Now regardless of how good the pilot is I wouldn't wand to stand on the truck when they land.
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
he's done that a few times.
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
some just fly like it's an extention of their body..... then again you are going to die at one point or kill somone, it's not a perfect machine!
These manouvers have only one place... in battle and rescue!
Not to long ago we had an instance of losing the Jesus Nut! Thing that holds the blades in place ...... you lose your wings, there is no auto gyration..... just ...... a poop fall, straight down... it happens, grandpa NB
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Mistermike1992 (Member)
The Jesus Nut.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Wouldn't the appropriate reply be more like: "welcome new member!" ?
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Mistermike1992 (Member)
My accounts been through a blender with technical issues form login to upload.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Well, welcome! Unless you are a skeptoid sock, which I doubt considering your comment above.
(Old Spike)
Now regardless of how good the pilot is I wouldn't wand to stand on the truck when they land.
(Site Administrator)
he's done that a few times.
(Old Spike)
some just fly like it's an extention of their body..... then again you are going to die at one point or kill somone, it's not a perfect machine!
These manouvers have only one place... in battle and rescue!
Not to long ago we had an instance of losing the Jesus Nut! Thing that holds the blades in place ...... you lose your wings, there is no auto gyration..... just ...... a poop fall, straight down... it happens, grandpa NB
The Jesus Nut.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Wouldn't the appropriate reply be more like: "welcome new member!" ?
My accounts been through a blender with technical issues form login to upload.
(Old Spike)
Well, welcome! Unless you are a skeptoid sock, which I doubt considering your comment above.
(Site Administrator)
hey dude,
got any issues, i can help you out.