An illegitimate President that stole his position from one that operated in the interests of his people against a global conspiracy to enslave mankind has just announced a New World Order. What do you do?
A. Take up the fight of your generation opting to burn out rather than fade away.
B. Shrug it off as just another dementia gaffe and hand it all over by doing nothing.
C. Assist the wicked plot by making excuses for it and labeling those that stand against it as insane, racists or malcontents.
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
The way these criminals have it framed, if you plot or act against the cabal, you are the enemy of the state and no expense will be spared to have you killed or detained in an illegal torture camp.
Civil war is a must for the USA.
Without a civil war the ideals of the constitusion of the USA will be forever lost,covered over with propiganda untill no one even knows that the USA had a constitution.
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité
Liberty, or the right to live freely and without oppression or undue restriction from the authorities, is a core value in a democratic society. So too is equality. This is not only about treating each other as equals, but also that every person is viewed equally under the law. Fraternity is not about gender or college social clubs – though the gender connotation absolutely existed when the motto was first uttered – but rather that we should all be kind and supportive to one another. At its core, it’s about solidarity – we’re all partners in building and maintaining the safe, free and fair society we all want to live in.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
I hope not. Civil war is playing a card they are dealing to you.
What actually terrifies them is the masses awakening and uniting. As that increases your options go up.
Their own people can turn on them, their enforcement can turn on them, their governments can become more ineffective.
Their institutions become more ineffective.
For now you have to focus on seizing your local offices and acedemia back. Focus on skills that can unhook you from the system to feed and sustain yourself. Rebuild community and family. CW is an absolute last resort. If it gets that far you have an exceptionally high probability of losing the grand strategy. Might win the battle at great cost, but lose the war. As the nation will be weakened and vulnerable to siezure in short order.
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
I hear you.
the problem is the war has already begun and they started it.
If you think you can win against Prepetual media propiganda, rigged elections and state sanctioned indoctrination of the yonger generations by just staying true, then I guess you must be a Christian and believe that God will intervine if it gets too bad.
Well.... Last time God intervined when shit got out of control, entire cities were destroyed by fire from the sky.
The wholesale desruction of a corrupt society is what awaits everyone
Those who think they are justified by staying aloof from the fight are complicit in allowing society to devlove into something worthy only of anihaltion.
At some point you need to decide its time to fight.
Seems inevitable right now but I hope I'm wrong
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
There are many ways to fight.
Because I believe in God I know that he can intervene at any time. He has also allowed corrupt societies to be punished before for their iniquity.
During these times, all attempts to avert it were futile.
It's possible that he has provided some things in assistance to us. Trump buying America 4 years as opposed to Hillary leading us right to the slaughter. The righteous rebellion of the convoy which was the single largest mass awakening that cannot be undone. *Possibly* The Russian intervention in Ukraine. We won't know until we see what he does with the country after conquest.
War is upon us, and knowing that is half the battle. There are many ways to fight that are not just kinetic.
The means to physically resist are available to you should you need them. But continue to exhaust all other avenues first.
To war, you must rally. To rally you need as much support as you can get. To build support you must build righteousness in the eyes of the common man and of your oppositon. You don't need 100 million of your population to do it. But, you need enough.
Should the kinetic option be the only one. You will benefit far more with surgical strikes than with massive movements and shock and awe.
It won't be about forts, marches, and command posts. Intelligence will be your greatest asset. Always has been.
The choice of when to fight always rests with the individual. But the choice to resist is always everyone's duty. Always remember there are 52 cards to a deck not 3.
I watched something the other day, it had a lot of information from Kennedy's day all the way up to 1993.
It culminated in the Waco standoff.
By the looks of it the takedown of the Branch Davidians was an NWO Alpha test on how to deal with rallied 2nd amenders.
They accused Karesh of building a cult, pedophelia, and murder of a peer for seizure of the commune. Maybe these things are true, but based on how the news has been for awhile, I'm inclined to believe that was all false.
The real crime, was building a commune of second amenders for Christ. As demonstrated that is unacceptable.
How the formula goes is Accuse patriots of crimes, point them out as threats to society and a danger to the public, rile up support from the masses to demand a solution, weaponize their determination to resist against them incrementally to make government apear proportional, well tempered and even benevolent, when peak percieved public outcry is achieved or when all else fails. Crush them with overwhelming force while levying addional crimes that are atrocious in the eyes of any decent human being that are likely not true.
