Desantis Comments on Trump's Extradition


Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

What this guy said is all bullshit, skeletons come out the closet today because trump is being financially audited because of his previous endeavors, they make it seem political, but this is just how the justice system works, you get attention for one financial offence they go years back and dig up all fraud skeletons.


This would be with you with me, so why not with him?


Start frauding on your taxes, years later when they catch on they find stuff from the year you started your fraud, they will turn your books inside out and rip you a new one, nothing political, depending on the situation and what they were investigating you to begin with you will be trialed bit by bit.


Throw the insurrection charges on top of it and you will be staring down the halls of prison for a very long time, because someone who is in prison appearing in court for other not in your favor.. 

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theblackswordsman's picture
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What previous endeavors?

He is being charged with an alleged misdemeanor that is being illegitimately blown up into a felony, that allegedly happened 6 1/2 years ago when the statute of limitations is 5.

Meanwhile, Bush isn't in prison for war crimes or treason, Clinton isn't in prison for perjury, Obama isn't in Prison for war crimes or treason, but Trump must be charged with anything possible because orange man bad.

Impossible to tell right now, but I have a feeling they might back off on this, because this will blow up in their faces by making him a martyr while growing his support and galvanizing his base.

I wouldn't be surprised if there are mass protests that are sabotaged like Jan 6th either.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I thought you knew everything...


When you are under investigation they investigate everything.

Since they went all the way back to the time of stormy daniel, the investigation is almost over, why did it take so long to get trough it all, because Trump had a business that is quite big. Long time to investigate.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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So let me get this straight. The government that blatantly stole millions from the convoy and illegally froze bank accounts of Canadian Trump supporters is all of a sudden humanitarians about ALLEGED stolen money from Trump Supporters.

Don't buy it for a second.

These people lie and lie and lie about everything to you every day. I don't expect them to start telling the truth now.

Guardian is also the same paper that said "fitness is a gateway to the far right." lol

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I don't know about all that i am just stating how the system works...and if you gather funds to block traffic in cities, they might seize the money, nothing weird about that.


And are you so blind that you don't realize that there must be proof of this and Trump knows it, otherwise he would have filed a defamation claim.


And forget about the guardian read the bloomberg one.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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It's not their money and not their right, They didn't earn it they should mind their own business. But that's not how totalitarianism works.

And Desantis was 100% correct about a lot of crimes not being prosecuted. Robberies, thefts, vandalism, violent antifa demonstrations etc. They get arrested, and the DA's let them go. And 1000's of District Attrourneys in democrat counties are directly on Soros' payroll. Soros has said before his number one goal is to watch America die. And destroying the rule of law is a good way to do that. Our nations haven't followed the rule of law since they they implemented mandates. Mandates are illegal, Kings rule that way not elected officials.

Bloomberg and Reuters are no better, they also lie.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

- Then why did Trump file no defamation claim?

- Money can be seized at any time, if it is found to be for malicious intent... that is the law

- you make a lot of claims here with no ground other then your opinion.


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theblackswordsman's picture
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Maybe defamation is not the right tool. There is more than one way to skin a rabbit. Perhaps going through with the persecution will be more effective as I outlined, it will do a lot of good for his 2024 campaign. 

Except the convoy wasn't malicious. It was a peaceful protest that fed the community and brought people together. I was there every day. We also showed people what a serious yet peaceful protest was, which is you don't leave until government obeys or they violate your rights while the world watches.

Government blockaded the world for 2 years before that event. But if the people who ARE the country, not politicians, decide it's time for a blockade all of a sudden that's bad? No. The door swings both ways, and we are the ones that will suffer any consequence to demonstrate that.

In the end, this isn't about nailing trump over some money. Politicians pass money and take money non stop everywhere. This about Trump saying things like they are, and people speaking freely is what terrifies them the most.

China Virus, calling ms13 filthy animals, Saying mass immigration is an invasion, His statements were simple and powerful, and all of this while healing our economy, energy was flowing, American manufacturing was growing again, china was diminishing, People were remembering America, The ruling class wants America dead, not resurrected like a phoenix. And that's why at all costs that can't allow him in office again. He will ruin everything they are doing.

In reference to your addendum, My claims are presented as disasters befall you. I explain why they are happening, and I call a lot of balls before they drop. Not because I'm some genius, but because once you understand what the destination is (Enslavement and Ruin) You can see the towns along the way. 

