IT HAPPENED! Graphene Batteries 2022 Are FINALLY Here!


Timmy Tosser's picture

Nice to see another real world graphene application. I still believe that it will revolutionise nearly all current forms of product manufacturing, but the sole reason for the absence of graphene in, well, almost all our products is because there still isn’t an efficient and cost-friendly way to mass-produce it. The most viable process now is called liquid phase exfoliation, but that may give way to techniques involving laser ablation as that method advances.

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

yeah, we still have trouble keeping the structure consistant over larger pieces.

when we do get it right we'll have access to ridiculously strong airframes hopefully with a brilliant operational lifespan.

the body armor aplications alone.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Every other week there some news of some amazing new battery tech.


I've watched a few of this channel's videos and they all seem clickbaity and over sensationalized. As far as I know, graphene is still far away since we don't have cost-effective way of doing those thin graphene sheets. Also, capacitors aren't batteries. Capacitors can give a short burst of energy and then they are dead. Easy to charge, long-lasting sure, but a battery it ain't.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I don't think skeleton batteries are a good idea.


Looking For This T2 Endoskeleton Image : r/Terminator

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