YES!!!! Please, YES! Declare your allegiance - your badge or false authority or power label no longer matters. Declare your allegiance, or practice operational security if you are going in deep, and let's get this done. Let's go.
What are you going to do? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? I'm tired of all of this horseshit posturing - I've always hated it. Let's get it DONE.
(3 votes)
(Old Spike)
They're largely on our side. They were in fact bringing hot food and aid to the protesters.
I think the chief got a phone call or a visit from scary people and that's why he has changed his opinion.
Just went out to document the counter protest. Maybe a couple dozen university students in front of the cop shop. They barely lasted a couple hours.
I missed a bigger one that Viva covered in front of city hall. Maybe a 100 people. You can check out his live stream. He makes it there around 2hr 50ish mark
Meanwhile tens of thousands are going non stop at the freedom festival!
(sounds retarded)
You should live-stream. Never know what you'll capture. For a little while in the deep winter I was the only one live streaming at Standing Rock, had 20-30K people watching and donating money. One of my live streams was used in a lawsuit against the police. Whenever cops are involved, always record! Put a password on your phone so they dont delete it. I captured cops shooting people in their backs as they ran away(rubber bullets), next day I got arrested and they "lost" my phone and I never got a chance to upload the video as I was being blocked. Which brings up another point, they will or have already been using stingray devices, tricks your phone into connecting with them, they get your info, then send it off to the real tower. Watch what you say while using phones there, as they are watching. Gotta take your battery out if you dont want them to know you are there. Buy a burner phone, use fake email to set up and a VPN. Otherwise you get on a list. Google history showed my phone bouncing around, one was university of ND at Fargo where they have a cybersecurity dept that works with the US Dept of Justice, and another was in California. I get special treatment going through the border now.
(Old Spike)
I don't bring my phone out of the house. It's off most days and stays at home. We record with a camera. My room mate is editing now. We went for a walk about and sat around a bonfire and just talked about a better world.
Like one where the community would come out every night and gather with fire works and bonfires.
9000 would hate it haha.
(dumb cunt)
Wow! That is absolutelly insane. You may want to consider publishing something about your adventures.
I took a 4 year time-out from Spiked basically because the Trumptard videos and discussions were clogging the site at that time, and I just got sick of it. However, I always appreciated the eclectic bunch of passionate weirdos that lurk here :) Misguided or not, I am glad to see that that passion continues.
(sounds retarded)
Gotta wait for statute of limitations runs out on a lot of stuff, lol.