Fri, 2022-10-28 23:16 — Nakey Adam Savage Reacts to Auto-Transforming Optimus Prime! Video of Adam Savage Reacts to Auto-Transforming Optimus Prime! 4.333335 Average: 4.3 (6 votes)
(Old Spike)
That is just....... beyond 800$ worth of moneys. Only downside.... you have to go into basketball guard mode for every transformation or hire one.
(Site Moderator)
$749 Not actually that bad
(Site Administrator)
Saw this last week and considered sharing it here but was afraid. Nice one!...nerd. ;-)
(Old Spike)
Dude ..... i share musicals while im shredding on my board m8....... don't be afraid to be you!..... You know this!
Edit: i said shredding..... more like shedding, getting old m8, last time i did i kickflip i got a concussion!.......see cause you think you know.
Dawg anything Optimus Prime.......... i fucking pay for it!..... that and Robocop 1 and maybe a little Spawn
(Site Administrator)
Yer right! And Adam Savage really did the best review. You can tell he genuinely loves this thing.