Cops use 3 yr old address with no person living there on probation

stokkebye's picture

Morgan Hill PD Officer Safety vs Community Safety

But they still arrest and charge the homeowner, for not complying, lol. Fuck the cops! 

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sato's picture

is a warrant based on incorrect information still valid?

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stokkebye's picture

Yes. They have qualified immunity as well, so good luck trying to get them to repair anything.

BUT, this is NOT a search warrant execution, if they didnt answer the door then the cops would not be able to enter. Best thing they could have done was to remain unseen and unheard and waited them out till they left, or they could have talked threw a window or better yet, the damn ring door bell which the lady did at teh beginning! Told them they have the wrong address, no one lives there that is on probation and to come back with a warrant.

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