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I wanted to add - A mandate or decree exists since the beginning of civilization from the ancient Greeks to the Egyptians.

You call it a peaceful protest, i call it terrorism

You despise the government but they should take my kids when i teach them about minorities...

You seem to disagree with everything i say, and come up with crazy talk so i will go to sleep now nighty night

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theblackswordsman's picture
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It doesn't matter how old mandates are. What matters is that Republics and democracies have the rule of law. Laws can only be made by a meeting of elected LEGISLATURE Typically a house of representatives and Senate. They need to vote on the law first in the house, then the senate, and then it is either signed into law or vetoed by the President or prime minister. Anything that does not go through that full process is illegal and illegitimate,

There are some laws that go through that process even that are still illegal and illegitimate, but that's a whole can of worms for another time.

If you think the convoy was terrorism then you are a pussy that doesn't know what terrorism is. Antifa beating and harrassing innocent citizens in the streets, BLM burning down entire communities, The violence and looting perpetrated by the Kenosha protests, The dude that ran over a bunch of people at a christmas parade because he was "Fighting racism" 

THAT is what terrorism looks like.

I never said government should ttake you kids. I said that government should not Permit transvestites to have strip shows and dirty dancing in front of kids or teach minors about sexual ideology. Really nobody should be teaching Kids about sex except parents, like the good old days.


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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

you said - "The wellbeing of societies children IS my business. You have no business being a parent. You don't deserve your children, your children certainly don't deserve parents that will hand them over to predators and brainwash." 


Where do you think my children will go? If not government care?


-You need to understand the difference of a mandate and a law, mandate falls in the laws.


I am a pussy for not knowing what terrorism is?

"the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives"

---The convoy may not have been violent but all the rest fits, let's take the violent factor out of it and see.

"the unlawful use of force against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives"


You start finger pointing at Antifa and BLM, about individuals violence, is that rely the measuring stick at wish you want to be measured at?

you seem to distanciate yourself from them.

Not surprising since you don't like homo's and foreigners


And for once answer the questions, and don't start rambling about other stuff, i answer all your questions.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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What I said to you about your parenting was to give you pause for thought about their mental wellbeing about what you expose them to. Taking them to a transvestite strip show or intentionally exposing them to people that advertise their sexual choices in their appearance is not harmless. Same can be said about expose them to the lies of the school system in this day and age. Their minds are like putty, they believe anything is real that you expose them to up to about the age of 8 unless you explicitly teach them otherwise.

Children need to spend their childhood being children and it's your responsibility as their father to protect them from harmful influence. If you can't see how depraved it is to be doing sexy dancing and filling their heads with gay ideas, then I don't know what to tell you. 

Let's say you believe you are born being gay, or gender dysphoric and it's not a choice. Then you don't need anyone teaching them that because they will figure it our. Now IF they never had any of this influence and they actually feel this way by the time they are an adult then you can talk about it. But since people are not born this way, and they are influenced into these lifestyles, that's why they seek to push this onto children, to encourage them to become a biological dead end and not have children. It's really about depopulation. Many influences in society are about depopulation. It is very insidious and evil.

I hope that provides a well rounded an answer to your question. If not, then try to define for me what is still unanswered.

"The convoy may not have been violent but" But nothing, it was not started as a violent movement, it did not conduct a violent movement, It did not use fear either. We took care of the community, everyone was welcomed to participate. We fed people, we cleaned up not only after ourselves daily, we also took care of citizens garbage and took them to the dump at our own expense. We left emergency lanes open in residential areas, even the blockaded bridges had an emergency lane open. When counter protestors showed up we invited them to voice their grievances and present their arguments. Doesn't mean we agreed, but we listened. 

The people that were bitter comparatively were very few, and so they made themselves look like victims to provide reasons for government to VIOLENTLY disperse it in the end. I was there and arrested the first day they marched against us. They beat people with sticks and the butts of their rifles, they shot tear gas canisters directly at people, and many of them were very unprofessional in their treatment to the arrested. 

So, there was no violence except from government and a few individuals from counter protests. The only fear that existed is what people who disagreed with our position made up to look like victims. In 16 years I have lived here, I never felt safer than the month they were here, and crime rates actually dropped despite half the Ottawa police force either taking leave or quitting because they didn't want to do Trudeau's dirty work.

Protesting is not asking the government for anything. It is not appealing to their mercy or gratitude. It is holding their self interest above their heads to demand obedience. Rights are not given to you, they are taken and defended.


