#1 Thing Destroying Men.


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front pageLe roi de Belgique

He convinced me so i shut down the video at 2:05 and stopped using youtube for ever :)


I never heard so much bullshit i do my best work being comfortable my mind takes me places, i come to conclusions i never would have dreamed of otherwise, while this may be the case for most this theory is not applicable to just everyone, you are going to have enough stress anyway no matter how comfortable you are, there is no perfect life and even that would translate in boredom hence initiative to something else.

It is all who you are to begin with.

Some handle stress better, some handle comfort better.

If he is saying that an uncomfortable life is better for you and you should seek it out, i call it bullshit, we have been perfecting and making things more comfortable for thousands of years; why?

Because it is an initiative we take.


It is a daunting task to make things comfortable,


it is what the world revolves around.

Name 1 thing you own that does not add to your comfort level from an electrical socket to the roof on your house to the blanket you sleep under, to the blender or toaster, or the chair you sit on, everything that is sold or bought is to add comfort to ppl's life, even the clothes you wear.

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