Lancet COVID Chairman - COVID came from US Biolab

skeptoid's picture

Covid “Came Out Of A US Lab Biotechnology” Says Lancet Chairman

Wonder if China was "set-up" to fail and be embarrassed by US intelligence, China figured that out pretty quick, and that's why everything went down the way it did. Would be interesting to see if their final card - if the Jan 6th clown show fails - is to reveal "through internal investigations" that it was the Donald Trump admin and Trump himself who ordered it. There are enough people who still buy that Russia deliberately bombed a mall full of shoppers or Syria dropped chemical weapons on its own people when that was the ONLY thing that would hurt them at the time that "Donald Trump ordered the COVID bioleak" would probably be believed by many. I wouldn't have believed that before the pandemic response enforced by bureaucrats in gov and media to profit a fascist alliance, but I believe that now.


Enter Daft Cunt to tell us why the Lancet is "not the proper channels" - can someone tell me what's changed about embedding so I can get my Ricky Gervais laughing GIF ready? Or should I go with the other one? Maybe that one's more appropriate in this case, given the history.

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skeptoid's picture

7:55 see where Daft Cunt gets his ideas from.... "This paper was judged by qualified staff up and down the chain."

"Proper channels".


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jdt73's picture

Kinda stopped caring what people who can't think for themselves, think.

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Pdub's picture

Didn't Jimmy post that video before? That seems really old even though it has a current date. I recall seeing this before.

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