Victor Davis Hanson is an American classicist, military historian, columnist, and farmer. He has been a commentator on modern and ancient warfare and contemporary politics for National Review, The Washington Times and other media outlets. He is a professor emeritus of classics at California State University, Fresno, and is currently the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in classics and military history at Stanford University's Hoover Institution.
(8 votes)
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
You usually post nonsensical rightwing bullshit, but this guy is legit and his views are legit. Good post.
(Old Spike)
Thanks. But in reality my political postings are always legit, the difference being this guy hasn't been ideologically black listed by the left which meant you actually listened and considered what he was saying.
(Site Moderator)
I think just acting like a sane person will suffice in not getting "black listed by the left".
(Short Spike)
Its mostly because he's moderate. It’s hard to get across your intent when its pouring through your political ideologies. Some people are more obvious than others. I do agree with you though, this whole "widening of the Political Divide" shit is becoming pretty frustrating. Especially this "Blacklisting" nonsense being committed by everyone.