Russia attacks


Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

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Timmy Tosser's picture



Captured russians. Ugly on all sides...

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Timmy Tosser's picture


Column of destroyed or abandoned Ukrainian tanks

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Timmy Tosser's picture


Destroyed russian equipment and dead russian soldier (sorry graphic).

I really hate this. I really don't care which political ideology anyone here embraces, but I hope we can all agree that this is a disgusting and unecessary waste of life. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

And here's Putin's biggest fan:

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stokkebye's picture

You are such a tool. Putin has done this twice under Biden's watch yet you still push the made up crap about Trump and Russia. The was deboonked weeks ago as made up from Hillary. You are such a fool.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

You know you will be together at the frontline... right?

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skeptoid's picture

I'll have some real fun on the front line with situations like that.

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InsertCoin's picture

You do realize what happens to women in war... don't you?  lol

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

And here goes the village idiot again, brainless babble as always, still, just for you: I was referring to this, can't find the raw video of the interview, though:


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skeptoid's picture

Trump talked with Putin. Joe Biden isn't talking with Putin.


You need to go, man.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"Trump talked with Putin."


What's your point? Were you part of the conversation? Do you know what was discussed?

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skeptoid's picture

Trump talked with Putin. Biden and what he represents repeat over and over that Russia is their enemy and they seek to replace Putin by force. Biden can barely talk at all, let alone with Putin. Do you really not understand my point? You need to go, man.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

afaik biden tried to talk to putin but it could not be arranged. Now would be a little pointless.


when trump talked to putin the situation cannot be compared to the one now.

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InsertCoin's picture

Never understood the whole "wouldn't have happened under _____'s watch" lol.  So was Roosevelt a fuck up for letting Pearl Harbor happen?  Does that mean when a country in Eastern Europe get's invaded by another country, it's because the random dude that was elected across the Altantic ocean is weak?  If the NATO borders were pulled back as per Russian demands, wouldn't that also be seen as weak?  I would think it's how you react to events as a leader that defines you as one. 



Would Trump have done a better job such as when he got the troops out of Afghanistan?  It's easy to talk from the sidelines and speculate but honestly.. the dems would be blamed either way, or visa versa..  maybe that's actually why Putin chose to invade, cause we're too busy fighting over who won an election lol.

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Pantysoaker's picture
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Meanwhile Canada lost to a bunch of trucks

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