you may need to work on that. the site accepts mp4s but doesn't really play them atm. youtube or dailymotion urls works best.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
you need a walk through on how things work. if you got a youtube clip you want to post. you click the add content and then on the next page. click video submission. on the next page. you enter the title you want it to be called. under that, click Browse. a box opens up. this is where you post the link. click next. add anything you want into the description box. if you want to post a video in the description box. you have to change Text format from Filtered HTML to Full HTML. disable rich-text. past the embeded youtube link. enable rich-text
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@PoliceEncountersUS (Spiker)
The problem is, when I get to the browse part, it only gives me options to select content that's already been uploaded.
When I post the link ( it says it cant find it.
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
fixed. you know what it might be, you're a member. let me promote you to spiker and you may have better luck.
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@PoliceEncountersUS (Spiker)
Awesome! I Appreciate it! - I thought I was well past being a noob when it comes to this stuff, but apparently not lol!
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
got to ask. how did you come across the site?
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@PoliceEncountersUS (Spiker)
I believe you're the reason :) - Although, it seems like I've came across the site a few years ago, but not 100% sure of that.
You posted a video from my channel on here (Deputy Shoots Landlord).
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
i know i embed a video from your channel. what i'm wondering is how you came across it here
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@PoliceEncountersUS1 (Member)
My password expired..I thought I made a new one after the one-time login, but apparently not....can't get back into the account, even if i request new password and try using whats emailed to me, it still says too many sign ins.
To answer your analytics showed a view spike in that video, and the source was listed as external> came here and seen where you posted it.
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
you know, we really should make a video on how to do that...
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@PoliceEncountersUS1 (Member)
You know how I can get back into my first account? Have to wait it out I guess?
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
we had some issues, what was it called?
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@PoliceEncountersUS1 (Member)
username: @PoliceEncountersUS
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
there you go, sent an email to the above address with details.
(Site Administrator)
you may need to work on that. the site accepts mp4s but doesn't really play them atm. youtube or dailymotion urls works best.
(Old Spike)
you need a walk through on how things work. if you got a youtube clip you want to post. you click the add content and then on the next page. click video submission. on the next page. you enter the title you want it to be called. under that, click Browse. a box opens up. this is where you post the link. click next. add anything you want into the description box. if you want to post a video in the description box. you have to change Text format from Filtered HTML to Full HTML. disable rich-text. past the embeded youtube link. enable rich-text
The problem is, when I get to the browse part, it only gives me options to select content that's already been uploaded.
When I post the link ( it says it cant find it.
(Site Administrator)
fixed. you know what it might be, you're a member. let me promote you to spiker and you may have better luck.
Awesome! I Appreciate it! - I thought I was well past being a noob when it comes to this stuff, but apparently not lol!
(Old Spike)
got to ask. how did you come across the site?
I believe you're the reason :) - Although, it seems like I've came across the site a few years ago, but not 100% sure of that.
You posted a video from my channel on here (Deputy Shoots Landlord).
(Old Spike)
i know i embed a video from your channel. what i'm wondering is how you came across it here
My password expired..I thought I made a new one after the one-time login, but apparently not....can't get back into the account, even if i request new password and try using whats emailed to me, it still says too many sign ins.
To answer your analytics showed a view spike in that video, and the source was listed as external> came here and seen where you posted it.
(Site Administrator)
you know, we really should make a video on how to do that...
You know how I can get back into my first account? Have to wait it out I guess?
(Site Administrator)
we had some issues, what was it called?
username: @PoliceEncountersUS
(Site Administrator)
there you go, sent an email to the above address with details.