Leopard 2 has entered the chat


Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

There are no Leopards on the field right now they are still in training, this is a few different drone footages mixed together so it looks like leopards got hit.

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danman's picture

compulsive liar has entered the chat

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Pdub's picture

The entire war is AI generated.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Even trustworthy sources confirmed destruction of 1 leopard tank today. Not that this would be anything unusual in a war. One would expect a "world power" to destroy quite a few of them rather quickly, lol. Now we have to wait and see how the counter offensive develops. 

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danman's picture

while it's too early to call it what the result will be, we can assess the first 4-7 days of fighting... so far it's been going very badly for the side with the nazi symbols on their tanks.

it looks like it's more of a political stunt than a serious attempt to change the strategic conditions.

could even be based on using up these weapons to keep the gravy train flowing.

to sum up the fighting, it's like a game of tower defense with half-assed waves of attackers that can barely penetrate the outposts on the front lines, let alone the proper defensive lines beyond that.

their goal looks to be to cut the land bridge to Crimea, in the vicinity of Melitopol... so we'll see how far they get.

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