It was an environmental success story despite severe resistance of politics and industry.
These days we deal with even more complex environmental issues and have the deluded thrown into the mix too.
This is only hillarious if you don't have any offspring!
(3 votes)
(Site Administrator)
tbf acid rain is something you can see & touch... and was something that was obviously happening & could be fixed. Also it's fairly easy to understand & a local problem you can measure.
climate change is global, causing more layers of fuckery... and it's a future thing based on science which always is gonna cause issues among some people, especially where there's low trust in authorities.
(Old Spike)
(Site Administrator)
I don't know this branch of science nearly well enough but weren't they in the process of developing high-throughput CO2 collectors meant to snatch it out of the air?
(Old Spike)
There was a company claiming they could do it which collected a lot of gofundme money but it simply doesn't work like that.
(Old Spike)
Several afaik, they all come short to trees. So a viable tecnologi does not exist at this point. Think you have to plant around 1000 trees a year per person on the planet at the rate we are going.
(Old Spike)
Planting trees to combat raised CO2 in the atmosphere is only a temporary fix, as they will all die one day and during decay release the CO2 they absorbed beforehand.