because he has some random tatoo you connect him to an American Jew who hosted a show years ago.
Are you saying Jon Stewart is the mastermind behind the assasination?
How do you connect the two?
You sound crazier and crazier every day.
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danman (Site Administrator)
calm down belgian pussy
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
ok, think the interwebs broke you! That's not really how you respond to people.
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danman (Site Administrator)
it's an appropriate response to aggressively retarded whining
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Dude (Old Spike)
That is maybe how they do it in China but you are talking to civilized ppl here
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danman (Site Administrator)
The word you're looking for is degenerate. Civilized means something quite different.
Delusional also fits.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
considering the comment before this was "another delusional comment from the belgian pussy" and the comment before that was "the trusty old bigotry card, huh?". would you consider yourself a degenerate, delusional or civilized?
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danman (Site Administrator)
I'd consider you to still have no life
How's your Russian economic collapse prediction coming along btw?
Did Russia's currency & economy collapse as you said it was going to? Let's check..
Oh no, seems they're slightly below the target of 0.017 dollars to the ruble.
How about inflation..
OMG energy prices are up 10%. Utter failure, Putin's doomed!!!
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
making people confront the very thing they hate the most is my life
pretty good, i said a year to 6. do me a favor cause i don't feel like posting hundreds of photos. look at the exchange rate between america and canada, america and britan, america and brazil, america and who ever...... look how the graph changes. now check out the exchange rates between russia and canada, russia and america, russia and britan, russia and ......
i'm also canadian. russia's inflation rate is double ours so congrats on being an idiot. thats like setting up a market hundreds of kilometers from a chinese re-education camp to show that those very camps don't exist
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danman (Site Administrator)
your life is being an internet troll.. what a sad existence.
you could brighten your day & think back to how excited you were back in March this year...have a little chuckle about how you were trying to give lectures on economics
+ the assurance that the economic collapse is happening, with the devaluation of the ruble that you were predicting being a catalyst...
internet troll, sad life... geez. that really hurts coming from the guy that was deleting peoples commnets and posts with the occassional kicking of a user leading to him to being to take a walk. i'm a professional shitposter. everybody likes me.. in other peoples comment chains
i said a lot of things in march, pretty excited about a lot of them, summers over so might as well get back to it.
has anything changed with the russian stock market? as a foreigner, can you sell your stocks? are they still manipulating their currency? if you looked at the exchange rates, you'd know and if they're doing those things, i'd say they paused the game. a week after that conversation you wanted a timeframe. i gave you one, one to six years and i still feel pretty good about it
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danman (Site Administrator)
In March you said, and I quote:
the devaluation of the ruble means any products they can get from other countries will cost more. if russia wants to buy products from china, its going to cost them close to a third more right now. its problem and its only going to get worse for them
since you said that the ruble's doubled in value & their inflation's been steadily declining. This is easily verified.
trying to say you said 6 years now just shows how insecure you are. You can't even take an L when it's tattooed on your forehead.
don't worry tho, charlatan9000, you'll have plenty more opportunity to swallow the L when you're more comfy. I'll make sure there's more opportunities for ya ;)
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
you even replied to this comment
i really like the part about dennying its happening under the pretence of ignorance. like seriously. you posted a picture comparing uk and russias prices when russia inflation rate is higher than the uks. you post pictures of the us to rubble exchange rate when you don't understand it. i revel in your display of stupidity
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Dude (Old Spike)
Din't they just throw the second rich guy, out a window for refusing to pay for the ruble.. i mean bubble
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danman (Site Administrator)
why are belgians driving to france to fill up their cars?
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Dude (Old Spike)
Some ppl go to luxembourg to buy sigarettes if you live near the border and can make a trip out of it, why not?
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nakedslave (Old Spike)
Shut up. Pussy.
Go hug a nazi.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Said the guy with the Aryan eyes avatar.
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Pdub (Old Spike)
Looked like someone was sending a message. Hope she got it.
