mandatory vaccination is an absolute no go as it just will present the nutters their arguments on a platter.


Here in Spain we have an 80% vaccination rate and by the looks of it it works really well in also protecting the deluded!

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theblackswordsman's picture
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 Progressist. Protecting individual liberties, but always up to the point where your liberties end where the next person's begin.


Actually progressives are about collective rights, not individual rights.


Your lockdowns end where my right to go where I want begins. Your mandates end where my will to disobey them begins. Your ability to apply force to me ends where my life ends.


You try to accuse people of being sick before being proven sick. I uphold innocent until proven guilty and not one degree backwards from that.


You don't decide when my rights end. Ever. You can tell yourself whatever you want, you can elect people to vote and sign whatever papers they want. You can cry out for thugs to enforce the actions you are too afraid to enforce yourself. It changes nothing with me.


Any questions?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Yep, one: Who feeds you this kind of shit?

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theblackswordsman's picture
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"Mandatory vaccination is an absolute no go as it just will present the nutters their arguments on a platter."


Listen to him on that one. We'll have nothing to lose at that point.


"When your enemy is cornered and your objectives are otherwise accomplished. Leave them alone" - Sun Tzu


"Yep, one: Who feeds you this kind of shit?"


No one. I can make my own observations, I think for myself, and I act accordingly.



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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Just makes one wonder whether you take drugs, or refuse to take prescribed drugs, or really are "wired" in this way (i.e. suffer cerebral defficiencies) to come to your conclusions.......

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theblackswordsman's picture
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You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because you are all the same.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

different how? your side is comprised majoritively of white christians, while the side you say is all the same is comprised of people from every race and religion

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I'm going to give you enough time to think about how stupid you are.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Yes i have questions, why is it i thought that when someone said progressive i thought they where talking about House or Trance music?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Whow then i am the best protected person on the planet, i recovered from the virus myself and had all the shots including the booster, i am invincible, it is like playing a game with godmode on

And i must say you do feel 13 times sicker from the virus then from the shots

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Yep. And if you get into a fight with an anti-vaxer, just remember to lick your fists first.. for extra damage.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Yeah i know it is stupid, but he is preaching ppl into death

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

In Germany lockdown for the unvaxxed is comng too. Also conservative majority in government. lol

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Calling your party conservative doesn't make it conservative. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well, calling yourself "not alt right" doesn't mamake you not alt right. Same as calling you (like in you personally) sane doesn't make you sane neither btw.


But still at least you are funny despite it not being intentional, hun.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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*eye roll* again back to a "no you" arguement. Pathetic.


What's the difference between right and alt right genius?


Why not just call a spade a spade, rather than running back and forth between your motley and baily when you panic?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Its the difference between canned food and plastic wrapped they both stay good for quite a while but the canned goods keep fresh longer :)

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daftcunt's picture
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theblackswordsman's picture
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Not so fast. What's your answer daft, or you gonna let him do your thinking for you?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

It matters not, let it go

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theblackswordsman's picture
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That's true, It's his right to be ignorant.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

as it is your right to be deluded....

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

He calls us deluded to, so i think it is all lost on him...

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

yep, dude, I really lost any empathy for little shits like him or karenoid and only use them for my personal entertainment.

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skeptoid's picture

How often are you going to inadvertently project onto this site that you are a sadist and an abuser? You made jokes about my sister being raped in the comment section here on spiked three years ago for your own entertainment. And when the entire site unanimously rebuked you all we saw from you was confusion and lack of understanding. You're a pig dog thing that I study on this site, and I've never had respect for you. I give little openings for you to reveal yourself and then I note the information I gather about your species. That's all you are on this site to so many - didn't you know that?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

If he laughed at your sister getting raped that is not cool, but why would you bring that back up? 

I thought you said she comitted suicide because of the pandemic measures.

I knew there was an underlying other problem.

Hope the guy who raped her rots in hell btw, and my condolences

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

At first i wanted to say as a joke - ''Your sister got raped and you are sitting at home chatting with us? You should be in Prison you piece of shit.

But then i thought it was in poor taste, and then i changed my mind again.

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Bobbob's picture
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danman's picture


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