the above video isn't the one i wanted to pair with the one below because the one below is gold. came across and then lost a video of a truckers checking out the decibels of the horns last night. was up to 100db. they say its a peaceful protest. but if your the chick below. is it?
everybody is suspecting everyone else of being an undercover. key words sets people off
truckers sing-a-long to we are the world i think its against the law to sing that in a group without atleast one person of colour
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(Long Spike)
Sal's dream ...thing
(Old Spike)
remember when i asked you about me protesting outside your home? a business just put up a similar sign today
(Old Spike)
Woke corperation pretending to be the victim again. Big surprise.
They should pressure government to drop the mandates. Then they won't be hit so hard by covid response or the protest.
(Site Administrator)
girl in 2nd vid has punk aesthetic but nanna lifestyle
first twitter link is hilarious. Trucker soap opera hahaha