I herby represent the estate of one "Rusty Shackleford"
It was in fact concluded in the aftermath that this Man was wrongly convicted to a ban he did not deserve.
Furthermore, I leave it upon the Admins to deliberate a trial and date to be present here at the Spikednation
for a defense trial on his behalf. The prosecution is accused of the following: Wrongful ban and out of line conduct.
We've addressed and met with clinical professionals who are willing to take the stand and testify to the following..
"The insecurities one might establish upon being faced with new information that falsifies past or relevant information is enough to scar
core opinions or ideas. It's subjective to humiliation if they feel it can be achieved or simply aled by dismissal at the forefront altogether."
We have a classic open and shut book case of No dick syndrome to defend and me and my client look forward to our Trial.
Thank you fellow Spikednationals.
(Old Spike)
admins are out there, they can't be bargained with, they can't be reasoned with, they don't feel pity or remorse or fear, and they absolutely will not stop… EVER, until you are banned!
Drunk with E-power I tells you. I'd watch your backs if I were all of you.
It's only a matter of time until Nake is fully integrated into the mindset of 'Lord of the Flies'
P.S. To whom it may concern.
Why was Skeptoid even banned? No, I do not know them personally. Yes, I've been here since 2005 and I've seen worse then them... Just wondering what the massive issue was.
(Old Spike)
I like spiked a lot more now that he's gone. I usually just skipped his videos.
(Old Spike)
i say this as a joke but i'm also serious about it, i've put a lot of thought into it. its the geopolitics of the site. skeptoid was a contention point on the site. the things he would say and post, the arguments it would the spiral into and the posts that would come from that aren't happening anymore. its great because you got a chance at having a conversation but it also has a downside. when those arguments aren't happening, we have a tendency to get together and start arguing with a specific user
I always thought it made for some pretty interesting debate personally.
Half of it was conspiracy the other half was just differing points of view. Then a few handful of times I found myself agreeing with them on some pretty poignant subjects. Which I know saying here will do me no favour, though it was fun having them here while it lasted. At least for me since I wasn't going to War with them on their posts but some of those arguments were rather interesting to say the least.
(Long Spike)
theres only 10 spikedusers left.
I imagine many of them have died of the years quite honestly.
We should try and build the site up a bit, we all chip in 10 bucks for an ad that says "yo are users are all dying, come join!"
Or something equally ridiculous haha.
over* (obviously)
(Site Administrator)
well, i've had half a bottle of bourbon, time to deal with this.
what is it again? no dick syndrome... yeah sounds like proper legal representation, let me show you who who's got no dick.
i'd like to start with my opening statement: who the fuck are you and why should you keep your account?
and scene:
No.... Skeptoid.
No........ Scienott
No.........................YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE FUCKER! (Just kidding)
I've been an atendee since 2005 sent here by a old friend from MSN messenger who quite honestly is likely Dead now in remembering some of their past comments made before they disappeared and as a testament to my earlier comment.
Umm...... Because I'm willing to chip in on adspace purhaps? ALSO I'd just prefer that rusty's account and IP be unbanned if anything overall. and just for overall badass measure I guess I'll throw in this video while I'm at it.
Walter White - I Am The One Who Knocks
(Site Administrator)
(Site Administrator)
okey dokey, let's go over a couple of things.
yeah, currently the site has no way to donate. this is something that in the sites current incarnation hasn't been addressed.
you've rocked onto the site with some sort of perceived authority or leverage for lack of a better term. well if you're the one that knocks i'm a bick fuck off oaken door with "no junk mail" tastefully written in comic sans with bold, italic, and underlined all clicked.
I've been monitoring your comments and you seem benign which leads me to believe you're doing this for a good reason. which is why i'm going to hear you out.
rusty wanted skeptoids account back. that's not going to happen and why his account was deleted and ip blocked.
make your case for me unblocking his ip and letting him have a new account.
I don't exactly re-call ever posting saying anything to the tone of 'directly' unbanning Skeptoid, however it is purhaps possible I made a remark that would allude to such things... Hm, well I did happen to make an off the cuff joke about them being the future meet-n-greet host though that's kind of irrelevant clearly. If that were to ever happen, you know that people there would very likely start throwing around the barbecue arrangements and potato salads etc that Skeptoid would have worked so strenuously hard on. Dude would take a shit in the backyard, Danman would argue in Chinese that the hotdogs are too cold. It would all likely be an Ordeal for all there, more or less. Though I'll leave that to your imagination/everyone elses to decide on whether or not that would even remotely be a worthwhile undertaking in the slightest. I imagine not, though let's be honest everyone loves a good potato salad under usual expected or otherwise common circumstances. Likely even more so now when considering the current state of the World. Does Skeptoid even make a good Potato salad..?
