russian dumping and burying civilians


danman's picture

another charlatan9000 special... it's more likely the Ukrainian Nazis as doing that - a summary:

Ukrainian neo-Nazi Zhorin from Azov showed footage of the massacre of the civilian population of Kupyansk

These civilians are pro Russians and they were killed for just that reason.


Without seeing who's doing it, it's a case of who do you believe....

One clue to who may have done this is that the people there have Winter jackets & the ground & trees suggest it's actually Autumn - but the Russian troops left Kupyansk in the Summer.


Another clue whodunnit is that the video was shared by the Ukrainian Nazi with comment suggesting retribution:
“Another occupied Kupyansk, Kharkiv region. The civilian population. The payment will be !”


Yet another clue is that the Russians don't treat people like this. Ukrainian Nazis do. There have been large burial sites found under Russian occupied territory & they're always marked graves, they even bury the Ukrainian fighters in marked graves.


There's also a case of the video timestamp:
“Here is the metadata of the video, which was posted today on the channel by the Ukrainian Nazi Zhorin, on which Ukrainian Nazis kill civilians in Kupyansk accused of collaboration. The video was recorded today 9.10.2022, at 13:24, and posted on the channel of the war criminal Zhorin at 14:12. Any more questions?”


There's also the fact that RAF troops aren't allowed to take their cellphones when being deployed.

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Timmy Tosser's picture

Yea nice try man-baby. As we have all seen ruzzian orcs have horrible training and discipline and  keep stealing cell phones from the ukrainian population and using them to cry to their families and film themselves getting drunk...

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jdt73's picture

Critical thought and investigation is not permited.

If Azov Nazis want to shoot people and blame it on the Russians then that is what it is.

If you are not on the side of the brave Nazis of Ukraine who were instumental in overthrowing the democraticly elected government of Ukraine then you must be an enemy of democracy.

BTW men give birth, abortion is primarily an LGBTQ issue and science is racist

You got that clear?

Stand by more instructions from the world government of upside down world.

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