Wouldn't the government be knocking on your door if you made this kind of video in China?
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danman (Site Administrator)
great question. no but humourless, insecure nationalists might complain about it. ; )
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
Me, humorless? mmmkay.
I bet you'd say China is the most non-nationalistic open society.
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danman (Site Administrator)
I'd say you should try to be less fragile
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
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backdraft (Dixie Normous: Image specialist)
Can you post a few examples of a Chinese person talking shit about their country on chinese social media?
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
What door, who........ what are you talking about?! Meet the chengs, they just moved in....... party people, wholesome!... "what about the previous occupant" .... don't worry about it!
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
Maybe not use fragile in context wuth chinuuur! Most butthurt people on this planet!
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danman (Site Administrator)
eurocucks are the experts when it comes to butthurt.. it guides everything you do
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
relevance?! 0%, retort 0%, ....... any further engagement inadvisable!
(Old Spike)
He went to long, but still magnificent
(Long Spike)
Wouldn't the government be knocking on your door if you made this kind of video in China?
(Site Administrator)
great question. no but humourless, insecure nationalists might complain about it. ; )
(Long Spike)
Me, humorless? mmmkay.
I bet you'd say China is the most non-nationalistic open society.
(Site Administrator)
I'd say you should try to be less fragile
(Long Spike)
(Dixie Normous: Image specialist)
Can you post a few examples of a Chinese person talking shit about their country on chinese social media?
(Old Spike)
What door, who........ what are you talking about?! Meet the chengs, they just moved in....... party people, wholesome!... "what about the previous occupant" .... don't worry about it!
(Old Spike)
Maybe not use fragile in context wuth chinuuur! Most butthurt people on this planet!
(Site Administrator)
eurocucks are the experts when it comes to butthurt.. it guides everything you do
(Old Spike)
relevance?! 0%, retort 0%, ....... any further engagement inadvisable!
Ran your string trough an app