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
..... my balls just retreated INTO my body, I have no balls now!
(Site Administrator)
The assassin's a friend of Jon Stewart
(Old Spike)
because he has some random tatoo you connect him to an American Jew who hosted a show years ago.
Are you saying Jon Stewart is the mastermind behind the assasination?
How do you connect the two?
You sound crazier and crazier every day.
(Site Administrator)
calm down belgian pussy
(Old Spike)
ok, think the interwebs broke you! That's not really how you respond to people.
(Site Administrator)
it's an appropriate response to aggressively retarded whining
(Old Spike)
That is maybe how they do it in China but you are talking to civilized ppl here
(Site Administrator)
The word you're looking for is degenerate. Civilized means something quite different.
Delusional also fits.
(Old Spike)
considering the comment before this was "another delusional comment from the belgian pussy" and the comment before that was "the trusty old bigotry card, huh?". would you consider yourself a degenerate, delusional or civilized?
(Site Administrator)
I'd consider you to still have no life
How's your Russian economic collapse prediction coming along btw?
Did Russia's currency & economy collapse as you said it was going to? Let's check..
Oh no, seems they're slightly below the target of 0.017 dollars to the ruble.
How about inflation..
OMG energy prices are up 10%. Utter failure, Putin's doomed!!!
(Old Spike)
making people confront the very thing they hate the most is my life
pretty good, i said a year to 6. do me a favor cause i don't feel like posting hundreds of photos. look at the exchange rate between america and canada, america and britan, america and brazil, america and who ever...... look how the graph changes. now check out the exchange rates between russia and canada, russia and america, russia and britan, russia and ......
i'm also canadian. russia's inflation rate is double ours so congrats on being an idiot. thats like setting up a market hundreds of kilometers from a chinese re-education camp to show that those very camps don't exist
(Site Administrator)
your life is being an internet troll.. what a sad existence.
you could brighten your day & think back to how excited you were back in March this year...have a little chuckle about how you were trying to give lectures on economics
+ the assurance that the economic collapse is happening, with the devaluation of the ruble that you were predicting being a catalyst...
(Old Spike)
internet troll, sad life... geez. that really hurts coming from the guy that was deleting peoples commnets and posts with the occassional kicking of a user leading to him to being to take a walk. i'm a professional shitposter. everybody likes me.. in other peoples comment chains
i said a lot of things in march, pretty excited about a lot of them, summers over so might as well get back to it.
has anything changed with the russian stock market? as a foreigner, can you sell your stocks? are they still manipulating their currency? if you looked at the exchange rates, you'd know and if they're doing those things, i'd say they paused the game. a week after that conversation you wanted a timeframe. i gave you one, one to six years and i still feel pretty good about it
(Site Administrator)
In March you said, and I quote:
since you said that the ruble's doubled in value & their inflation's been steadily declining. This is easily verified.
trying to say you said 6 years now just shows how insecure you are. You can't even take an L when it's tattooed on your forehead.
don't worry tho, charlatan9000, you'll have plenty more opportunity to swallow the L when you're more comfy. I'll make sure there's more opportunities for ya ;)
(Old Spike)
you even replied to this comment
i really like the part about dennying its happening under the pretence of ignorance. like seriously. you posted a picture comparing uk and russias prices when russia inflation rate is higher than the uks. you post pictures of the us to rubble exchange rate when you don't understand it. i revel in your display of stupidity
(Old Spike)
Din't they just throw the second rich guy, out a window for refusing to pay for the ruble.. i mean bubble
(Site Administrator)
why are belgians driving to france to fill up their cars?
(Old Spike)
Some ppl go to luxembourg to buy sigarettes if you live near the border and can make a trip out of it, why not?
(Old Spike)
Shut up. Pussy.
Go hug a nazi.
(Old Spike)
Said the guy with the Aryan eyes avatar.
(Old Spike)
Looked like someone was sending a message. Hope she got it.
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
..... my balls just retreated INTO my body, I have no balls now!
(Old Spike)