Bad "Take On Me" Cover


GKhan's picture

Brutalized that song but +5 because the title was appropriate.

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lawngnome's picture

Millennial hipsters.  PUKE! 

Look at that mom pants.   DOUBLE PUKE!

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fryser_d's picture


Maybe her mom... nah!?



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lawngnome's picture

Anjelica is such a little hottie

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

some people just need to be dragged out into a field at night during a full moon and beaten with a frozen salmon until they permanently stop moving.

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Burlz's picture

The day my ears cried blood.


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stonerDave's picture

I like Lake Street Dive, but this IS shitty. That trumpet player is horrible. 

Here’s my fav from them. Only a little trumpet.

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Moonrock's picture

God, that was awful. 

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Mr. M33s33kS's picture

some rehearsal would have helped

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

dont think it works like that. they make a list of songs and bands that come in have to pick from it. its been crap for years. but every now and again you get a gem

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gardendaleguy's picture
never tried this...hopefully it worky
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Cahu's picture

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SpikedLegend's picture
Beta Tester

I think it could have been good if the singer had a better band.

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sir spanks-a-lot's picture

I think it wouldv'e been good if it was a better band, with a better singer, and completely different instruments altogether... or even better, if they just had left the bubblegum masterpiece alone.


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Rekon's picture

This just can't be serious.


Can it.


No.It can't.

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Burlz's picture
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