i've seen them killing chickens and putting them in a sac, i've seen them stealing from stores. if they're starving it might explain why they shot some people getting bread. if some soldiers are willing to do that, some might be willing to eat some freshly baked rat poisoin cookies
in other news
putin's convoy of corpses, within a few weeks. by just the numbers. russia's lost more soldiers than the coalition did over 20 years in the middle east. its nice to see them use the red cross this way. a few weeks ago they were using it to transport ammunitions
i think its funny that in a time of drone surveillance/warfare, someone in the russian army decided to paint big white letters on vehicles.
(3 votes)
(Old Spike)
In Call of Duty Black OPS 6 you can play as a granny baking pies
(Old Spike)
To be taken with a pinch of salt, tbh.
(Site Administrator)
"they shot some people getting bread"
that's disinformation, like a lot of shit you share here
> Police Chief Vladimir Nidzelsky said the victims died after shells hit a high-rise building, before falling to the ground below. [src]
As I said in the post you made about it, Russian troops aren't on the ground in that city.
(Old Spike)
it could be from a shell but since then body count is up to 14 and its still being reported as a shooting...
i spent time looking where it happened. looking at angles, comparing it to the video. i don't see damage to the building where they're were standing. i don't see much damage done to apartment building that was hit by shells. i know that russia's been outside the city driving around in humvee like vehicles with guys in the gun pods for a week prior to this. so if it was a shelling, was the apartment building or the grocery store which is the building they died next to the target? you got timed fuzes, contact fuzes and proximity fuzes, which one bounces off its intended target?
(Site Administrator)
why are you looking at google maps lmao, it's not a live view
yeah Chernihiv was sieged for about a week & I they're entering it now afaik
there's no evidence it was a shooting, nor does it look like it
besides the positioning of the bodies (not scattered as if running from bullets) where are the bullet holes in the building next to the bodies?
also why the hell would Russian troops just spray bullets into people lining up for food?
what do you think they are, Americans?
(Old Spike)
those people aren't squished. i don't see any debris that could squish them, you think they cleared the streets before dealing with the injured? whatever the mayor also said, he said that on the 16th. i looked at google maps because i look into things before i comment. when i comment its complete. i don't need to come back and add things or take stuff out. wait till i post my reply to your comment from the javilin's two modes, been thinking about that one for a day and half
(Site Administrator)
> i looked at google maps because i look into things before i comment
blindly post misinfo/propaganda & then check google maps for live footage when someone calls you out on it lol
I see the ruble seems to be hanging in there
(Old Spike)
the russians and ruble is like if you pause it right here
you're technically stilling hanging on
russia's trying to stop inflation by increasing interest rates. which they did on the 16th of march. they're trying to slow it but there's no stoping it
(Site Administrator)
"russia's trying to stop inflation by increasing interest rates"
so is the US, are they mario too?
(Old Spike)
no. i don't feel like giving you an economics lesson so i'll just say that just about every country has been suffering from inflation the past few years because of primarily the effects of the pandemic. because of that, most of them have increased their interest rates, very much like the countries down under. is that a reason to believe they are like mario? no, because they didnt have to also double the interest rate after an increase and take further actions to stabilize the dollar/pound/euro or whatever
(Site Administrator)
are you still running with the "Russia's facing economic collapse" theory or is the sugar panic buying the best you can come up with?
(Old Spike)
i don't recall saying that quote. but just because you have to pretend its not happening, doesn't mean its not happening. like you said a few weeks ago "don't think it'll be as bad as the 1990s under Yeltsin". somethings going to happen. the devaluation of the ruble means any products they can get from other countries will cost more. if russia wants to buy products from china, its going to cost them close to a third more right now. its problem and its only going to get worse for them
(Site Moderator)
Same kinda thing back in WW2 when they were attacking Finland, the soldiers didn't have food.
Not much development in 80 years.