Audio of a call Trump made to a widow of a soldier who died back in April. CNN has it playing on their site and this is one of two I could find on YouTube.
(8 votes)
(Old Spike)
Who knew "Hitler" was such a stand up nice guy?
(Site Moderator)
Good thing he wasn't captured by the enemy.
(Long Spike)
I guess that's the proof needed...seriously, this is the exact recording I would like to hear to the recently widowed Johnson woman. Not denials and "I have proof." SHOW IT and this will all be over. It would be great if it just ended. Don't show it and you're a liar President Trump.
(Old Spike)
Everyone says there is no recording of that call. But just step back for a moment and look at it - would a guy like Trump, clown that he may be, who is obsessed with how others perceive him call a grieving widow to coldly and cruelly dismiss her husband's death and the resulting pain as "what he signed up for"? He's a bumbler so for sure he could have taken an eloquent line of condolence recommended to him and hacked it into something that didn't come across right. People don't get that what bothers me isn't that there are things to criticize Trump about - it's that you don't have to invent horseshit to do it effectively, and in fact bullshitting just plays into your opposition's hands. Doesn't matter if he bullshits all the time - countering it with another brand of bullshit just has people sitting back deciding which bullshit they like best based on their pre-existing socio-political thoughts and feelings.
He probably fucked up the call in some way. The congresswoman calling herself a "rockstar" now probably saw a chance to fuck him hard with bullshit. Who knows - maybe anti-Trump people have been listening in on many a call and this was the first one they were able to make bread out of. It's all retarded.
(Long Spike)
Oh, I can agree there. He's extremely cognizant of how he appears on TV, he probably fucked up. To double down and come out with "I have proof" is great too.......until you come out with ZERO proof. That's pathological. A simple " I erred" would be fine, if he had no proof but no, he has to spew out "I have proof" even when he has none. He is in his lifelong bubble where his pathological lying is just bizarre. His classmate's story about how he told kids he hit a homerun, then told people who were there the same and they asked him why he was lying, then demanded that they repeat that he hit a homerun, and then actually BELIEVED that he DID hit a homerun is very telling. This guy didn't just become a pathological liar when he went on reality TV or ran for president, it's a lifelong endeavour for him.
(Old Spike)
It is for all of them - you have to be obsessed with yourself and your success to rise through the established machinery to become president. Trump did an end run around the established process but the only thing that drove him was the same thing that drives all the rest. It's the one thing you can count on, always. It's the great conundrum - how do you get a person who isn't like that into those positions? Why do you think I never let go of Ron Paul? Look at the man, listen to him talk, look at his pincipled voting record - he's not one of those people. Look at Tulsi Gabbard, listen to her talk, and look at her principled voting record - she's not one of those people. You see where I'm coming from?
(Long Spike)
I do. I think you're right. The people who end up in that position travel a road that warps their character to varying degrees. It's my opinion that Trump has gathered a whole list of character flaws like pathological lying, ridiculous grandiosity, an overblown ego and a narcissistic personality along with a long list of others. That said, I myself would likely be a total asshole but then of course I'm not the President of the United States. I don't know much about Tulsi Gabbard other than that she's kinda hot. Have to find out more.
(Short Spike)
Academic scholorship? Academic? Not a sports scholarship? You sure? That's surprising.