Say it ain't so! When even Fox News, the bastion of truthful pro-Trump media, has had it with Trump's incessant lies, you know Trumps lies have just piled up too high. Sure, talking heads like Sean Hannity will still spout the conspiracy talking points like "Trump Jr wasn't doing anything wrong, he was being a secret agent and trying to ferret out Russian spies put in place by Hillary Clinton" and so on, but any sane individual can't push any more Trumpshit with a straight face.
(9 votes)
(Old Spike)
I guess there's more money in the Trump-Russia story than the Trump-Is-Doing-God's-Work story.
Both are fantasy.
(Long Spike)
There's nothing there but the usual ho-hum secrecy necessary in politics as nothing is allowed. When basic decency is something that can be attacked publicly and shamelessly (ie. Fox and its predecessors) then it should not surprise when others follow in suit.
It'll probably take years to figure out but I would be surprised if there was anything else than 'they misinformed but nothing illegal happened'. How's that tarsand pipeline going?