Who knows, what I do know is this, if pressed..
I would probably vote to let them back in if it were an option being offered up, though I don't exactly see anyone or anything stepping aside and offering or trying to make that sort of a thing a point of priority for the site to have an ability to give their 2 cents on those possible decisions, via poll or whatever.. At least not yet, for the time being. While considering the fact that this isn't really their Trial, I figure we can finally get onto the dessert of this cookout before Danman decides to take all of our cutlery and exchanges them for Paper Chopsticks. (More affordable for the economy) Maybe besides the point however..
As sal9000 had already pointed out earlier.. This is hardly a Democracy. Which is slightly comedic to some extents because there feels at times to be a anti-Communism Russian sentiment on occasion, however we do not need to tread down those waters in order to get a proper grasp on the topic being talked about here today. Considering that is simply a matter of opinion, and one that is entirely not needed here when referring to any kind of witnessing pertaining to any fine details of the Trial at hand. On the note of when it comes to a fair viewing & evaluation of the Case that is currently being presented.
It's difficult to say what Country this court will closest represent, though we will present this case to a level that is sufficent.
As for the matter of the donations thing, yeah that could be alright. Although id want to see the Admins actually either drop it on the server bill or show us where the ad's are showing. Not that I would really expect that, though I think you get the idea.
(As for the other thing, I'd rather not get ass-kissy with anyone here, so I will just say that is kind of you to say)
I mean, it's not exactly like any of us should expect the site to go full "The Wolf of Wall Street" or anything. Though I imagine some funds would at least keep the polls rotating or whatever motivation it would key into in order for the site to grow further, though to be perfectly honest.. I kind of dig the niche crowd. People come and go and some never return, If it got much bigger id probably consider investing in stock so we can dominate "the inernets" as it were. Though unless you're the Steve Jobs equivalent of Spikednation ..I am more or less just leaning into the idea that a donations page would at the minimum be an alright addition to work towards keeping things smooth for the Site overall in the general sense of things. Not to get too captain obvious/far off base, tho Spikednation has always seemed a far bit more in-depth of a crowd than the general yt audience so in saying so I would kind of imagine there's likely a market for that somewhere to be had. Clearly none of us are here sitting around hanging out with Danman's concubines sipping on whatever drink of ones own choice obviously... So in that essence without further ado we can move onto the other main important matter at hand.... LET THE TRIAL BEGIN!
This is the moment I have waited for, I have collected my information and I am ready to present the case of my Client.
Now.. There is undenyable proof, despite my clients previous notions to this Court that he may have alluded to such an idea of one 'Skeptoid's' alleged unbanning, you surmise that my client has been demanding, I do not believe this to be the outcome. I would go as far as to suggest to you all that no such statements were ever made! not only were they not ever once made! Infact they were never even once alluded to at all! ..Now before we continue on. If you all would reference and take a look at the projector below..
Exhibit A: [Of this year] Friday September 9th - 10:31 - Friday September 9th - 18:00 - Friday September 9th - 22:07
As you can see in the image above, my client is subjected to the response of both yourself at 22:07 as well as Dude's response at 18:00 ...Is that correct? *Presumes that you nod yes* ..Very well. As you will see here, you appear to be inadvertently confusing my client with his fellow Spikednational 'Dude' in the manner that Dude alludes to in his tone under the very first sentence in Exhibit A. This written statement in question comes off suggesting as if my client had some sort of demanding Tone with the userbase when in fact the only 2 previous made comments that were made by him on the entire comment section of that particular video only pertained to the original video that was being discussed and along with that, speculation as to my clients Identity. To have ones own identity questioned is laden to all kinds of repercussion. Judge we are not counter sueing the Defense but we are seeking relief for the initial charges. If there are or happen to be any arising disputes on a particular set of evidence at this current time or a later date, we can further review them upon taking any needed extra time for cross-examination of the evidence submitted for entry into documentation, if necessary.
