19 years ago and these NATO fuck stains still didn't leave yet
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danman (Site Administrator)
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danman (Site Administrator)
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
Baath party having their respective building made into bath holes? Russia should take a note and stop wasting ammo on ciliaians.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You're too emotional in the description about "NATO" to be just a guy from New Zealand who isn't connected to the CCP but just has an interest in the country of China. You should watch that.
Besides, all of those were smart bombs Dan. Each an every one of them went down the ventilation shaft and only killed leading members of the Bathtub party and no civilians were injured at all. That's the difference between the US and Russia (*snicker*).
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pharb (Old Spike)
Just trying to understand your point of view, which I'm sure it would be clear to me if I paid more attention to your comments over the years - I know you do seem to fight with danman quite a bit, and it seems he's ultra-anti west. But I'm trying to understand where you sit...
Personally, I believe that western governments do very bad things just as other governments do - I am not really pro any side.
Do you believe that the Iraq war which was justified as due to the existence and development of weapons of mass destruction with no ulterior motives involving oil?
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
What happend here is the USA invaded a soverign country for fabricated reasons.
They where going to prove that thier faliure in Veitnam was a thing of the past untill they didnt.
USA stood on the graves of some 4000 people killed on 911 in order to bring about the death of over a million Iraqis who had nothing to do with 911.
(Site Administrator)
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
Baath party having their respective building made into bath holes? Russia should take a note and stop wasting ammo on ciliaians.
(Old Spike)
You're too emotional in the description about "NATO" to be just a guy from New Zealand who isn't connected to the CCP but just has an interest in the country of China. You should watch that.
Besides, all of those were smart bombs Dan. Each an every one of them went down the ventilation shaft and only killed leading members of the Bathtub party and no civilians were injured at all. That's the difference between the US and Russia (*snicker*).
(Old Spike)
Just trying to understand your point of view, which I'm sure it would be clear to me if I paid more attention to your comments over the years - I know you do seem to fight with danman quite a bit, and it seems he's ultra-anti west. But I'm trying to understand where you sit...
Personally, I believe that western governments do very bad things just as other governments do - I am not really pro any side.
Do you believe that the Iraq war which was justified as due to the existence and development of weapons of mass destruction with no ulterior motives involving oil?
(Short Spike)
What happend here is the USA invaded a soverign country for fabricated reasons.
They where going to prove that thier faliure in Veitnam was a thing of the past untill they didnt.
USA stood on the graves of some 4000 people killed on 911 in order to bring about the death of over a million Iraqis who had nothing to do with 911.
Americas greatest shame.