Wouldn't be the first time a black person fakes a hate crime.
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
So If you dont like sodomy and think it is unnatural and harmful, you need to be silenced because that is hate speech?
Oh, let me guess ''free speech is hate speech?''.
My God how insane the world is.
Do ya think that just maybe if the LGBTQ@+6487 comunity wasnt out there in public ramming thier lifestyle into the faces of everyone by having thier parades and waving thier banners etc, just maybe if they keept thier private life private, you know like most decent people, there wouldnt be the backlash that is currently happening?
Its like they actualy are painting themselves up as targets and then compllaining that the are being targeted!
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
JDT73, your words kind of bring a thought to mind. It's been said that in ancient times, talking about Rome, Greece, heck even India and the Orient, we had a lot more liberal attitudes towards homosexuality and then we became more prudish about it. About sex in general, actually, talking Victorian era prudes.. Is it possible the cycle has repeated itself before and due to media saturation we're seeing it play out again, even faster now, in compressed intervals?
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Dude (Old Spike)
It is generation on generation, kids kind of do the opposite of their elders
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
You're saying you had an open conversation with dad or granddad about whether they're into butt stuff?
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Dude (Old Spike)
Yes my grandfather said i like to put my dick in moemoe's ass, i said you are grosing me out grandpa lets not talk about this kind of stuff.
See? - That is how it works
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Ok. Thanks. It all makes sense now..
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Dude (Old Spike)
Look at those fuck me boots, and the guy has gone fucking blind from all the pussy
(Site Administrator)
(dumb cunt)
(Old Spike)
Probably just kids, when i see snow i draw a dick
(Old Spike)
100% he did that himself
Wouldn't be the first time a black person fakes a hate crime.
(Short Spike)
So If you dont like sodomy and think it is unnatural and harmful, you need to be silenced because that is hate speech?
Oh, let me guess ''free speech is hate speech?''.
My God how insane the world is.
Do ya think that just maybe if the LGBTQ@+6487 comunity wasnt out there in public ramming thier lifestyle into the faces of everyone by having thier parades and waving thier banners etc, just maybe if they keept thier private life private, you know like most decent people, there wouldnt be the backlash that is currently happening?
Its like they actualy are painting themselves up as targets and then compllaining that the are being targeted!
(Site Administrator)
JDT73, your words kind of bring a thought to mind. It's been said that in ancient times, talking about Rome, Greece, heck even India and the Orient, we had a lot more liberal attitudes towards homosexuality and then we became more prudish about it. About sex in general, actually, talking Victorian era prudes.. Is it possible the cycle has repeated itself before and due to media saturation we're seeing it play out again, even faster now, in compressed intervals?
(Old Spike)
It is generation on generation, kids kind of do the opposite of their elders
(Site Administrator)
You're saying you had an open conversation with dad or granddad about whether they're into butt stuff?
(Old Spike)
Yes my grandfather said i like to put my dick in moemoe's ass, i said you are grosing me out grandpa lets not talk about this kind of stuff.
See? - That is how it works
(Site Administrator)
Ok. Thanks. It all makes sense now..
(Old Spike)
Look at those fuck me boots, and the guy has gone fucking blind from all the pussy