*Goes to grab Exhibit B* .....Well... Let's not go pillaging the Court now your Honour's. We can move past Exhibit B unless the prosecution cares for us to present it later, I think we can move onto the last bit here before closing statements.
To the Judge and the Jury, I would suggest that the origins of this very site rest upon the Integral factor of being allowed to be Humorous! The Spikednation may have changed in name though its foundations remain harder than a bedrock of nails!
Exhibit C: Sunday June 26th - 2005 - approximately - 00:32
*Walks in circles among the Court* ...Now, some may try and argue that these times have come and left.. However is that truly any excuse for any of us to get overly hasty and reactive with one another like a bunch of outlaws fighting over the last piece of KFC in the bucket until all else around are dead? Unless we are to be expected to directly attack upon all. For nothing more than our vastly differing opinions.. Judge... Ladies & Gentleman of the Spikednational Jury, I would express to you that my client deserves justice and another opportunity to take back access to the site with their own IP & Username.
As you will see upon observation of the original video listing, that there was much in-fighting over the entire ordeal, a sign that there was no direct correlation or certainty on on the accuracies or inaccuracies of information ...yada yada, something about a shoe or a glove fitting and aquitting. Fair to say that varying opinion is a quality some would argue we should all welcome here in conveying our viewpoints to one another! Furthermore.. if we can't agree on something it's subject to dispute. I would suggest to the jury that the proceedings that my client sat through were not that of a concise or unanimous outcome in determining an admission of guilt for the accused offense that my client did not commit!!
Now... If for a moment on the projector we could please pull up Exhibit C:
Ah.. Here we can see above that there are the said actions in previous reference being disputed to whatever amounts, on display for the Court to witness and deliberate upon... Ladies & Gentlemen of the Spikednation.. I propose to you that my client, "Rusty Shackleford" should be put free from this lashing of an IP/Account Ban. Purhaps my clients attitude was a bit unambiguously one sided.. However, Whose isn't at times I ask of you!?!? Un-banning my client is something we should see to in order to maintain the core principles of the Spikednation. Thank you to all attendants of the Jury. Judge, I rest my case.
(Old Spike)
ban this guy already. coming in defending a nobody. saying he's been here since 2005 but doesn't know whats going on and he didn't realize i said something from terminator
The hell are you on about? You mean the fucking War in Europe? hahahaha.
I was always a T2 guy anways if we're talking movies... besides you should be quoting HAL not Terminator.
(Site Administrator)
wait, you're rusty arn't you.
(Site Administrator)
*sigh* why you made me endure all of this subterfuge is beyond me.
and when i straight up ask who you are still you keep up the facade.
you want your account back? fine, i'm gonna give it to you. however since you lead me on this joy ride that'll be next year. so ask me after jan 1 and we'll see how i feel then.
(Old Spike)
so, mistermike1992, rustyshakleford. guy whos been here since 2005. where you from? you kind of a have a funny way of talking
I currently reside in Canada.
(Old Spike)
obviously canada... thats not what i asked but i guess we'll deal with that first
this is a picture you posted of a comment
this is picture i took of that same comment no place is canada, puts you into the next day
so, where you from? cause you don't talk like an australian
(Site Administrator)
Once again, I reside in Canada. I've been all over the place over the years. Canada/T.C.I./U.S. I'm not really sure why it's of any concern, though hopefully that helps you out.
(Old Spike)
living in canada with your rig 14 hours head. taking screenshots of comments while not logged in, pasting base64 code images, you're an interesting fellow
Haha, sure am. I guess.
(Old Spike)
ah yes. look at us. just a couple of canadians
so, who's you're favorite canadian? mine is leo major. the guy gets a lot of praise for single handily capturing a town and 100 german soldiers but in the korean war, him and the boys ran across enemy lines and started shooting the chinese from behind. legend
Uhh... I don't think I have a favourite person period. If I had to pick... Terry Fox, I would suppose.
(Old Spike)
terry fox is a great guy
Others would say that I am the Mack Daddy of Heimlich County, and I play it straight up yo.
(Long Spike)
If I haven't been banned I'm suprized anybody has been banned :D
(Site Administrator)
wait what happened to your other account?
(Long Spike)
It got wiped after that 6 months of site data was lost a year ago. There was some news topic about it a year ago. Had some quality videos on there D: