Russia blows up mall of shoppers


danman's picture

it doesn't really even matter what the western propaganda machine is saying about the war in Ukraine. It was shown within 24 hours that the mall wasn't hit. The missile landed close to it though, seems to have hit on the train tracks nearby... but what difference does it make? Propaganda alone doesn't win wars & nobody even cares any more, the policitians saddled Ukraine with $100b in debt since Russian launched the operation don't care that voters don't care either. They only care that there's enough Russia Bad to not get in the way of their careers. Europe now becomes Japan status - stagnant economy, geopolitically irrelevant, American security umbrella fuckboy, as was planned. /rant

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Your defence makes absolutely no sense,

-they shouldn't be bombing the country in the first place...

But let me guess a mall and railroad full of nazi's

Mom and 6 year old daughter out shopping for shoes, we just blow them up along with the nazi railroad.

Did you not say that Ukraine did all the bombings themselves, why is this one different?

HEY mister i don't watch video's - Pick a side

If it was a munitions storage wouldn't you see extra explosions or hear popping, wouldn't they hit it direcly? instead of the railroad next to it?, but you guy's do not think like that, you know why noone interviewed the ppl at the mall, just because we don't expect ppl to be so stupid believing the russian propaganda, stupid ppl need more information and proof because they can't properly think for themselves.

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