The happened one day before the governor rescinded mask mandate. If only he was holding a bottle of water then the virus would stay in the body, right? Is that how it works?
No security gaurd/bouncer has a right to lay hands on you, you can knock em the fuck out if they do.
(6 votes)
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
Atleast we can agree on that, lol indeed
(Old Spike)
if you like that, you'll love this lady,
(sounds retarded)
(Old Spike)
Moe for me
(Old Spike)
Three authoritarian child abusers sitting on the road? What should we do, what should we do?
"I have a bat."
"I have a bag."
"And, hey, look over there - a river."
(Old Spike)
where did that come from?
(Site Administrator)
Did the lady in the video not have concern that all her swearing might hurt people's ear holes?