russian state media redifining nasizm


theblackswordsman's picture
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National Socialism. Pretty straight forward if you actually question the propaganda fed to you by so called experts your whole life.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

There is nothing wrong with socialism, realy, the rich pay for the poor

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theblackswordsman's picture
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The actual rich that have mega wealth arn't paying much of anything. The ones that should be paying the most in theory. It's just the upper class people that worked hard their whole lives on one or two businesses to get ahead that are paying for people that don't want to pay for anything.


Further more, many of the programs and services offered arn't really neccessary and don't do much to fix fundamental problems, while the services that are more vital detiorate and get worse every year.


Most of the money funelled from taxation goes into growing government power and it's ability to project force/abuse onto it's citizens.


Most government jobs arn't real jobs. They don't create goods or valueable services for the economy. But the people that do are the ones paying for them.

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danman's picture

there's no rule that nazism must be anti-semitic but a lot of the nazis in ukraine do have a beef with jews since a lot of the oligarchs there are jewish including zelensky's boss. it was american media & a bunch of lobbyists that caused perceptions of wwii to be focused so heavily on jews & the genocide against them. there was a genocide against various peoples in that war & it wasn't just jews who the nazis tried to do it to.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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From what I can deduce the fundamental priniciples that are nazism specifically that make it stand it out from other far left systems are Eugenics, demographic supremacy, Science worship. You could say say some specific occult adherences as well specific to their lore and beliefs. A positive aspect that could be argued is that once their people were "cleansed" through their vicious and ugly practices they did maintain a strong emphasis on family and community despite the very state driven agenda.


The other traits can be shared by other sister ideologies, but those are the ones that appear to be under the nazi brand specifically. I do want to say economic might through mobilization of hard work and price fixing, as well as heavy emphasis on militant culture, and puritanical zealotry but those can be shared among other beliefs to some extent as well.

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danman's picture

I wouldn't put eugenics on the list as uniquely Nazi, or demographics so much & labelling ultra-nationalist/fascist ideology as leftist is stupid. We've had that convo before. Nazism is about racial purity & is a form of European ultra-nationalism (far-right). It has certain symbols associated with it. Various ultra-nat groups in Ukraine inherit their symbology & ideology directly from Nazis who occupatied Ukraine in WWII.


In general to trace Ukrainian Nazism back to German Nazism you gotta look into CIA/Mi6 involvement with Ukrainian anti-Soviet agitation during the Cold War. There's a direct link that involves people like Reinhard Gehlen & Stepan Bandera, I'm not gonna try & explain it here & have already posted videos about it. If someone was to insist that these Ukronazis are not Nazis but neo-Nazis I wouldn't bother arguing but some of them fall into the Nazi category more imo, based on their activity & agenda. Neo-nazis is a more broad term & often is associated with teenage edgelords & such. Not paramilitaries & street thugs who have a real agenda they're working towards, killing & intimidating people who get in their way.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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What other belief systems come to mind when it comes to Eugenics? I know the states tried aspects of it for a bit until around 1915, then it went away, but then started popping up again around the 70's again in more sinister and subtle forms, which I have suspicions may have some post war nazi influence.


Is there any other examples you can think of? What I'm examining is what became a more permenent fixture of the belief as opossed to dabblings or a couple of experiments.


One of the main reasons I didn't put ulta nationalism as uniquely nazi, is because many belief systems that are not nazi have ultra nationalism. That's why I feel Demographic supremacey is a better fit. As Nazism is not specifically white either, even though as a cultural movement it began that way. Though the occult beliefs are specifically aryan yes. I find it difficult to account for anomolies in the 90's that started sprouting up such as black nazis, Jewish nazis, cuban nazis. Very strange when you look at the roots.


For example patriotism has immensely nationalistic, and in war even outright zealous beliefs, but is not Nazism.


And I will reitertate that fascism is exclusively left brand. Anthony Gentille who is regarded as father of fascism was absolutely left, and his ideology was crafted for use within the left brand of politics.


Realisticly the fundamental difference between left and right is the left believes in centralization of state powers and services, and the right believes in the decentralization of state powers and influences.


In the states many "Right wing Republicans" Were simply leftists infiltrating the right wing party. Hence we have the term Rhino cons. Or widely known as neo cons, who worked with neolibs to centralize and grow state powers for decades. Very similar to what happened to the Tories and late stage UKIP in the U.K that completely destroyed their parties and along with it any bearings left with most of Europes politcal compass. A tragedy really.

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jdt73's picture

"russian state media redifining nasizm"

looks like your pants fell down and everyone can see your ignorance.


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