(Old Spike)
An illegitimate President that stole his position from one that operated in the interests of his people against a global conspiracy to enslave mankind has just announced a New World Order. What do you do?
A. Take up the fight of your generation opting to burn out rather than fade away.
B. Shrug it off as just another dementia gaffe and hand it all over by doing nothing.
C. Assist the wicked plot by making excuses for it and labeling those that stand against it as insane, racists or malcontents.
(Short Spike)
The way these criminals have it framed, if you plot or act against the cabal, you are the enemy of the state and no expense will be spared to have you killed or detained in an illegal torture camp.
Civil war is a must for the USA.
Without a civil war the ideals of the constitusion of the USA will be forever lost,covered over with propiganda untill no one even knows that the USA had a constitution.
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité
Liberty, or the right to live freely and without oppression or undue restriction from the authorities, is a core value in a democratic society. So too is equality. This is not only about treating each other as equals, but also that every person is viewed equally under the law. Fraternity is not about gender or college social clubs – though the gender connotation absolutely existed when the motto was first uttered – but rather that we should all be kind and supportive to one another. At its core, it’s about solidarity – we’re all partners in building and maintaining the safe, free and fair society we all want to live in.
(Old Spike)
I hope not. Civil war is playing a card they are dealing to you.
What actually terrifies them is the masses awakening and uniting. As that increases your options go up.
Their own people can turn on them, their enforcement can turn on them, their governments can become more ineffective.
Their institutions become more ineffective.
For now you have to focus on seizing your local offices and acedemia back. Focus on skills that can unhook you from the system to feed and sustain yourself. Rebuild community and family. CW is an absolute last resort. If it gets that far you have an exceptionally high probability of losing the grand strategy. Might win the battle at great cost, but lose the war. As the nation will be weakened and vulnerable to siezure in short order.
(Short Spike)
I hear you.
the problem is the war has already begun and they started it.
If you think you can win against Prepetual media propiganda, rigged elections and state sanctioned indoctrination of the yonger generations by just staying true, then I guess you must be a Christian and believe that God will intervine if it gets too bad.
Well.... Last time God intervined when shit got out of control, entire cities were destroyed by fire from the sky.
The wholesale desruction of a corrupt society is what awaits everyone
Those who think they are justified by staying aloof from the fight are complicit in allowing society to devlove into something worthy only of anihaltion.
At some point you need to decide its time to fight.
Seems inevitable right now but I hope I'm wrong
(Old Spike)
There are many ways to fight.
Because I believe in God I know that he can intervene at any time. He has also allowed corrupt societies to be punished before for their iniquity.
During these times, all attempts to avert it were futile.
It's possible that he has provided some things in assistance to us. Trump buying America 4 years as opposed to Hillary leading us right to the slaughter. The righteous rebellion of the convoy which was the single largest mass awakening that cannot be undone. *Possibly* The Russian intervention in Ukraine. We won't know until we see what he does with the country after conquest.
War is upon us, and knowing that is half the battle. There are many ways to fight that are not just kinetic.
The means to physically resist are available to you should you need them. But continue to exhaust all other avenues first.
To war, you must rally. To rally you need as much support as you can get. To build support you must build righteousness in the eyes of the common man and of your oppositon. You don't need 100 million of your population to do it. But, you need enough.
Should the kinetic option be the only one. You will benefit far more with surgical strikes than with massive movements and shock and awe.
It won't be about forts, marches, and command posts. Intelligence will be your greatest asset. Always has been.
The choice of when to fight always rests with the individual. But the choice to resist is always everyone's duty. Always remember there are 52 cards to a deck not 3.
I watched something the other day, it had a lot of information from Kennedy's day all the way up to 1993.
It culminated in the Waco standoff.
By the looks of it the takedown of the Branch Davidians was an NWO Alpha test on how to deal with rallied 2nd amenders.
They accused Karesh of building a cult, pedophelia, and murder of a peer for seizure of the commune. Maybe these things are true, but based on how the news has been for awhile, I'm inclined to believe that was all false.
The real crime, was building a commune of second amenders for Christ. As demonstrated that is unacceptable.
How the formula goes is Accuse patriots of crimes, point them out as threats to society and a danger to the public, rile up support from the masses to demand a solution, weaponize their determination to resist against them incrementally to make government apear proportional, well tempered and even benevolent, when peak percieved public outcry is achieved or when all else fails. Crush them with overwhelming force while levying addional crimes that are atrocious in the eyes of any decent human being that are likely not true.
(sounds retarded)
AJ has been right more times than wrong!
(Old Spike)