Sittingbourne robbery

sal9000's picture





this guy tried to do the same but with a toy gun and an extra chromosome

Average: 5 (1 vote)


stokkebye's picture

how them gun laws workin out for ya over there across the pond?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

probably better in every aspect relating to gun/knife crime and robberies

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stokkebye's picture

You think those two store clerks would agree?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

yes, they're alive

the chances of them being killed would have been higher if it had happened in the land of the free

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stokkebye's picture

Homicide - Wikipedia

Homicide - Wikipedia

Its not the weapon, its the people. A gun is just a better tool. Homicides will happen no matter what tool you take away. But if some mf gonna stab me over a few bucks, I want the chance to blow his fuckin head off.

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stokkebye's picture

For the past few months I have been talking to an owner of a local smoke shop I buy my tobacco from, dudes from Yemen, came here when he was 19, has a wife and a kid back there. We talk for an hour or so each time I stop in, gives me coffee. He said America is like a big mixing pot with all cultures and races and it just doesnt work. Dude lived in Detroit before coming here about 6 months ago, same shit, living in the ghetto, crime, etc... Says he feels safer in Yemen, even though there is a civil war. Thats one thing you fail to show in your little graphs talking about homicides and gun control. The USA has a high crime rate, lack of culture, lack of community, high poverty rate, size of a continent, states the size of countries, yet you say it should be compared to other countries that are homogenous, different pop size, same cultures, etc... Show me a country, any country, that is similar to the USA then we can compare the success or failure of gun control. You cannot because it doesnt exist.  

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

100,000 per population negates the size of the population and the size of the country is irrelevant but for kicks. nobody lives in a good portion of the country. you're spread out

i can name you countries with either more or less ethnic diversity

you have places with more or less diversity, you have people living in countries higher or lower people per mile. you have places wtih a way higher and lower rate of poverty. the worlds full of retards, most countries try to keep guns out of their hands

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Did not have to wait long for the brainless arguments to come in.

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