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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

you said

"Let's say you believe you are born being gay, or gender dysphoric and it's not a choice. Then you don't need anyone teaching them that because they will figure it our. Now IF they never had any of this influence and they actually feel this way by the time they are an adult then you can talk about it. But since people are not born this way, and they are influenced into these lifestyles, that's why they seek to push this onto children, to encourage them to become a biological dead end and not have children. It's really about depopulation."


It's about teaching them about other lifestyles minorities and freaks as you would call it,

not about putting things in their head, or to be gay, 

You speak about depopulation as if it is a conspiracy by the gay's.

Depopulation is needed not that transvestites would contribute to that,

O i forgot i was talking to a global warming denier, lets make more kids, as many as we can, and die in our own smog. 


You said

"It is not appealing to their mercy or gratitude. It is holding their self interest above their heads to demand obedience. Rights are not given to you, they are taken and defended."


That is also the ideology of terrorists, but terrorism aside, that is not protesting BTW just because of having to wear a mask you inconvenience 14 million ppl, you guy's made an absolute fool of yourselves.

To say it in a winey todlers voice, "I don't wanna wear a mask" "trump won" 

Karens and Kevins


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theblackswordsman's picture
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Or wait until children come of age to educate them about people's sexual choices. Childhood is for play, learning about their interests that can become skills, strengthening the bond of family, and in school it's about the fundamentals of reading, writing, history, scientific method, civics and arithmetic.

Depopulation is not an agenda by the gays, it's just a small part of it. It's also about fluoride in the water, dumbing down education and literacy, Food supply being centralized to mega corporations that poison it, deterioration of health care, welfare states, debauching currency to make it harder to provide for your children, Telling women to focus on careers in their child bearing years so the clock rus out on starting a family, wars, famine, intentional mismanagement of resources, energy shortages, assaulting small scale decentralized farming and on and on.

You call me a climate denier, and I say you take the word of climate liars.

The earth is not overpopulated, it is rich and abundant enough to sustain 100 times as much. They tell you nitrogen and carbon dioxide are bad, when in fact they are essential to photo synthesis in plants and agriculture. They are pushing complete psychosis onto people.

The ideology of terrorists is to use violence to achieve their aims.

The belief of patriots is to stand up for the weak and stop deceptive abusers from asserting their will on the population with lowest amounts of force possible, but ultimately any means neccessary if things get bad enough.

It wasn't about masks, it was about ruling by mandate VIOLATING  the rule of law and coercing medical procedures onto people against their will, violating health privacy by exposing health information to employers. And attempting to rape your body with untested gene therapy that even the director of the CDC who is testifying before congress right now claims is dangerous. It was also about violating the charter of fight and freedoms by denying freedom of assembly, freedom of expression showing your face in public is expression, censorship of anyone that had claims contrary to the ever changing narrative. You see every time we poked holes in their logic they had to change the story and falsely proclaimed that science was evolving, when in fact their lies were adapting to the truth.

We can start with two weeks to flatten the curve and vaccine passports are conspiracy theory. 

The last straw is when we would have less invasive peaceful protests in our communities police would arrest us ad shut down our voice, so we decided to rally together and collectively ensure they physically could stop our protest without great difficulty.

Mandates are for kings, if you want a law passed it gets a vote by elected representation, not some orders from an UNELECTED health committee. Not elected, then you are nothing and will never be obeyed by by anyone who knows this.

See if what they were doing was legitimate then a law should easily pass when put to a vote by representatives. If it's not legitimate you will use any other means to dupe people into subservience.

And if our representative pass authority onto the UN ELECTED  U.N. or WHO in a health treaty for future crises, it is also illegitimate and will be fought over to the death. Constitutions are the eternal law of the land, and the 9th amendment explicitly states that future amendments cannot be passed that infringe on the rights of the previous amendments. There are no exceptions or crises that suspend the constitution or removing, no laws, and certainly not martial law or emergency powers.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Also, why can't I separate my paragraphs by pressing Enter any more?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Site was directly rerouting me to a malicious IP, 6 hours ago

You went to summer camp? maybe you remember these 2 rugrats


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theblackswordsman's picture
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Actually, the summer camp I went to was very diverse, skin color was invisible to us at that age. We learned things like canoeing, making campfires, camping, rock climbing and archery.

As amazing as this show is, I fail to see what that has to do with what were discussing. But a laugh is always appreciated.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Just joking :)

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