Just kidding. After first saying he would release them when Obama released his birth certificate, backing out, then saying again he would then backing out and trying to make the issue die, he states whoever askes him about releasing his tax returns is somehow "Fake News" and he doesn't have to release them because.......he won.
What is he hiding? Anyone who knows Trump knows if there was nothing to hide, he would have released them long ago.
(9 votes)
(Old Spike)
You guys need a new scandal.
(Long Spike)
You're right. Why not just ignore the president's lies, subterfuge, and scams? He's just the president and reverse things. Trump would ignore the tomfoolery of anyone else. Face facts, Trump is a pathological liar or are you so gone you are denying fact?
(Old Spike)
Somebody still hasn't gotten over the fact they lost the 2016 election.
BTW, there's nothing that says he has to release his returns to the public. Again, if there was something there to be used against him Obama would have handed it off to Hillary to be used against him. That didn't happen, therefore I have no reason to suspect there's anything worth seeing.
If I had to guess, I'd say Trump is intentionally keeping his tax records to himself because I knows it causes the left to pull their fucking hair out.
(Long Spike)
If it wasn't for the low-IQs of Trumptard nation, Trump wouldn't be able to deny things he said in videos but all he needs to do is deny facts and his fellating followers believe him even when confronted by video of Trump saying what he denies. Faced with facts, Trumptards just get a blank face, shake their heads no, and repeat "Fake News" (did you know Trump came up with that? He did. Believe me) over and over and over again. Go ahead. Deny he's a liar. It fits.
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
"If it wasn't for the low-IQs of Trumptard nation," That statement right there is a part of the reason people turned out to vote for him. Think of Clinton with her deplorable speech. That sort of smug, know it all attitude is just exuded by leftists and so people thought, I'll show those motherfuckers what-for and pulled the lever for the man.
If you want your side to ever win another election, you might want to think about presenting your own fucking ideas instead of standing on a street corner like a crazy hobo yelling about how much you hate Donald Trump.
(Long Spike)
Cherry picked out of context statements on what ifs and politeness. Yeah.. not worth my time. If you cared, this can be debunked in seconds of searching. Maybe you just post this to rile some people up. I am noting the post so I don't have to respond anymore.
(Long Spike)
eh, you are 250 points away from 5k. I've been slipping you and others points for some time now.
(Old Spike)
Hillary Clinton decided to go ahead and release the 33,000 emails she deleted.
Just kidding, why would she ever do that and risk being indicted and sent to prison for using her public office for private gain.
(Long Spike)
Hillary Clinton? What the fuck are you talking about? Fullanal, Hillary Clinton has been irrelevant for almost a year and your dear leader Trump, a pathological liar with a narcissistic personality disorder and clear signs of dementia, has been president for almost a year. Accomplishing nothing. None of his "Promises" have come to fruition and he's the laughingstock of the world. Oh I know, but Hillary........ Move on. I hated Hillary. I thought the last election had the worst choices in U.S. history and when people pulled the arm of the one-armed bandit, they elected a buffoon, your hero.
You have that reamarkable ability that Trump's moron supporters have to justify anything Trump does by saying "Hillary would have done worse, so Trump being a lying con artist buffoon is OK." It's going to be a great documentary 20 years from now interviewing all of the suckers that Trump easily conned. They will jump right out and admit they were suckers I'm sure.
(Long Spike)
Complaining about someone who lost an election 11 months ago is how Trumptards deal with having a President who's done fuckin' bullshit for almost an entire year.
(Site Moderator)
Thats basic trumpitism. Deflect any criticism and shift focus on how shitty the opponent was.
(Old Spike)
I'm not complaining about Hillary dumb ass. I'm simply pointing out the utter hypocrocy of demanding Trump do something he has no legal obligation to do and then accusing him of criminal behavior for not doing; while completely ignoreing the fact that Hillary Clinton LITERALLY COMMITTED A CRIMINAL ACT by destroying records which she by law was required to turn over.
Again, this is another reason people are beginning to stand up to leftist. Rules are for everyone except people and politicans who push the leftist agenda. Those people get a free pass and anyone who talks about them needs to shut up and more on because "reasons".
(Long Spike)
So she LITERALLY COMMITTED A CRIMINAL ACT and yo' boy ain't doing shit about it...but you're here shitting your pants over Hillary eleven months later while you accuse Eh of still being upset about the 2016 election?
Big old pots. Big old kettles.
(Long Spike)
He can't do anything about it legally. Once she was allowed to continue to be his opponent as a primary winner, that she won fair and square, she became practically untouchable as you are not allowed to go after you political rival. See Dictatorship and why that is a no-no.
(Old Spike)
Please never change. The more you little Marxist morons run around the net labeling people "uneducated" and "trumptards" etc. etc. just because they happen to reject the marxist ideology of modern Democrats, the more you bolster support for Donald Trump. Thank you.
(Long Spike)
LOLOLOL "Uneducated" and "Trumptards" are people who support a pathological liar when he tells a lie on video and they support him regardless. Thank YOU for making it obvious just how stupid you and people like you are. It's something new every day but today Trump and his supporters, faced with the fact that hiding the obvious clear truth that his tax plan is for the benefit of the richest 1%, have gone with a sham that changes who can be defined as middle class, thus easily once again conning the morons who support him regardless of what action he takes.
He has his idiot supporters believing that they will be able to buy a new car with $1,000 and remodel their new mansions. Again, thanks for making it clear just how stupid you really are. Keep up your support of a pathological liar.
(Long Spike)
(Long Spike)
The classic "I am not" Trumptard defense, devoid of any fact or proof of position. Very effective when presented to stupid people. Good job.
(Long Spike)
In a country where the left has made people hate the rich, even though their champion a 100 year old looking, loud talking, 3 house owning, not in the 99% whatsoever, fucking hypocrite, why in the hell would you release your Tax returns if you didn't have to just to give the left reasons to help disassociate you from the common person. Divisive left is divisive. I can already hear the stupid talk shows, "Trump made 42 million last year and through loopholes, he has had to pay only 28k in taxes." While they spill this BS, they will conveniently leave out the fact that he has complained about the loopholes for a very long time, and has mentioned he would be an idiot not to take advantage.
Common Sense if you ask me. Maybe this is your "birth-er" equivalent.
(Long Spike)
Yeah, there's absolutely no precedent at all for a President or even a Presidential candidate to release their tax returns. I mean, it's not like the past 35+ years of Presidential candidates have even released their tax returns so asking Trump to do the same is completely unfair and very biased.